3D printer onderwijs

3D printen op school | 3D printen & 3D ontwerpen

3D printen op school

De 21e eeuwse vaardigheden komen binnen onderwijsinstellingen steeds meer op, zodat de leerlingen werken aan hun creativiteit, digitale geletterdheid en kritisch denkvermogen. Het werken aan de 21e eeuwse vaardigheden zorgt er ook voor dat leerlingen in aanraking komen met nieuwe technologieën. Technologieën die nu en in de toekomst steeds belangrijker worden, een perfect voorbeeld is 3D printen. Werken met een 3D printer (en dan voornamelijk met de ontwerpsoftware) zorgt voor de ontwikkeling van het creatief denkvermogen en het ruimtelijk inzicht van de leerlingen. 3D printen wordt bovendien steeds belangrijker voor het bedrijfsleven. Het is daarom belangrijk dat de leerlingen van nu, nu al bekend worden met 3D printen. Het implementeren van 3D printen op school zorgt ervoor dat uw leerlingen een stapje voor hebben. Zij hebben een stapje voor in een wereld waar de 3D techniek sterk in ontwikkeling is.

Een compleet pakket, speciaal voor het onderwijs

Bij 3D printer & onderwijs.nl hebben wij ons gespecialiseerd in de implementatie van 3D printen op school. Bij de aanschaf van een 3D printer is het in onze ogen het belangrijkst, dat scholen goed opgeleid worden in het gebruik van de 3D printer en de 3D ontwerpprogramma’s. Zonder de juiste kennis en begeleiding zal de 3D printer niet optimaal op school ingezet kunnen worden. Daarom zorgen wij met workshops, lesmateriaal en support dat scholen de 3D techniek beheersen en direct aan de slag kunnen met 3D printen. Alles vindt u in één pakket, het Educatiepakket 3D printen! Hiervoor werken wij samen met Doodle 3D & Ultimaker.

In het Educatiepakket 3D printen vindt u naast de 3D printer, de overige hardware en de gebruiksmaterialen:

  • Een workshop 3D printen
  • Lesmateriaal 3D printen
  • Stapsgewijze handleidingen
  • De installatie van de hard- en software
  • Support bij vragen

Bekijk het Educatiepakket voor 3D printen op school hier!

3D printers

Bent u benieuwd naar de werking en/of de verschillen tussen 3D printers? Wij vertellen u graag meer.


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Waarom 3D printen op school?

Werken met een 3D printer, en de daarbij behorende 3D software, vergroot het creatief denkvermogen en technisch inzicht van leerlingen.

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Onder andere deze scholen zijn al begonnen met het Educatiepakket 3D printen!

Thamen VMBO

Sol Admiraal

SOL Villa Ambacht


Atheneum Veurne

Stichting INOS

St. Bernardus Schiedam

FPO Rijnmond

St. Willibrordus

Ubbo Emmius

De Zijlen

ASV Bilderdijkpark

ROC Mondriaan

Comenius College

Esdal College

Actief College


Bernard Nieuwentijt

Christiaan Huygens

PCBO Kastanjelaan

’t Talent


Praktijkschool de Brug

Gymnasium Haganum

obs Anne Frank

W. J. Bladergroen

St Bernardus Deventer

Wijhe Capellenborg

Arentheem College

PCBO ’t Bolwerk


De Parel – CSG De Waard

Baissschool de Schakel

Peelland College

St. Jozef MAVO

Marnix Gymnasium

Bisschop Bekkers Lyceum

Burg. Harmsma school

RSG ’t Rijks

obs De Viermaster

Lyceum Ypenburg

Wolfert Lyceum

De Klimboom Best

De wadden Molenwijk

Stichting o2a5

Koningin Emmaschool

Prinses Beatrixschool

De Wadden Boerhaave

WP kindergemeenschap

Broeckland College

Melanchthon Kralingen

Twents Carmel College

Archipel scholen

Ixperium Nijmegen


Farel College

Krimpenerwaard College

3D printer & Onderwijs.nl werkt onder andere samen met:

Waarom 3D-printen met leerlingen in het (basis)onderwijs?

Steeds minder kinderen kiezen voor een technische opleiding, met alle gevolgen voor de Nederlandse concurrentiepositie in de internationale economie van dien. Om mee te kunnen doen in de mondiale economie zal de maakindustrie weer aantrekkelijk moeten worden voor leerlingen. Het is dus nu tijd om te investeren in onderwijs dat kinderen nieuwsgierig maakt en uitdaagt op het grensvlak van technologie en techniek.

Activiteiten met wetenschap en techniek op school maken kinderen nieuwsgierig en geven ze een beter beeld van deze thema’s. Nieuwsgierigheid en positieve ervaringen zijn de basis voor interesse en talentontwikkeling. Als we ook over 10 jaar voldoende mensen wil hebben om onze kenniseconomie te onderhouden, dan zouden tenminste 4 op de 10 jongeren voor een bèta-technische opleiding moeten kiezen. De weg daar naartoe begint al in het basisonderwijs. En misschien zelfs al bij de kinderen thuis.

Aandacht voor techniek op alle basisscholen in 2020

Het bedrijfsleven, onderwijsinstellingen, werknemersorganisaties, regionale overheid en het Rijk hebben met het Techniekpact 2020 in Nederland afgesproken om de oplopende tekorten in de technieksector te lijf te gaan. Het doel is dat méér jongeren kiezen voor techniek en dat méér werknemers gaan en blijven werken in de techniek. In dit pact staan 22 afspraken die de aansluiting van onderwijs op de arbeidsmarkt in de technieksector versterken en het tekort aan technisch personeel tegengaan. Een van de afspraken is dat in 2020 alle 7.000 basisscholen in Nederland structureel wetenschap en technologie aanbieden.

Leerplankader voor wetenschap en technologie

SLO is in opdracht van het ministerie van OC&W hard aan de slag om, samen met het onderwijsveld, te komen tot leerlijnen Wetenschap & Technologie. Het rapport van de verkenningscommissie omschrijft W&T als “onderzoeken en ontwerpen”. De SLO heeft dit in het leerplankader uitgewerkt naar de volgende drie componenten:

  • Houding (o.a. nieuwsgierig zijn, creativiteit, willen weten, iets willen bereiken, samenwerken, willen innoveren).
  • Vaardigheden en denkwijzen (o.a. onderzoek kunnen doen, kunnen ontwerpen, modelleren, schematiseren, chronologiseren, meetinstrumenten en apparatuur en gereedschap gebruiken).
  • Kennis (o.a. kennis van de ruimte, van de natuur en van de techniek die vooral is gebaseerd op inzicht zoals ecologisch denken en materiaalfunctie. Minder feitenkennis, maar veel meer kennis op een bepaald abstractieniveau).
Onderwijs 2032: Nieuwe accenten voor de toekomst

Het Platform Onderwijs2032 heeft in 2015 in opdracht van de staatssecretaris van Onderwijs een maatschappelijke dialoog gevoerd over de inhoud van het primair en het voortgezet onderwijs. Het doel was te komen tot een visie op de kennis en de vaardigheden die leerlingen moeten opdoen met het oog op (toekomstige) ontwikkelingen in de samenleving. Iedere leerling heeft een basis van vaardigheden en kennis van de wereld nodig om in de maatschappij te kunnen functioneren. Nederlandse taal, rekenen en wiskunde blijven voor alle leerlingen in het primair en het voortgezet onderwijs van belang. Het Platform vindt dat ook Engels, digitale geletterdheid en burgerschap in die basis moeten worden opgenomen.


Digitale geletterdheid en Computational thinking

Het Platform vindt dat werken en leren in de digitale wereld en met nieuwe technologieën tot de kern van toekomstgericht onderwijs behoren. Het gaat om vier onderdelen: dat leerlingen ICT-basiskennis opbouwen, informatievaardigheid ontwikkelen, mediawijs worden en leren begrijpen hoe technologie werkt (computational thinking). Gezien de huidige technologische ontwikkelingen, bijvoorbeeld als het gaat om robotisering of slimme communicatie tussen technologie, vindt het Platform het belangrijk dat leerlingen leren de essentie van computertechnologie te begrijpen en computers kunnen inzetten om een probleem op te lossen. Computational thinking richt zich op de vaardigheden om problemen op te lossen waar veel informatie, variabelen en rekenkracht voor nodig zijn. Het gaat om een verzameling denkprocessen, zoals logisch redeneren, patroonherkenning en systematisch denken. Die leert een leerling door technologie te gebruiken, bijvoorbeeld door kennis te maken met programmeren, te werken met robotica en te experimenteren met 3D-printing. Zulke activiteiten wekken de interesse van leerlingen en geven ze een voldoende basis mee om zich, desgewenst, in deze richting te specialiseren.

Vakoverstijgende vaardigheden

Ook vakoverstijgende vaardigheden behoren wat het Platform betreft tot de vaste basis voor alle leerlingen. De samenleving en de arbeidsmarkt doen een steeds groter beroep op beheersing van vaardigheden die niet zijn gebonden aan een specifiek vak. Een van de vijf vaardigheden die van belang hierbij wordt geacht is creëren: leerlingen kunnen innovatieve oplossingen voor bestaande problemen bedenken en maken. Ze kunnen met hun handen werken, maar ook met moderne technologieën, die in toenemende mate voorhanden zijn. Denk daarbij aan 3D-printers en allerhande elektronica, waarmee jongeren op een laagdrempelige manier kunnen ontwerpen én maken. Leerlingen leren buiten de gebaande paden denken en nieuwe verbanden zien, durven te experimenteren en te onderzoeken. [bron: Ons onderwijs2032, Eindadvies]

De 3D-printer als inspiratie voor wetenschap en techniek in het primair onderwijs en het voortgezet onderwijs

Hoe kan je in de klas het onderwerp wetenschap en techniek leuk en uitdagend maken? Op welke manier wek je de interesse van leerlingen en stimuleer je tegelijkertijd de ontwikkeling van specifieke vaardigheden? Op veel scholen spelen al deze vragen.

Kiezen voor techniek begint met een duidelijk beeld van wat ‘technologie’ of ‘techniek’ is en wat je er in de praktijk mee kunt doen. Kinderen op de (basis)school hebben hier vaak een verkeerd (negatief) beeld over. Dat moeten we veranderen en het begint, volgens ons, daarom bij het creëren van de verwondering die wetenschap en techniek te bieden heeft. Dezelfde verwondering die iemand heeft als hij/zij voor het eerst een 3D-printer een object ziet maken. Uitdagend techniekonderwijs moet deze verwondering in beginsel gaan bieden, waarbij het ontwikkelen van vaardigheden als creativiteit, ondernemingszin, probleemoplossend vermogen, samenwerking, initiatief, leiderschap en ICT-vaardigheden centraal worden gesteld (21st century skills). Belangrijk hierbij is dat we ons niet alleen richten op de kinderen en leerkrachten, maar ook op de opvoeders die een belangrijke en cruciale rol spelen in het keuzeproces richting vervolgonderwijs.

Onderzoek in relatie tot techniekonderwijs op scholen toont aan:

  • Dat je activiteiten moet laten aansluiten bij de ervaringen, belevingswereld en eventuele misvattingen van leerlingen;
  • Dat de belangrijkste aspecten van techniekonderwijs zijn: doe-ervaringen en oplossen van authentieke problemen;
  • Je vragen moet stellen die leerlingen aanzetten tot kritisch nadenken over het oplossen van een technisch probleem.

Een 3D-printer stimuleert een nieuwsgierige, onderzoekende en probleemoplossende houding. Het bouwen van en werken met een 3D-printer vraagt om onderzoekend en ontwerpend leren, waarmee de benodigde vaardigheden voor de toekomst worden ontwikkeld zoals creativiteit, co-creatie, leren door te doen, ondernemingszin, kritisch en onderzoekend denken.

In ieder kind schuilt een kleine maker

“Kinderen weten nog maar weinig over de geavanceerde technologie van nu, dat je apparaten als een computer bijvoorbeeld ook uit elkaar kunt halen en zelf maken.” Om hen te stimuleren zich hierin te verdiepen en techniek leuk te maken, richtte leraar en ictcoördinator Robin Platjouw op basisschool ’t Slingertouw in Eindhoven het ‘Lab4Makers’ in. Een spannende, open leeromgeving waarin leerlingen sinds 2014 met computers, iPads, 3D-printers en ander materiaal zelf van alles kunnen ontwerpen en maken – digitaal of met de hand. Platjouw: “Het ontdekken dat je bij kleuters stimuleert, wordt eigenlijk vanaf groep 3 weer deels weggestopt door allerlei methodes. In het lab mag je weer kleuter zijn.” De 3D-printers hebben de leerlingen zelf in elkaar gezet. “Het zijn open kasten, zodat je erin kunt kijken en zien hoe de printplaten hun werk doen.” Ze vormen het hart van het makerslab. Met websites als SketchUp en Tinkercat kunnen leerlingen 3D-prints downloaden, aanpassen en eigen ontwerpen maken. Platjouw: “Hierbij komen ook rekenonderdelen als maten en graden om de hoek kijken.” Hele kastelen en dinosaurussen staan inmiddels trots tentoongesteld in de vitrinekast. [bron: Algemene Vereniging van Schoolleider www.avs.nl]

Op zoek naar verborgen talenten

Vanuit verschillende perspectieven is het starten van een 3D-project zeer waardevol voor de leerlingen op een basisschool. Met de 3D-printer is het mogelijk om de essentie van techniek en de werking ervan al lerend te ontdekken. De afstand tussen de eerste verwondering en het experimenteel uitwerken van een idee naar een concreet werkend product of dienst, wordt met de 3D-printer enorm verkort. Zo kan je binnen enkele minuten een object ontwerpen met een 3D-programma en deze uitprinten op een 3D-printer. Je voelt en ziet direct het resultaat en daarmee ook de verbeteringen. De leerlingen komen naast techniek in aanraking met natuurkunde, scheikunde, wiskunde en beeldende vorming. Ze gaan fantaseren, bedenken, ontwerpen, voorbereiden, bouwen, testen en (her)gebruiken. Ook ten aanzien van samenwerking en co-creatie wordt van hen wat gevraagd. Om het project te doen slagen moet iedereen een bijdrage leveren, vertrouwen hebben op elkaars capaciteiten, het werk verdelen, afstemmen en evalueren.

Technolabs van STO ’t Gooi zorgen voor enthousiaste leerlingen
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Rudolf Steiner college over werken met de lasersnijder
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conversion of Ender-3 into a conveyor 3D printer

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American engineer Michael Sgroy did what more than one owner of an inexpensive "prush" probably thought about - he converted his Creality Ender-3 into a conveyor 3D printer, having received an analogue of the Creality 3DPrintMill (CR-30), but much cheaper and with minimal use of custom components.

If you still don't know what 3DPrintMill or conveyor 3D printers are, read this link first. Creality 3DprintMill (pictured below) is one of the most affordable FDM pipeline system options, especially among ready-made commercial offers, but still costs significantly more than the well-established Ender-3 from the same manufacturer - around $540 versus $170-200.

In principle, nothing prevents you from converting a well-deserved old man into a conveyor system, especially since there are no problems with the software: the most popular option is the modification of the Cura slicer by the Blackbelt3D startup, which developed its own conveyor system for sale, but at the same time posted a modified slicer in the public domain. nine0005

Although the remake makes the most of stock parts, some parts will need to be bought, printed or remade: elements will be required to install the portal at an angle, a heated platform will have to be fixed on a 3D printed mount, a more powerful motor will be required to drive the tape, and a hot end You will have to move it a little so as not to scratch the tape. In its current form, the system uses about forty custom 3D printed parts, but half of them are quite small components. nine0005

As Michael explains, the hardest part is the conveyor mechanism itself. First, you need to make rollers. They can be 3D printed, but you can't do without metal cores, otherwise the rollers will deform when the tape is pulled.

The second problem is the tape itself. The product is rather inaccessible, and Michael eventually decided to contact the developers of another analogue - the Powerbelt Zero 3D printer, also relatively inexpensive and with already established production of ribbons, offered separately for $43. nine0005

Current work on EnderLoop is available in the GitHub repository at this link, and below we publish a video of a discussion of the new system between Michael and Adam, one of the developers of the Powerbelt Zero 3D printer.


Other materials:

  • Electron beam melting for printing large parts
  • DM Cu - pure copper powder for binder jet technology
  • New era: polyurethane 3D printing
  • At the 3D battle, schoolchildren created models of the Albazinsky prison, a circus and a cafe
  • A 3D printer for printing residential buildings was developed in the Stavropol Territory

We accept news, articles or press releases
with links and images. [email protected]


An easy way to get rid of the losers in the environment is to start telling them the truth. nine0070

This topic has matured in me for a long time and has not fully matured yet, but I feel that I need to get involved in the battle, and then we'll see.

First I dealt with laziness. Today I deal with deceit. While laziness was alone, she was just laziness. Now there are two of them, and I see this as the formation of my version of the list of deadly sins.

If I endured laziness in my own skin, then I never really suffered from deceit, but I always reacted very strongly to its manifestations in those around me.

On the light side of the force

My grandfather was an ideal communist. He accepted the communist ideology absolutely, and in a constructive sense. Most of his life he worked in the design office as a chief engineer. Invented several electronic devices for trains, by the way. In those days, doing something for the good of the USSR was cool, almost like doing a rap now. If there had been an Internet then, my grandfather would have thrown everyone in the Contact's personal message "I invented semiconductor diodes on silicon crystals, check it out!". The credo of his blog would be "What did you invent today for tomorrow?" :) Okay, let's not branch off. nine0005

As a child, I often listened to his stories. Before meals, during meals, after meals, after school, when I was sick, when I was healthy, before going to bed - in short, at any free time slot, I came to him and asked something, and over time, my requests were reduced to "Grandfather, tell me something". And my grandfather told me.

And every story, and I understood it only recently, several years after his death, - carried something . These were not just interesting cases. These were interesting cases that taught me like fairy tales or parables, but the coolest thing is that initially my grandfather did not lay anything like that! My grandfather wasn't Master Yoda, wasn't Morpheus, and wasn't an old master teaching a Padawan. He simply lived as he lived and broadcast his filling (his worldview) to the world around him. He radiated his world view as the sun radiates light waves. A huge proportion disappears, scattering in space, but a part is captured by objects that need this light like air. Light is as necessary as air. Said. nine0005

So, if my grandfather was the Sun, then I was his Earth. He just shone, and I just caught it. I took 90% of my filling (values, beliefs, identity) from these stories and just from his behavior. In fact, he was my father.

    • -Luke... I am your father!

And one of the constantly broadcast values ​​was honesty. For example, the various stories he told regularly featured people stealing from the factories where they worked - down to nuts or light bulbs - items too cheap to steal. And he constantly made these thieves look like idiots. He did them black PR and, of course, I experienced the strongest disrespect towards them. nine0005

He presented their stories in such a way that it gradually turned into a meme for us.) He served them in such a way that at first he described how someone stole a nut, and then, 25 years later, he fell asleep on the rails and his legs were cut off .)

I remember very well how he constantly laughed, and not simply, but as they say now "patstalom". He laughed to tears. Yes, my grandfather loved to neigh! :) And, for some reason, he mostly did it in the kitchen at dinner, judging by my recollections. And since his tonsils were removed, during laughter, food constantly fell into him "in the wrong throat" (this is his explanation, and he began to cough, spitting pieces of borscht on the walls of the kitchen and other household members to the cries of his grandmother on the topic "Who will wash walls? ". True, they often laughed together, and then there were fewer screams, and more laughter. And the walls were dirtier after that. What am I talking about.) In addition, I already saw a clear connection between the fact that he was no one does not lie, does not steal anything from anyone, and his ability to enjoy life and be positive. He was open and clean as a baby. There was no second bottom! Despite the fact that by the age of 45 both of his knee menisci burst (thanks to poor nutrition and sports for this), and he walked on straight legs. Also omit two heart attacks. And yet he was one of the happiest people I knew! His laughter was sometimes compared to mine in its nonchalance. Yes, I used to know how to laugh when I was a kid. nine0005

Against this background, the same grandmother and mother could not withstand any criticism. They lied to me, they lied to each other, they persuaded me to participate in their nonsense, they lied to others in front of me - in short, they brought to life all combinations of nonsense, as if they were passing a term paper on lies to Dr. Lightman himself. And just as clearly as I saw the connection between the truthfulness of my grandfather and his cheerfulness, I saw how the deceitfulness of my mother-grandmother keeps them in constant tension. Their behavior was constantly double bottomed, I constantly felt double standards. Everything was double, like capacitor plates. And it is not surprising that a frenzied tension was created between them, destroying them. I simply had no choice - naturally, I was drawn to the truth and the positive. On one side of the scale is Darth Vader, whose religion is communism, and on the other, petty women, whose religion is false doublethink. nine0005

Maybe if everyone in my family were liars, I would never see the bright side of the force and would become a liar too. But it so happened that I had the opportunity to compare, and the comparison was not in favor of the forces of evil.

Genesis of nonsense

Where does nonsense behavior come from? We are all born tabula rasa. No reflexes, except for basic technical ones (suck, swallow, grab, fart, etc.). No behavior programs. And then others do something and bam, he is 15 years old and he looks into your eyes and frankly lies, both on trifles and on important issues. What actions of others (parents, friends, teachers, neighbors) led to this? nine0005

It's obvious to me that I haven't had these actions in my life since I'm not lying. So it's hard for me to talk about it. It is easy for me to talk about the mechanisms of smoking - because I have gone through them inside and out. And here I did not pass "from and to". I immediately entered the "after" phase.

Lying is behavior, and behavior is described with the help of reflexes, so I put the question this way: what is the most important reflex in the question of nonsense? What reflex do those who lie have that those who tell the truth don't have?

Watching people and digging into my childhood, I found one interesting pattern. Let's say the parents are at work, and the child breaks the TV set or the window. At 10 years old, this is serious. :) I remember my childhood. Once upon a time, I was small too. It's scary to remember. And like any petty thing, I soaked various obscene things. And of course, after n soaked things, I knew the typical reactions of all relatives. The typical reaction of the mother-grandmother was "Freak. Right now, I'll pour you!". In other terms, yes. The grandfather's typical reaction was "Well, he broke and broke. Who doesn't happen to. Let's make / buy a new one. Be careful in the future." nine0005

Negative reinforcements from mother-grandmother and positive reinforcements from grandfather. The key point is that these reinforcements were reinforced not by me breaking windows, but by talking like that. From here, the legs of the problem of lies grow. When a person comes to you to share the secret, and you told him, "Well, you're an asshole, what do you want? I told you that it would be so. You should have listened to me." And even if you are a thousand times right - but this speech is a negative reinforcement that will discourage a person from sharing anything with you in the future. nine0005

In such conversations, reinforcers do not affect the behavior that happened, but the desire to talk with this particular person.

When I realized this moment, I leveled out of the blue! I began to consciously track these moments in other people and realized that this is how it works. For example, a guy realized that his girlfriend gained a lot of extra weight, although she still believes that she is a cat.

And he tries to tell her softly or not softly about it. She gives him a muzzle with an oar, a voice like that of a housing and communal services worker, and a speech like “Oh, you foul. What a snake I warmed, it turns out. Although no, I overdid it. The speech will be simpler and dumber - "There must be many good women" or "You are not Jared Leto either, you know." Well, crossed arms, look like shit and related behavior for three days. Classic negative reinforcement. nine0005

Next time, his desire to tell the truth and generally talk about things that worry him will be weaker. The weaker, the stronger was the negative reinforcement. Humans differ from animals in that they can learn from the first time - so sometimes one such conversation can be enough. And that's it, the guy will no longer tell her about her weight, but she will gradually turn into an opera singer, and the guy will lose interest in her and one day he will leave, or he will continue to accept her as she is, and he will have to score on his own. desires (to live with a girl who is healthy physically and mentally :), and he will become a loser. Everywhere collapse at the end. In all variants. nine0005

The same with smoking.

-Dude, why are you smoking?


-Do you understand that this is harmful and in a loser way? Drop something already. Be a man.

- I want and I smoke! Don't tell me what to do and I won't tell you where to go! And so on.

And gradually you stop making attempts to reason with a person, and he is left alone with his incipient lung cancer.

This is how people are stopped by fears. You are afraid that you will be yelled at and insulted for your truth and are silent. Or you're screwing up. Who breshet - renounces himself. Any nonsense is a sign of weakness. If you're lying, then you can't tell the truth. You are afraid. If you could, you would, because when you say what you think and do what you really want, you live your life. You reinforce your Self. This is part of what is called Being You. Telling the truth is a necessary ingredient to being yourself. nine0005

I entered this path after the third verse of the Spectators. I haven't written personal songs before. It was very difficult for me to say "I ..." and then say what I really think. About what I really think, and not a lyrical hero.

Quit smoking, started smoking, quit, started...

Explained the reasons, got angry, broke down, swearing to invest in the routine,

Swinging, running in the morning, not turning into a slave... pull out these lines and pronounce them in front of people. These are all my faults and weaknesses. It's not hard to talk about something you don't care about. Try to talk about what makes you sausage. Something you haven't figured out yet, something you're not sure about. It takes courage. I did it and this step leveled me. I stopped hiding behind topics that are interesting to me, but in which I was not. I stopped hiding behind lyrical heroes. For creativity, this may not be the best period - many people already tell me that I'm just fucked with his topics about personal development, they say that I need to write all this in a blog, and write normal songs. Yes, I agree with this. For creativity, this my levelap turned out to be ambiguous. But as a person, this is definitely a breakthrough for me. The fact is that I use creativity to develop myself. I do not use myself to create creativity. Creativity is my means.

The secret of education

Okay, let's go back to my grandfather :) He always supported the truth positively! This is his secret of education. And thanks to my mother and grandmother for helping me understand this. They helped by always supporting my stories about any slag in a negative way and thus providing a background for comparison. nine0005

They said:

- Two in Russian? This is to be expected! All day long you hang around with a fat one, but you sit at the consoles! Look, Olezhka, your two hundredth cousin, only a year older than you, and already winning the Olympiad. Or do you want to be like your sixth cousin Lena? He's a year younger than you, and already works as a shit-cleaner! Not a damn thing will come of you!

It's clear what I felt when I was 10 years old, when they told me something like that.)

My grandfather said:

- Two in Russian? How did it happen, tell me. nine0005

That's magic. Magic begins with questions. :)

And I told how it happened. How are grades obtained at 10 years? I was given a task, and you failed it. And got 2. That's all. Dot. So what. Question. There were no accusations in this question of the grandfather - neither in intonations, nor in words. There was a question in his question. Those. interest. He wanted to understand what happened and how. Because he was interested in how his grandson thinks. How a grandson thinks in such a way that his thinking leads him to twos, and not to fives. Grandfather was an engineer, and he knew how to repair non-working devices, to which he attributed my brain at such moments. ) He answered me what he would do in my place. He asked what I was going to do in this situation. I didn't know what to do and did what he said. And together we made it right. nine0005

Once, it was in the first grade, literally a month after I went to school (1992, mid-October), the teacher, after checking homework at the very beginning of the lesson, got up from the table, came up to me and in in the most difficult terms for the child's psyche, she furiously yelled at me for my handwriting. She screamed that it took her two minutes to make out one word, and that her eyes hurt, and that I did not respect her, and that I was mediocre, and so on. This was my first diss. I have never experienced such cries in my life)) I don’t know how I endured it then, but I endured it, and when I came home, I told my relatives. nine0005

- Well, you're mediocre, - said the grandmother.

- Since the handwriting is bad, let's make it good. Yoda said.

And for 6 hours Yoda and I sat over my handwriting. As in the best American films, the first thing he said was "Forget what you knew up to this point." ) And he showed me another method, a simpler one - to write one letter at a time. I wrote one - I made a tail - I draw another - a tail - a third. And one letter at a time, my handwriting turned out to be very decent. And the next day I handed her homework written in a new handwriting, and a day later she also got up at the beginning of the lesson and said that when she saw my new writing, she cried. From the fact that she did not expect that such a schmuck, which I was then, could jump above her head in a day, she felt embarrassed that she immediately started dissing and then apologized for everything she had said. I consider this the first respect. nine0005

And then it happened many times in a variety of topics. Then I grew up and started fighting with the boys. I came in torn pants with a scratched muzzle, and again my grandmother poured slag on me, in which I was wrong, and again my grandfather asked what happened and how, and told me how to fight correctly. ))

All this is closely connected with the thesis about the environment. The environment makes you. If you are surrounded by losers, they make you a loser. If you are surrounded by masters, they make you a master. I think it is incredibly important to be able to tell the truth and accept it. Even if it's not true in an objective sense, but someone's opinion. You need to be able to accept anyone's opinion, no matter how subjective it would be. If it is, then there is a reason for it, and it is worth finding out. nine0005

The fact is that if you don't know how to accept the truth, then you will pour out negative things on those who will tell you it. And no one likes when they pour negative. Therefore, people who tell the truth will gradually fall off from you, and only liars, chameleons, lickers and other losers will remain.

I think that the main reason for lying is fear. Fear of telling the truth and being beaten for it in the moral sense (and sometimes in the physical sense). Fear of answering for your words. Which is taken either when the words are really worthless (then you don’t have to say them), or simply out of inexperience. When I was evaluating the first tracks sent to me, I also fawned and generously smeared everything with snot. But gradually the understanding came that I was not so much helping as driving. And that if a person does not hit the notes, then he needs vocals, vocals and vocals again. And it doesn't even smell like "normal". nine0005

When I notice that something is preventing me from telling the truth, I start digging and always unearth some hat tied to fear. For fear of looking like a failure.

-Why are you late?

- Cork. (but in fact, he just sat at the computer until the very exit, started getting ready late, could not find things, and so on - loser disorganization)

For fear of hurting a person and getting a strong word for psychological soup.

-You know, I don't like the way you play the drums. Too much iron, plus you miss a meter. You don't suit us. nine0005

-Oga. Said the vocalist, singing on strings and past the notes. Let's goodbye.

And so on.

Why be honest?

Sobsna, yes. What for? Let's steal, lie and vote for United Russia.

Short-term and long-term benefits are usually in apparent conflict. Today you stole and got rich, tomorrow no one wants to do business with you, because everyone knows that you are a thief. Either today you worked well and didn’t get a damn thing, and tomorrow everyone wants to deal with you, because you showed a high class. nine0005

Planning is essential to success. So-so-so, stooop. When did I learn to speak like that?))))))) What else is the "Fundamentals of Economic Theory and Enterprise Management"?))))))) I did not expect it from myself. But damn - is so !

Planning is a look into the future. Athletes build training based on increasing load, based on training cycles, based on the dates of key competitions. You can't become an Olympic champion just by coming to the gym whenever you want. Training should be built in such a way as to be at the peak of form for the Olympics, and without planning this is unattainable. Look at the work of any master, look for planning there and I give you a 100% guarantee that you will find it there. nine0005

So honest behavior does not give immediate gain, but it does bear fruit in the future. The word "fruits" is very appropriate. Honest behavior can be compared to watering a tree, some apple tree. As long as you water it, it will not bear fruit. But when it grows, it will grow and bear fruit by itself, it will no longer need to be watered - it will have enough rain. Or you can steal apples from your neighbor. In the future, only exposure awaits you and nothing more.

By the way. Deception is revealed sooner or later, and not necessarily in an obvious way. You can deceive someone in a question in which you cannot be checked in any way. But then, somewhere, communicating with the deceived person, one way or another, your conviction "you can steal, it's not bad" will break out of you - and according to this miscarriage of the brain, a person can calmly complete the hypothesis that you could once deceive him, or you are deceiving now, or cheat in the future. This is one of the simplest traps, and what I love about it is because of its non-obviousness. I thrive on obscurity. nine0005

A thief and a lie tells you how he robbed and slandered someone, thinking that this will show his disposition towards you. Like, shares the most intimate. But no. )))) It betrays it 100%, presents it on a silver platter! Everything that a person tells about others, he will tell about you. As he treats others, so it will be with you. For me, any negative talk behind my back is a sign that I won’t get close to a person, I won’t have serious business and will push it out of my life as soon as possible and as far as possible. nine0005

So when the deceit is revealed, the deceiver loses a person in his life. And this loss weighs more than any material gain.

Honesty, on the contrary, attracts people. Honesty is trust. It is a necessary ingredient in a quality relationship. Or as I said above ... an integral part. Well, a word, a.)) An integral part! So, qualitative ones are when, at the mere thought of a person, inspiration covers you. You think about him and understand that you can spend the evening with him (regardless of gender) - because you will be interested in him. You will understand each other, because between you there is no bulletproof glass of fears, because of which you will speak nonsense. nine0005

This, of course, is not a topic for one treatise. What is worth only a list of situations where lies will appear in a new guise. In each situation, it will be associated with a bundle of other problems. If everything was simple with laziness - it does not exist, then with a lie everything is more difficult - a lie does not go alone. Now she walks with fears, then with something else.

Take, for example, a typical situation when there is a close person - a girl or a friend who constantly messes up in a certain way, they also constantly tell him about it, and he just as constantly snaps at it and rages. For example, late. For half an hour, for an hour. Because it is poorly organized and starts packing up 10 minutes before the critical exit time (when you have to run to be on time). It turns out that his mobile phone is almost empty - he puts it on charge. It turns out that the shirt is not ironed, and something else turns out, and in general he goes to the shower, then he drinks tea on the path, and then he is 40 minutes late. nine0005

To remain silent about being late is a lie. Because the one who waited, especially if this someone is me) can only think now about this person’s lack of punctuality and that a person who allows such wild jambs will allow other wild jambs - after all, his skill of searching and correcting wild shoals clearly junk. My solution is as simple as the letter T - stop talking to him. This is disrespect for the waiter, this is a disregard for his time. There are more interesting things than coming to the center of Moscow and standing near the metro for 40 minutes. nine0005

Now it's easy for me to talk about it and even easier to do it. It was difficult 8 years ago, when we communicated very closely with one school friend and, on the one hand, in our communication there was a bundle of pluses that demolished the tower for me, and on the other hand, the same bundle of minuses. And it was hard to take and leave it all. My relationship is like a relationship with smoking from the third verse of the Spectators.

Quit smoking, started smoking, quit, started...

Explained the reasons, got angry, broke down,0070

And I endured the minuses for the sake of the pluses for a long time, until I reached the required level, discovered the required skill for breaking relationships and successfully used it.

Now I periodically run into pictures with captions on this topic - they say, when you love, you need to accept a person with all the shortcomings and variations of this idea. But it's not that simple. This is the option that is most likely to lead to the anus. I am inclined to the hypothesis that the right option is to choose the right person. For me, a suitable person is a person who develops, and for whom development - like masturbation - is interesting in the process, and not in the result. I don't care what to learn, the main thing is to learn. In this state, no matter what flaw they specifically found in me - rest assured, I will fix it. Because I am interested in the process itself, as Beethoven was interested in composing music. So if I see the same person, then his shortcomings do not matter, because their eradication is a matter of time. He will work on them and fix them. Not because I will force him, not because I believe in it. Just because he is. Water flows, the sun shines, the apple tree gives apples, and a person who develops gradually eliminates all his shortcomings. nine0005

It took me years to understand that you just need to look for such people, and not try to remake those who accidentally come across. Mixing taught me that everything that needs to work as a system must initially fit together perfectly. People in particular.

And that is precisely my decision. If once I told a person that I don’t like his being late, I said twice, but there was no reaction - I tell him Thank you, because we were on the way.

The same thing if a loved one does incredible crap. She smokes, cheats, plays games, just wastes her life in Chrome - my task is to draw her attention to this and convey the idea that this is important to me, this is critical, and that this garbage needs to be stopped because she is getting dumber and the further, the more boring it is for me to talk with her about new photos from the group According to Freud and watch funny videos of Stas Davydov. Yes, I'll be happy to help. If she wants to develop, we will go through all this together. If he does not want to - Thank you, because we were on the way. nine0005

If you have reached level 30 and move on, and next to you is someone who stopped at level 15 and does not want to go further, I think the best option is to leave him and find yourself a level 50, which continues to grow. Don't slow down with the laggards. You are not a church to help those who do not want to help themselves.

This is all a consequence of the technique that I read, it seems, from Kozlov - to tell the truth. Say what you feel right now. You asked a man how he was doing, and he began to tell his biography, starting from the moment when his umbilical cord was cut incorrectly. You got bored and you immediately say: "Dude, wait. I'm not interested in your biography, I'm not your biographer. Control yourself, be kind." If you don't tell and FROM POLITENESS you continue to listen - you will lose a lot of energy. And chances are you've been through this before. ) Everyone in life had or has such a friend who can answer the question How much will 3 + 3 be for an hour, during which he will send you 6 links to videos, 3 songs and briefly retell the plot of the new series of your favorite series that you are from - for his stories you hate in absentia. nine0005

This is not to be tolerated. Telling him right off the bat that his tales are boring you will give him useful feedback. Maybe he thought all his life that he was a talented storyteller, and that's why they listen to him like that. So tell him - No. You're not. Maybe you'll be the first to tell him that. The first to get him out of the Matrix he was sleeping in. How would you react if someone told you that you walk like a bugger? Parents saw your walk, thousands of friends saw it. Your friends have seen. But they did not say, deciding not to interfere in your personal life. Thank them? :) Thank you for letting me sleep in the Matrix? nine0005

I am reminded of a funny incident in its idiocy that happened in the 5th grade. According to literature, they asked me to read some regular hat, but I did not read it. Well, half the class did not read, as usual) To the question "Who did not read?" no one responded. Except me. I was the only one who raised my hand. I got 2. Clearly and deservedly.) It was cool. I then felt that I could do what others could not. It was a state of fearlessness. Then it warmed me up, I felt cool, like, that's what I am, not like you suckers.) I, like, can throw myself under a tank! Now this state has become the norm and I don’t feel any interfering steepness and superiority over others. I'm just quietly plodding along for myself. I thrive on just thinking and living the way I want to. nine0005

Another situation that opened my eyes to me happened literally at the end of March 2012, when I just started writing this post. It was an incredible coincidence. One person gave me some money. I traditionally put them in my wallet and gradually spent them. And at a certain moment I realized that there was more money than I needed: two pieces of paper stuck together. Two weeks passed, but he did not react - apparently did not notice. So I was left alone with this mystery. One on one with a secret and one on one with a post about lies and theft. The situation at that time was deplorable for me. Money was needed more than ever. I understood that I had to give, and that it would be right. I even thought that he did it on purpose to test me. But the stage of paranoia quickly passed - after all, we were not very close people and what for to check me? I thought for almost a day, then I called and told about the extra bill. And already when I dialed the number, I felt cool again.))) I stayed on the bright side of the force. nine0005

Honesty is good because you can safely deal with honest people. Reputation goes before the person. While people are going to fuck , honesty does not matter - where there is no business, no qualities play a role. People show up in action.

Honesty and feedback

I write everything from the belfry of development. Development is my value, my life, my fetish. Everything that I see, I evaluate from the standpoint of how it will help me develop.

Feedback is crucial in this regard. There are many things that we can do ourselves - for example, learn English words and grammar. But there are also things that require an outside perspective to learn. For example, pronunciation. It is very difficult and time-consuming to put pronunciation on your own, as well as to learn vocals yourself.

So one of the necessary properties of feedback is maximum honesty. The one who speaks must be able to separate the essence from the emotions, and the one who listens ... must also be able to separate the essence from the emotions.))

Unfair feedback is useless for development. Having told someone that everything is fine with him, when everything is bad in your opinion, you deprived him of motivation for development, deprived him of information about him, you removed the mirror from him and now he does not see himself. Developing without honest feedback is like singing without hearing yourself. You sing well - everyone smiles. You started to fake - everyone smiles. And how then to learn? How to understand that you made a mistake somewhere?

Personally, I don't need people in my environment who will spread nonsense. They may be temporary, but their temporary nature will be obvious to both of us from the very beginning. nine0005

Wow, they wrote to me in the comments that I swear dofiga. And I didn't even notice. The brain was covered with a light film of degradation and a purulent mat began to flow through the hole-bald spot onto the clean pages of the blog. This is not the best decoration for text. Therefore, in this article, the mat is only in specially fenced areas.

Honesty and friendship

Friendship is a vague concept in general. Once I rummaged through books, dictionaries and chats for a long time, trying to understand the boundaries of friendship, but in the end I gave up. In childhood, everything was simple - we live in the same yard, which means we are friends. We sit at the same desk - friends. And the further - the more difficult everything became, until it completely blurred. nine0005

How should a friend respond to honesty? Or like this: if a person does not know how to adequately perceive your thoughts without censorship, but gets angry, annoyed, or even climbs into a fight - can he be considered a friend?

If I formed the meaning of the word "friendship", I would include honesty as a mandatory parameter. But reality shows that honesty is not fucking necessary for friendship. Based on reality, friendship is when two (or more) communicate for the purpose of having fun. Not develop. For pleasure, honesty is a hindrance. For mutual satisfaction (it sounds vulgar, but I'm not talking about vulgar things - but about joint games on the grid, playing in a group, walking with and without girls, sports, gatherings at home, and so on) you need a certain loyalty to the differences of a friend. Yes, he is stupid, but he is a friend and you forgive that. You went to play volleyball, your friend is a professional, and you are an amateur and you constantly serve to the net. But you are his friend, and he turns a blind eye to your unsuitability. nine0005

I don't use the word friend. Based on my definition, I have no friends. At the same time, I choose to surround myself with people who have complete order with honesty. They see that I'm screwing - and immediately they tell me: dude, you're screwing. The same if I see their joints, I tell them. And we fix them and trudge from development. This is our common interest. I will not be able to have normal relationships with people who are trying to hide something, close their eyes to something, pretend that nothing happened, and the like. If I noticed something, then I noticed, and until we deal with it, we will not go any further. nine0005

Be yourself

About the fact that you shouldn't endure what you don't like, but just say what you feel. If boredom is okay, say it. The man needs to know that he's not as cool as Jim Carrey and that his long monologues are tedious crap and not the hit of the season. If, on the contrary, he is too funny, although he thinks he is cool, tell him. Expressing how you feel is an essential part of being yourself.

If you start behaving like this, if you haven't behaved like this before, it's a normal practice that almost all friends fall off. Because it turns out they're not friends. These are the people you put up with and who put up with you. You have some facets of contact, but these facets are finite and you have nothing else in common. He's fun to have fun with, but when it comes to serious conversations, he's an idiot idiot. Therefore, serious conversations you talk with another. In serious conversations, he is cool. But when he tries to joke - you want to shoot yourself. When you want to shoot yourself or shoot someone, you skype a third person. And you go to play something. In the game, he is a god and a Master. But he listens to music that you do not understand, his humor is not from your reality at all, and when he says serious things, it seems to be expressed in a different language. nine0005

And when you honestly tell each of them "Dude, it smells like nonsense. I'm not interested in talking to you about this.", the second - "Dude, it's not funny. Petrosyan will not work out of you", and the third - "Thanks for playing, bye ", despite his attempts to throw you another uninteresting Mouzon, - very soon this relationship will be bent. And you will face the challenge of finding true friends. With which you will have more than one facet. And if there is one, then the most important one is identity. I, an Introvert, associate myself with the Master. And I will find a common language with any other master. Skill is one facet, small, but very important, because. it determines everything I think, do and say. This is my ID, my core. And of course, it will be easy for me to communicate with those who have the same core. And that's how I choose people in my environment - by the core. Not by outward appearances. nine0005

But there are a lot of people, and from time to time someone is carried away with a purely external resemblance. This is how I usually honestly say that nothing shines for us. :)

All this is closely related to the next point.

Honesty towards yourself

Can you hear yourself? Hear your feelings? What are you feeling now? The skill of being aware of your emotions is necessary in order to be yourself. Man is the psyche + physiology. With physiology, everything is more or less simple - we see, hear, smell, taste and touch. Right now, if you put your attention on any of the five senses, you will find some sensation. Hands lie on the table, the computer makes noise, you see a glowing screen, there is something in your mouth. ..)))) Either tasteless drool, or you sit and eat something. Emotions are more difficult. They constantly shimmer and most of the time the brain is in an indefinite transitional state, when it is not clear where and where the emotion flows. nine0005

And it gets more complicated when you start talking to real people. Living people tell something, and their stories evoke emotions. Living people ask questions. You're asking questions of real people.

It often happens that the conversation drifts away from the topic of interest to you, but you do not have time to realize it. And you get involved in a boring uninteresting topic, or an argument - and all this is not interesting to you at all. Not that. Here you need to catch this moment in time and admit that the conversation has gone into the anus.

-Um, let's not talk about it. I'm not interested. Do not listen to it, do not speak. Let's talk about.

This is not easy to do if you are used to politeness and if you have never done it. But listen. You never knew how to ride a bike. And then I tried. Fell several times - and now you ride freely.

Psychology and lies

In my first years at Moscow State University, I was actively interested in psychology. I read all of Kozlov many times, drove NLP and other technical articles (Eric Berne's Games alone are worth something!). All this was necessary for me at that time, because there I found answers and new questions, I thought, I generally learned to think thanks to Kozlov. I figured out how to use my brain. However, the psychology was empty. It was a bunch of fucking techniques and methods that worked, but they were thrown into a chaotic pile, like a pile of bricks, reinforced concrete blocks, cement, huge parts, wheels, and so on, but all this had no blueprint. So it was not clear what could be built from this crazy heap of individually useful things. nine0005

In particular, in relation to lies, psychology takes a neutral-cynical position, dryly describing the signs of a lie or stupidly classifying the motives of a lie, and so on. Whereas for me, looking for a young man with burning short-sighted eyes, the question was more important - is it necessary to lie at all? And what to do with the one I caught on nonsense? Those. I missed answers to deeper questions. I lacked the pieces of the puzzle to construct my worldview.

And I said to the psychology "Thank you, because we were on the way" and continued the search. nine0005

It was not easy to continue, because it was not clear where to look. In fact, the search froze for several years, until I came across books and video seminars by Yuri Moroz. He is also obsessed with development, only if I develop through creativity, then he develops through business. And I just found the missing half of it. From him I collected all the rubbish collected from books on psychology, and it was thanks to him that I began to build my worldview. I finally understood how to use NLP, and more importantly, I understood why use it. I used to know to copy the masters. Now I understand exactly how to do it, what to do when I copied the master, what to do if someone copies me, and so on.

Frost's attitude towards deceitful behavior was negative. On his own experience, he checked and double-checked everything: honesty gives a greater result. It is easy to work with a person when 20 other people have described him as honest. You can work on a prepaid basis. You can make discounts. You can do something that others would not do. Honesty is a very strong guarantee. nine0005

What made us wildly happy was that when I was coaching at Business Youth, the presenters also insisted on an honest approach. Any deception - small or large - eventually hits the deceiver. And honesty beats - but in the best sense. Honesty adds reputation.

Wrote for six months, raised a dozen topics,
And the feeling that he never said what he wanted

P.S. The topic is very important for me and very difficult, because it is huge.

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