Turn webcam into 3d scanner

6 DIY 3D Scanners You Can Build at Home

Creating a 3D model of a real object can be done extremely fast if you have a 3D scanner at home. The problem is: 3D scanners are expensive to buy new.

If you're looking for a solution, why not try building your own affordable 3D scanner at home? It might not create perfect 3D models, but it's a cost-effective alternative to buying a 3D scanner.

Is It Cheaper to Build a DIY 3D Scanner?

The cost of buying a decent 3D scanner ranges from $700 to $10,000 at the highest end. On the other hand, building a DIY 3D scanner can cost less than $200—some even as little as $35.

Depending on the resolution of your homemade 3D scanner, you will still have to work to tidy up the 3D model so that it can be used for things like 3D printing, game development, or perhaps design prototyping. But overall, it will still speed up the design process when compared to building a model from scratch.

1. Cheap 3D Printed 3D Scanner

This 3D scanner is built using 3D printed parts, featuring both open source software and open source hardware files. If you choose to install the maximum of four lasers, then the cost of the project comes in at $35 to $50. Once it's built, handling the digital scan will require some legwork to smooth out. But considering its price tag, it's well worth giving it a go.

You can find the STL files and a full build guide on Instructables. Besides the 3D printed components, you will need one to four lasers, a stepper motor, a turntable, and an Arduino Nano to bring it all together. One benefit of this project is that it's been built many times by community makers, resulting in plenty of images and feedback surrounding the project to help fill in any gaps.

2. DIY 3D Scanner Using a DSLR Camera

Another option for building a 3D scanner is to use a DSLR camera and a method called photogrammetry. At its most basic, it involves taking a lot of images of an object from different angles and stitching those photos together in a software program to create a 3D model.

Alongside a DSLR camera, you will need an Arduino, a stepper motor and driver, an LCD screen, and an IR LED. The goal of the hardware is to build a rotating platform that moves by set amounts so that your camera can photograph the object in a very detailed and controlled way. You can find a great explanation of the project on Instructables.

The real difficulty of this project comes in processing the photos. A good photogrammetry program is essential, and that can cost over $150 to license. There is some free software available, but it may come with limitations.

If you're wondering if there is an alternative solution, you can read our guide to how to turn everyday objects into 3D models without a 3D scanner.

3. Optical CT/3D Scanner With Arduino

For something a little different, in this project you will build a 3D scanner that also doubles as an optical CT scanner. This type of scanner will do the trick if you have objects that are semi-transparent, like a gummy bear or a segment of orange. Otherwise, you can use this setup with the photogrammetry method for regular 3D scans.

Everything in this build is enclosed inside a box. This allows greater control over lighting the object to produce sharper images. While it involves some woodworking and construction, the hardware is still powered by a humble Arduino Nano, plus additional parts that you can find at any hardware store.

A great guide is available on Instructables for building the box, alongside details for creating a sleek control panel for changing photo parameters on the go.

4. FabScan: Raspberry Pi + Arduino 3D Scanner

This 3D scanner uses both a Raspberry Pi and an Arduino to build a 3D laser scanner. What sets this build apart is that it can be operated remotely via a web browser on a phone.

Much like other DIY 3D scanners, a stepper motor and driver are used to rotate a turntable holding the object you want to scan. Additionally, you will need a line laser and a Raspberry Pi camera. You can find the guide and a full components list on Instructables.

While the creators have gone with a laser-cut MDF box, you can just as easily use spare parts lying around the home to create the enclosure. Alternatively, cardboard can work too, and painting it black will aid in diffusing the laser light so that it doesn't interfere with the scan.

Once you have a good scan of your object, you might be interested in 3D printing it. Haven't got a 3D printer? Here is our pick of the best 3D printers.

5. The Ultimate Human Sized 3D Scanner With Raspberry Pi

While most homemade 3D scanners are built to capture a small object, it's also possible to build a human-sized 3D scanner. The way to do this is with a lot of Raspberry Pis, as you can see over on Instructables.

The maker behind this project scaled up his 3D scanner using a whopping 47 Raspberry Pis plus a Raspberry Pi camera for each module. The goal was to use the photogrammetry method to take a photo of his subject from every possible angle. Because he wanted to capture a 3D model of his two-year-old son, this all had to happen instantly.

Incredibly, it works, and it works very well too. If you have the time and investment to buy a box full of Raspberry Pis, you won't be disappointed because the results are impressive. The maker says you can use fewer Pis and cameras and still get good results, especially if you only need to capture the front of a person’s face.

6. Standalone 3D Scanner

Maybe you're just after a simple and small 3D scanner that you can make over the weekend. If so, then this project will suit you. This 3D scanner on Instructables is designed to be all-in-one, meaning that the photos are compiled onboard and an STL file is saved directly to a memory card. Instead of compiling the photos in a separate photogrammetry program, this 3D scanner handles them for you.

While it doesn't produce incredibly detailed scans, it does make for a rapid way to take a 3D model straight to 3D printing. One thing to bear in mind, however, is that the dimensions of the 3D scanner structure need to be kept exactly as written in order to match the code.

Building a Homemade 3D Scanner

Putting together a 3D scanner at home isn't extremely difficult to achieve. When compared to the expensive price of commercial 3D scanners, it's well worth building a DIY 3D scanner yourself.

With a Raspberry Pi or Arduino and a few extra affordable parts, you'll be well on your way to creating a cheap and awesome 3D scanner.

Top 3D scanner apps and software in 2022

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