Maker ultimate 3d printer reddit

Monoprice Maker Ultimate 2

The MPMU2 was my first printer and I had no end of issues getting it to print reliably. After a few months I abandoned it and bought a Prusa MK3S. The MPMU2 I lent out to a friend to see if he could get it to run better. He could not.

He returned it and I wanted to see if I could get it to run now that I had a lot more experience. Firmware was still on 1.6 so I started a test print of the Lucky Cat gcode that came with the printer - started off fine and then detached from the bed after about 10 minutes, which was fine. I hadn't done any Z calibration. I decided to update to firmware 2.2.8 and then try the gcode again - same thing happened, which again was fine - expected as I hadn't done any Z calibration at all. I then did a bed level and a Z calibration and started the print off again - this time the printbed stopped the usual 5mm below the printhead and the printer started to print - I suppose it was thinking that the raft was really a flying carpet.

That was exactly the frustration I had previously after trying to get level and Z offset configured.

So I decided to try and use a different MB and use Klipper as the OS. Using the bed visualiser in Octoprint connected to my Prusa was a huge help in getting to understand Z offset generally so I wanted similar tools to assist with bed levelling and Z offset on the MPMU2.

I have never used Klipper so learning how to configure and compile firmware took some time. I also had to replace the probe as the MB only had 5v on the probe port - technically I could have used the original one with a few resistors in series but I decided to get a SuperPinda probe as I could always use that to upgrade my Prusa as it's still using the Pinda 2 in case my MPMU2 project fell flat.

I am still finalising the config, writing macros etc but so far I am very happy with the conversion. Apart from learning to use and configure Klipper, the only snag I had was that the SuperPinda gave lower probe values in the middle of the bed (using a 3x3 mesh) due to there not being any magnets in the center of the bed and the SuperPinda has a much lover range then the original probe so ended up getting a 210x210 SpiderFlexiPlate and turning the glass printplate on its head to lay the Spider on it. A manual edit of the mesh, just basing the center values on interpolating between the corner values sorted out all of my Z offset issues.

So far it's been a real fun exercise and it looks like I have my MPMU2 back in action. Next step is to add a chamber heater so I can realise my plan of having the MPMU2 tuned for ABS/ASA prints while my Prusa with it's fantastic versatility, take care of any other type of filaments I wish to use.

For cabling the extruder, I used the flat cable and split it out, adding JST connectors to each end. I kept all the original fans.

If anyone is interested I can upload my still not quite finished config - currently trying to get resonance compensation setup - just using the manual process. In any case, I can now print reliably and I am looking forward to getting a chamber heater in there and configure that.

Monoprice Ultimate 2 review : 3Dprinting

I got one of these recently, and thought I'd post a review here. Initial setup was a breeze, it was packed very well and seemed to be well built overall. The tiny "lucky cat" test print that was preinstalled on the SD card printed beautifully on the factory installed masking tape on the glass bed.

Since Monoprice advertises that the Ultimate 2 can print PETG (and I love PETG), I bought a thin PEI sheet from Amazon for the print bed, and that's where my troubles began. With the PEI sheet installed, the auto-bed leveling process started crashing the nozzle into the print bed. Then I switched to a much thinner buildtak sheet, and it had the same problem, even though the masking tape was only slightly thinner than the buildtak. Adjusting the Z offset with the firmware the printer shipped with (1.6something?) initially required manually typing in gcode, which was a bit of a pain to figure out. Luckily there's a firmware upgrade to v2 available on Monoprice's web site that fixed the z-offset adjustment problem. The firmware upgrade process requires a Windows PC, but was pretty simple and easy once I dug up a Windows box. But that still didn't fix the issue.

I believe the real problem is that the bed sensor is mounted too high -- it's more than 1mm higher than the nozzle, and it's trying to sense the aluminum bed under a sheet of glass plus PEI/buildtak/tape/whatever. It barely works with masking tape, but buildtak is too thick. My current solution is to use gluestick to adhere a sheet of aluminum foil to the top of the glass, and adhere the PEI to that, which is now working well for PLA+ printing, but I still have to use some gluestick to get the PLA+ to stick to the PEI well. A better long term solution will be to attempt to remount the bed sensor about 1mm lower, but I've been procrastinating tackling that, because I'm hesitant to mess with it after all the hours (and hours... and hours) I've spent on this so far.

Now -- on to the PETG! The PETG I have prints best at 245C. As I mentioned before, Monoprice's data sheet for this printer assures us that this printer can print PETG. Unfortunately, if you set the print temperature to 245, the printer's PID settings immediately shoot the printhead up well past 250C, and the printer shuts down with an over-temp error. Even setting it to 238C sometimes generates enough overshoot to shut the printer down. I reached out to Monoprice technical support on this issue... and was told they don't support tuning the PID parameters on this printer. Uh, case closed, I guess?

The printer also advertises a quick-change hotend - swap out your hotend in less than a minute! I was pretty excited about this feature, as I had assumed that this meant I could swap a 0.4mm nozzle for a 0.2mm or 0.1mm if I wanted to print tabletop miniatures or some similar project. Unfortunately, the nozzle isn't a standard nozzle (I don't think you can buy any replacement parts from other vendors), and only comes in 0.4mm. They don't sell other sizes. I probably should have checked this before buying the printer, but I didn't. So... I'm honestly not sure what the point of this feature is. Why would I care about swapping out a hotend in less than a minute if they don't sell any other kinds of hotend?

TLDR: the print quality is good once you get it working, but I can't recommend this printer. It can't print much hotter than 235C, you can't easily add additional materials on top of the glass bed to help with adhesion, and the hotend quick-change feature is mostly pointless since you can only buy 0.4mm hotends. If you're going to spend $550 for a printer, you can do better than this one.

Edited to add: also, if whoever makes these hotends goes out of business, good luck finding a replacement...

The Complete Guide to Stereolithographic (SLA) 3D Printing

Stereolithographic (SLA) 3D printing is gaining immense popularity due to its ability to produce highly accurate, isotropic and waterproof prototypes and models with fine details and smooth surfaces from various modern materials.

This comprehensive guide explains how SLA printing technologies work, why thousands of professionals use them today, and how this 3D printing technology can be useful in your work.

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Download our white paper to find out how SLA printing works, why thousands of people use it today, and how this 3D printing technology can help your work.

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The development of 3D printing technology continues to influence how companies approach prototyping and manufacturing. This technology is becoming more accessible, and equipment and materials are developing in accordance with the possibilities and requirements of the market. That's why today designers, engineers and others are integrating 3D printing into workflows at all stages of development.

3D printing is helping professionals across industries reduce recruitment costs, accelerate iteration, streamline manufacturing processes, and even discover entirely new business models.

Stereolithographic 3D printing technology has evolved significantly. In the past, resin 3D printers were monolithic and costly, requiring skilled technicians and costly service contracts to operate. Today's small desktop printers are highly flexible and produce industrial-quality products at a much lower cost.

Stereolithography is a type of additive manufacturing. It is also known as photopolymerization in the bath or 3D printing using polymer resin. Devices that use this technology have a common principle of operation: under the influence of a light source (laser or projector), a liquid polymer turns into a solid plastic. The main differences are in the location of the main components such as the light source, work platform and resin tank.

See how stereolithography 3D printing is done.

Stereolithographic 3D printers use light-sensitive curable materials called "polymers". When stereolithographic polymers are exposed to specific wavelengths of light, short molecular chains join together causing the monomers and oligomers to polymerize into either rigid or flexible patterns.

Graphical representation of the main mechanisms of stereolithographic 3D printing.

Models printed on SLA printers have the highest resolution and accuracy, the finest detail, and the smoothest surface of any 3D printing technology, but the main advantage of this method is its versatility.

Materials manufacturers have developed innovative formulas for stereolithographic polymers with a wide range of optical, mechanical and thermal properties similar to standard, engineering and industrial thermoplastic resins.

Comparison of 3D stereolithography with two other common plastic modeling technologies: Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) and Selective Laser Sintering (SLS).


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Learn how to go from design to 3D printing with a Form 3 3D printer. Watch this 5-minute video to learn the fundamentals of using a Form 3 printer, from software and materials to processes printing and post-processing.

Use any CAD software or 3D scan data to design the model and export it to a 3D print file format (STL or OBJ). All printers based on SLA technology work with software that allows you to set print parameters and separate the digital model into layers. After the settings are complete, the model preparation software sends instructions to the printer via a wireless or cable connection.

More advanced users can design directly for SLA technology or, for example, print models with voids to save materials.

After a quick check of the settings, the printing process starts. The printer may run unattended until printing is complete. In printers with a cartridge system, material is replenished automatically.

Formlabs' online Dashboard allows you to remotely manage printers, resins, and employee access.

After printing is complete, models should be rinsed with isopropyl alcohol to remove resin residue from their surface. After the washed models have dried, some materials require final polymerization, a process that ensures the best possible strength and stability of the parts. Finally, remove the support structures from the models and sand down the remaining traces of the supports for a clean finish. Models produced with SLA technology can be machined, primed, painted or assembled depending on the intended use.

Final polymerization is particularly important for functional polymer resins used in engineering, dentistry and jewellery.

Engineers, designers, fabricators and others choose 3D stereolithography because it provides excellent detail, smooth surfaces, superior model fidelity, isotropy, and water resistance. In addition, it allows you to work with various materials.

Because 3D printing builds models layer by layer, the strength of finished parts can vary depending on the orientation of the part relative to the printing process: the X, Y, and Z axes will have different properties.

Extrusion-based 3D printing processes such as deposition filament modeling (FDM) are anisotropic due to a special approach to creating different layers during the manufacturing process. This anisotropy limits the application of FDM technology or requires additional changes in the design of the model to compensate for it.

Check out our detailed guide comparing FDM vs. SLA 3D printers to see how they differ in terms of print quality, materials, application, workflow, speed, cost, and more.

Stereolithographic 3D printers, on the other hand, allow the production of highly isotropic models. Achieving detail isotropy relies on a number of factors that can be tightly controlled by integrating the chemical composition of materials with the printing process. During printing, the components of the polymers form covalent bonds, but when creating subsequent layers, the model remains in an "immature" state of partial reaction.

When immature, the resin retains polymerizable groups that can form bonds between layers, giving the model isotropic and waterproof properties after final curing. At the molecular level, there are no differences between the X, Y, and Z planes. This results in models with predictable mechanical characteristics critical for applications such as jigs and fixtures and finished parts, as well as functional prototyping.

SLA printed parts are highly isotropic compared to FDM parts.

Due to its isotropic nature, stereolithographic printed models, such as this jig for Pankl Racing Systems, can withstand directional loads during the manufacturing process.

SLA printed objects are continuous, whether they are solid or have internal channels. Watertightness is important when it is necessary to control and predict the impact of air or liquid flows. Engineers and designers are using the water resistance of stereolithography printers for air and fluid flow applications in the automotive industry, biomedical research, and to test the design of parts in consumer products such as kitchen appliances.

OXO relies on the water resistance of stereolithographic printed models to create durable working prototypes of air and liquid products such as coffee makers.

Stereolithographic 3D printing is used to produce precise, reproducible components in a variety of industries, including dentistry and manufacturing. In order to produce accurate models during the printing process, many factors must be strictly controlled.

The quality of stereolithographic 3D printing is between standard and precision machined. SLA has the highest tolerance compared to other commercial 3D printing technologies. Learn more about tolerances, accuracy and precision in 3D printing.

The heated resin tank combined with the closed working environment provide virtually the same conditions for every model. The higher accuracy also depends on the lower printing temperature compared to thermoplastic-based technologies in which the raw material is melted. Because stereolithography uses light instead of heat, it prints at close to room temperature and models are not subject to thermal expansion and contraction.

Dental example (comparison of a scanned component with the original CAD model) demonstrating the ability to maintain tight tolerances for the entire stereolithographic model.

LFS stereolithography 3D printing involves an optic in a Light Processing Unit (LPU) that moves along the x-axis. parabolic mirrors so that it is always perpendicular to the plane of the platform, so it always moves in a straight line, ensuring maximum precision and accuracy. This allows consistency to be achieved as the size of the equipment increases, for example, when working with a large-sized Formlabs Form 3L stereolithography printer. The LPU also uses a spatial filter, which forms a clear laser spot.

The characteristics of the individual materials also play an important role in ensuring the reliability and reproducibility of print results.

Formlabs Rigid Resin has a high green modulus, or modulus of elasticity, before final polymerization, allowing you to print very thin models with high precision and reliability.

Stereolithography printers are considered the best 3D printers due to the smooth surface of the produced models, the appearance of which is comparable to parts produced by traditional methods such as machining, injection molding and extrusion.

This surface quality is ideal when a perfect finish is needed and also helps reduce post-processing time because these models are easy to sand, polish and paint. For example, large companies like Gillette use stereolithography 3D printing to create finished products such as razor handles in their Razor Maker platform.

Large companies like Gillette use stereolithography 3D printing to create finished products such as razor handles in their Razor Maker platform.

The Z layer height is often used to determine the resolution of a 3D printer. On Formlabs stereolithographic 3D printers, it can be adjusted from 25 microns to 300 microns to trade off speed and print quality.

FDM and SLS printers typically print Z-axis layers between 100 and 300 microns wide. At the same time, a part printed with 100 micron layers on an FDM or SLS printer is very different from a part printed with 100 micron layers on an SLA printer. Models printed on a stereolithographic printer have a smoother surface immediately after printing, because their outer walls are straight, and each new printed layer interacts with the previous one, smoothing out the effect of the stairs. When printed on an FDM printer, layers are often visible in models, and the surface of models printed on an SLS printer has a grainy structure due to sintered powder.

In addition, the stereolithography printer can print fine details: the Form 3 laser spot size is 85 microns, while industrial SLS printers have a laser spot size of 350 microns, and FDM-based devices use nozzles with a diameter of 250– 800 microns.

Models printed on FDM printers often show layer lines and may have inaccuracies around complex features. Models printed on stereolithography printers have sharp edges, a smooth surface, and almost imperceptible layer lines.

The advantage of SLA polymers lies in a wide range of formulations offering a variety of characteristics: they can be soft or hard, contain additives such as glass and ceramics, or have special mechanical properties such as high bending temperature under load or impact resistance. Materials can be designed for a particular industry, such as dentures, or have properties close to those of final materials to create prototypes that can be tested and run under stress.

Ceramic Resin can be 3D printed with a stone-like texture and then fired to create a ceramic product.

In some cases, it is this combination of versatility and functionality that is leading businesses to use polymer-based 3D printing in-house. After solving existing problems through the use of a certain functional polymer, other applications are usually quickly discovered. In this case, the printer becomes a tool for discovering the various properties of different polymers.

For example, hundreds of engineers in the Design and Prototyping group at the Advanced Manufacturing Equipment Research Center (AMRC) at the University of Sheffield have access to 12 stereolithographic 3D printers and various construction materials that they use in numerous research projects for these partner companies like Boeing, Rolls-Royce, BAE Systems and Airbus. They printed High Temp Resin washers, brackets, and a mounting system for a sensor that must operate in high temperature conditions, and used Durable Resin to create complex spring components for a material handling robot as part of a composite manufacturing automation system.

AMRC engineers have access to 12 stereolithographic 3D printers and various construction materials, allowing them to create custom-designed parts for a variety of research projects, such as brackets for a stacking robot (above) and mounts for an environmental sensor. high temperature (below).

Material selection

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Stereolithographic 3D printing makes it easier for businesses across industries to innovate. Such industries include engineering, manufacturing, dentistry, healthcare, education, entertainment, jewelry, and audiology.

Rapid prototyping with 3D printing enables engineers and developers to turn ideas into working proofs of concept, transform concepts into high-quality prototypes that look and work like end products, and take products through testing phases to launch into mass production.

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By creating the necessary prototypes and 3D printing special tools, molds and production aids, manufacturing companies can automate production and optimize workflows at a much lower cost and in much faster time than traditional manufacturing. Thus, production costs are reduced and defects are prevented, quality is improved, assembly is accelerated and labor productivity is increased.

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Digital Dentistry reduces the risks and uncertainties associated with human error, enabling consistent quality and precision at every step of the workflow, and improving patient care. 3D printers can produce a range of high quality custom products at low cost, providing exceptional fit and reproducible results.

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3D printers are multifunctional tools for creating immersive learning and research environments. They stimulate creativity and introduce students to professional-level technology, enabling the implementation of the STEAM method in the fields of science, technology, art and design.

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Affordable, professional-grade desktop 3D printers help clinicians produce medical devices that meet individual needs and improve patient outcomes. At the same time, the organization significantly reduces time and money costs: from laboratories to operating rooms.

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High resolution printed physical models are widely used in digital sculpting, 3D character modeling and prop making. 3D-printed models have been featured in animated films, video game characters, theatrical costumes, and even special effects for blockbuster films.

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Professional jewelers use the power of CAD and 3D printing to rapidly prototype, customize jewelry to customer specifications and produce large batches of blanks for casting. Digital tools allow you to create dense, highly detailed models without the tedious, error-prone production of stencils.

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Hearing professionals and labs use digital workflows and 3D printing to simplify the production of high-quality custom and hearing aids, as well as to mass-produce behind-the-ear hearing aids, hearing protectors, custom earmoulds, and headphones .

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Many companies are starting to use 3D printing technology through service bureaus and laboratories. Outsourcing can be a great solution when the need for 3D printing is infrequent or you need to do one-off jobs using materials that have unique properties or produce special models. Service bureaus can also provide advice on various materials and offer additional services such as design or improved finishes.

The main disadvantages of outsourcing are the high cost and duration of production. Often, outsourcing becomes a step on the way to in-house production as needs grow. One of the main advantages of 3D printing is its speed compared to traditional production methods. But it is noticeably reduced when the delivery of the model produced by the involved organization takes several days or even weeks. As demand and production capacity increase, the costs of outsourcing are rising rapidly.

With the increasing availability of industrial quality 3D printing today, more companies are opting to bring 3D printing into their factory right away, vertically integrating it into existing workshops or labs, or providing printers to engineers, designers and other professionals who benefit from digital transformation. projects into physical models or are engaged in the production of products in small batches.

Compact desktop stereolithography 3D printers are an excellent solution for rapid model production. Depending on the number of parts needed and the volume of prints, the investment in a compact 3D printer can pay for itself in just a few months. In addition, compact appliances allow you to purchase just the amount of equipment you need to run your business and scale your production by adding more units as demand grows. Using multiple 3D printers also allows you to print models from different materials at the same time. And when the need arises for the production of large parts or the use of non-standard materials, service bureaus can come to the rescue.


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High production speed is an important reason to buy a desktop 3D printer. When working with a print bureau, there are delays related to the speed of production, communication and delivery. A desktop 3D printer like the Form 3 delivers models in hours, allowing designers and engineers to print multiple parts a day. This contributes to faster iterations and significant time savings in product development, as well as rapid testing of mechanisms and assemblies, avoiding costly tool changes.

Purchasing a desktop 3D printer saves a lot of money by eliminating bureau services and traditional processing methods, as their cost rises sharply with increasing demand and production volumes.

For example, the production engineer and others at Pankl Racing Systems used stereolithographic 3D printing technology to produce products on a tight schedule. This allowed them to independently manufacture custom-designed jigs and other small-sized components for the production line. While stereolithography was initially viewed with skepticism, this technology proved to be an ideal solution to replace the machining of a number of tools. In one of the cases, it made it possible to reduce the manufacturing time of conductors by $51-137

By 3D printing custom-designed jigs, Pankl Racing Systems has significantly reduced both order preparation time and production costs.

Compact units allow you to purchase just the amount of equipment you need to run your business and scale your production by adding new units as demand grows. Using multiple 3D printers also allows you to print models from different materials at the same time.

The University of Sheffield's Manufacturing Advanced Research Center (AMRC) has an additive manufacturing station with 12 Form 2 stereolithography (SLA) 3D printers that hundreds of engineers working on various projects have access to.

Formlabs offers two high-precision stereolithographic 3D printing systems, an ever-growing range of specialty materials, intuitive print preparation and process management software, and professional services, all in one solution.

To learn more about 3D stereolithography, experience it for yourself: request a free printed sample in your choice of material, delivered right to your door.

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Examples of positive and negative applications of a 3D printer

Every year 3D printing becomes more and more popular. The 3D printer, as a tool for turning a digital model into a physical object, is gaining popularity, outperforming other production methods in many ways due to its affordability.

But do not forget that a 3D printer is just a tool. A lot depends on how this tool will be used.

Available 3D printing technologies

All 3D technologies can be conditionally divided into 4 types.

Layer by layer welding with molten material.

The principle of operation is similar to the familiar glue gun. The print media is melted to a semi-liquid state in the print head and applied with a nozzle to the print surface where it solidifies. This is how the finished 3D model “grows” layer by layer on the printing table. Not only thermoplastics can be used as consumables, but, for example, chocolate, icing, concrete, etc.

This is the most common type of printer. Inexpensive FDM printers are often used as home assistants. This is facilitated by an inexpensive price and a variety of consumables.

Selective curing of resin (photopolymer printers).

The material used is a photopolymer resin that hardens under the influence of UV radiation. As a source of UV radiation, a thin laser beam, a DLP projector or an LCD screen with a UV matrix, or any other design can be used. For example, some industrial 3D printers apply a photopolymer using thin nozzles and immediately illuminate it with a UV lamp.

Previously, these printers were quite expensive. Today, with advances in technology, photopolymer 3D printing has become affordable and photoresin printers have become popular as home hobby printers.

Selective bonding of powdered material.

On the print head of the printer there are several nozzles through which a binder is supplied, which is selectively applied to the powdered material. Various materials can be used as a material: for example, gypsum or metal powders. But gypsum is most often used.

Since dye can be added to the "glue" during printing, such printers are usually used for the production of color demonstration models or souvenirs.

Laser sintering of powdered materials.

The youngest technology, but with great potential for use in large-scale industries. With the help of a laser or a heated print head, selective sintering of the metal powder occurs in an environment filled with an inert gas.

These are already serious industrial printers that are used for the production of functional metal assemblies and parts. Currently, such 3D printers are actively used in the aerospace industry.

Unethical use

3D piracy

Where there is duplication of objects, there are always disputes about copyright and piracy.

The production of any product is a long and painstaking work, and often more than one person. Before you get a finished decorative product, for example, a figurine, you need to think through everything to the smallest detail. Usually, before modeling, the artist draws a lot of sketches, the details of clothing and accessories are thought out. Only after that the 3D modeler gets to work and begins painstakingly recreating the 3D model.

Functional models are often redesigned by engineers after the prototype has been made. There can be a very long way between the initial idea and a stable working mechanism. And it’s very disappointing when such work is simply copied and posted in the public domain.


It was one of the first mass manifestations of "3D piracy". At that time, 3D printing was only gaining popularity, and many users, having printed a dozen figurines, were looking for a useful application for a 3D printer. Given the low plastic consumption, the printed LEGO blocks were very inexpensive.

3D printed LEGO bricks

Despite the far from ideal surface, many were satisfied with such a copy. Some have argued that the accuracy of a home FDM printer is not enough for the bricks to fit well with the original LEGO, but for most users everything fit perfectly.

At the moment, LEGO is actively removing models that copy the original sizes of the famous bricks and men from the network. On popular sites, only custom elements of LEGO-men and LECO are left that are not the original size.

Custom Heads for LEGO Men

Games Workshop

Games Workshop, which produce the most expensive table soldiers in the world, sued Thomas Valenti (USA) back in 2012. Thomas has modeled, printed and made publicly available several miniatures based on the Warhammer universe. The court sided with Games Workshop and the models had to be removed.

3D Printed Chaplain

Warhammer 40k 3D Chaplain

Games Workshop went one step further by banning fans from creating art and other work based on the original settings and characters. As a boycott, users of the Warhammer 40,000 section on Reddit are proposing to abandon the company's products as much as possible - print game figures on 3D printers, use paints from other companies, or switch to other universes.


The production of modern films is not a cheap pleasure, and film companies try to recoup their costs not only by showing them in cinemas, but, for example, by producing souvenirs.

DreamWorks has an entire consumer goods division that helps recoup the cost of a movie if it fails at the box office. Film companies recognize that fan-made productions often surpass the official "souvenir" in accuracy and detail.

DC Batman fan model

Many film companies are closely following the development of 3D printed merchandise, but do not yet know how to respond. For example, Paramount Pictures, Marvel Studios and Warner Bros. They themselves began to upload models for 3D printing to the network, before the release of new films.

Weapon Seal

Weapon Seal

24-year-old law student Cody Wilson was the first to make a gun on a 3D printer. Cody designed and 3D printed a combat pistol on his own. After 8 years, the idea of ​​making firearms using 3D printing has not only not died out, but flared up with a bright fire.

It started in Texas in 2012. It was there that the company Defense Distributed was registered, the ideology of which was the development of models of firearms that anyone could make on a home 3D printer.



The first “swallow” was the Liberator - a compact plastic pistol printed on a 3D printer from ABS plastic. The only thing that could not be made on a 3D printer was the striker, which was successfully replaced by an ordinary nail. The first printed pistol was made on a Stratasys Dimension SST 3D printer.

Liberator - the name is borrowed from a cheap pistol that was developed in 1942 in the USA.

The Liberator fired a fairly weak .380 ACP round and could only last a dozen rounds at most.

Failed Liberator

Zig Zag

In the spring of 2014, a video appeared on the Internet with a man shooting from a plastic revolver with a huge drum. The video greatly stirred up all of Japan.

Zig Zag

Unknown was Yoshitomo Imura (Yoshitomo Imura) - 28-year-old employee of the Shonan Institute of Technology. Despite Imuru's claim that he fired blanks on the tape, he was arrested and sentenced to 2 years in prison.

The Zig Zag design was a reimagining of revolvers popular in the 19th century, which used a rotating .38 caliber barrel block mounted on a pistol grip.


In 2015, mechanical engineering student James Patrick posted a video online showing a 3D printed PM522 Washbear in operation.

PM522 Washbear

The PM522 visually resembled a children's pistol from a science fiction movie, but at the same time the pistol had a strong and rigid frame. Washbear is also safer than its predecessors. At rest, the firing mechanism was not in line with the primer, so the PM522 was protected from accidental firing, for example, when dropped. The only metal part was the nail that replaced the striker.



Canadian with the nickname CanadianGunNut, ThreeD Ukulele or simply Matthew, inspired by the Liberator project, designed and posted his project - Grizzly. Grizzly is an ABS+ plastic rifle. It took the Canadian 3 days to design the rifle and another 27 hours to manufacture it using a Stratasys Dimension 1200es industrial 3D printer.

Grizzly 9 Rifle0340

The first version of the Grizzly had a smooth and straight .22 barrel. But this turned out to be not a very good decision, and the barrel cracked after the first shot. Subsequently, Matthew replaced the barrel with a tapered barrel with rifling inside.

Plastic “cutting” could not affect the ballistics of the bullet in any way, but added strength to the barrel.


Liberator 12k

The Liberator 12k is a 12-round shotgun made by a well-known, in narrow circles, enthusiast in the world of 3D printing - Jeff Rodriguez.

Liberator 12k

Rodriguez managed to create a simple and at the same time reliable design, "mixing" a pistol and a pump-action shotgun in the design of the Liberator 12k. A huge plus for manufacturing and reliability was the absence of small parts in the shotgun mechanism.

Since the plastic was not strong enough, Rodriguez reinforced the design of the Liberator 12k with metal pins and added metal tubes inside the barrel and drum. The metal parts were purchased from a regular hardware store, so anyone could easily make a Liberator 12k with their home 3D printer.

Semi-automatic weapons


The first sign was the Shuty-MP1, a semi-automatic pistol made by an amateur gunsmith with the nickname Derwood, in April 2017.


Shuty AP-9

The Shuty AP-9 still uses a pistol barrel, but the trigger and return spring are taken from the civilian version of the M16. This improved the reliability of the rifle.

Ethical use

Despite the negative examples of application, 3D printing is actively used in many areas, helping to save time and create products that cannot be produced by other methods.



Metal-printing 3D printers are actively used in medicine for the manufacture of titanium implants. For example, a patient needs to have a hip joint implant made. According to the results of CT, the necessary area of ​​bone tissue replacement is agreed with the doctors and a prosthesis model is created that is ideal for this patient. After all approvals, the finished model is sent for printing.

3D model of implant

The main areas of 3D printing of implants in medicine are maxillofacial surgery, traumatology, orthopedics, oncology and veterinary medicine. A big advantage over classical methods of manufacturing implants is the ability to create a cellular or porous structure. This allows for better integration of the prosthesis into the bone tissue.

Samples of printed implants and pins


The manufacture of even a relatively simple traction prosthesis is a rather laborious and lengthy process. 3D printing has reduced costs and accelerated the production of prostheses. In addition, it became possible to customize the prosthesis.

Customized child prostheses

Some enthusiasts are modeling and posting models and detailed instructions for assembling traction prosthetic hands and fingers in the public domain so that any user can print and make a prosthesis at home.

Simple Traction Hand Model


Building custom drones

Aerialtronics is a small Dutch company that specializes in building unique, customized drones. Aerialtronics manufactures and develops unique drones, the characteristics of which can vary depending on the needs of the customer.

Initially, a basic concept model was designed, which consists of a platform and a set of elements that can be changed at the request of the customer. Changes can affect almost any part of the drone. The customer can choose the number of motors and their power, payload, flight time, supported software and much more.

Aerialtronics base model

But any, even minor changes in the characteristics and design of the drone required the manufacture of new elements and design changes. Classical manufacturing methods turned out to be quite laborious and long. To save time and money, a Stratasys uPrint SE Plus 3D printer was purchased.

Drone Assembly

Thanks to 3D printing, it was possible not only to speed up production, but also to devote more time to improving individual components, because the finished model is ready the next morning. Rapid manufacturing allows you to print a part, test it, make the necessary changes to the 3D model and make a new sample. Aerialtronics engineers manage to manufacture and test 8-10 variants of a part in a few days in order to achieve maximum quality.


Prototyping of gas turbines.

Prototyping by traditional methods is often time consuming and expensive. Because of this, the price of an error in calculations and 3D modeling can be very expensive.

For example, the production of turbine engine parts is usually based on careful preparatory calculations, but even this does not always prevent errors in the production of a test prototype. After all, even the most modern software methods cannot replace physical tests. But due to the high cost (over $20,000), it becomes impossible to produce multiple prototypes for testing.

Turbine Technologies (Wisconsin, USA) and its subsidiary Kutrieb Research have found a way out - 3D printing. Thanks to the 3D Systems ProJet 3D printer, it was possible to reduce the cost of prototyping by about 10 times to $2,000.

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