How much for a metal 3d printer
How Much Does a Metal 3D Printer Cost?
Cost Driver #1: Material Cost
One of the most important metal 3D printer costs is that of the raw materials. Metals for 3D printing are often far more expensive than other forms of the same metal. This is due to special processing and purity requirements. In addition to the raw material itself, some metal 3D printers require inert gas which can add a surprising amount to the overall annual cost. There are 3 main groups of metal 3D printed raw materials as listed below.
- Powder
One of the biggest disadvantages of powder-based metal 3D printing (typically laser-based printers) is the cost of the raw material. In most cases, the process to turn metal into powder is expensive and energy-intensive. In addition to this, the powder needs to be highly pure which only adds to the overall cost. Metal powder can cost anywhere from $79/kg for 17-4PH steel to $738/kg for advanced titanium alloys like Nitinol.
- Metal Wire
3D printing technologies like DED (Directed Energy Deposition) have much lower material costs because their raw material comes in wire form. Metal wire is much cheaper to produce than powder. Essentially, the costs are comparable to spooled welding wire. However, it must be noted that DED printers do not produce good finishes and often need additional machining after printing is complete.
- Polymer Bound Metal
3D printers like the Desktop Metal Studio 2 and Markforged’s Metal X make use of a polymer-metal powder matrix that is supplied in spools. This process uses the same powder as MIM (Metal Injection Molding) processes and the quality and particle size tolerance is more lenient than is the case for laser-based systems. That all gives this technology the cheapest raw material cost. Desktop Metal claims the material cost per kg is 80% cheaper than normal laser-based powder printers.
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A metal 3D printer at work
Cost Driver #2: Design Software
Most metal 3D printing suppliers will provide software to prepare the part for printing. However, full-featured CAD software that can be used to design complex parts must be purchased at an additional cost. For instance, only specially designed software can properly simulate how loads will affect the performance of a complex, latticed 3D printed component. Normal analysis software cannot accurately simulate these special cases. The software also requires skilled operators who know how to use it effectively. These programs often operate on a subscription basis that may cost thousands of dollars per year to maintain for multiple users.
Cost Driver #3: Machine Cost
The metal 3D printer cost depends on a few factors. Each technology is best suited for certain applications, a fact which is evident in the varying machine costs. In general, metal 3D printers can be sourced for as little as a hundred thousand dollars but can also cost over a million dollars. Cheaper machines are best suited to low production volumes and don’t always produce optimally dense parts whereas higher-end machines can manufacture dense parts 24/7 with very little downtime. It must, however, be noted that the costs of advanced industrial-scale printers cannot be accurately determined due to factors such as shipping, geographic location, custom machine options, etc. Some common metal 3D printer costs are listed in the table below.
Name | Technology | Cost |
Name Markforged - Metal X | Technology ADAM (Atomic Diffusion Additive Manufacturing) | Cost $99,500 |
Name Desktop Metal - Studio 2 | Technology Polymer/Metal Extrusion | Cost $110,000 |
Name Trumpf - TruPrint 1000 | Technology LMF (Laser Metal Fusion) | Cost $170,000 |
Name 3D Systems - DMP Flex 100 | Technology | Cost $245,000 |
Name Arcam - Spectra H | Technology EBM (Electron Beam Melting) | Cost $100,000 - $250,000 |
Name EOS - M 100 | Technology DMLS (Direct Metal Laser Sintering) | Cost $350,000 |
Name EP - M650 | Technology DMLS (Direct Metal Laser Sintering) | Cost $1,000,000 |
Name Desktop Metal - Production | Technology Single Pass Jetting | Cost $1,250,000 |
Name Lasertec - 6600 3D | Technology DED (Directed Energy Deposition) | Cost $3,000,000 |
Cost Driver #4: Post-Processing Cost
Metal 3D printing often requires varying degrees of post-processing. In some cases, the part needs to be sintered in a furnace, and in other cases, post-machining or polishing will be needed. All of these post-processes add to the overall metal 3D printer cost and need to be considered when choosing a metal 3D printer. Some typical post-processes are listed below.
FREE Binder Jetting Metal 3D Printing Design Guide
- Machine and Part Cleaning: In the case of powder-based printers, the unused powder must be collected and sifted before it can be reused. In addition to this, the part may need post-processing, especially if it has support structures to remove.
- Machining & Polishing: In some cases, accurate features that 3D printers can’t achieve must be machined into the part using subtractive techniques. And even if that’s not the case, metal 3D printed parts do not come off the machine with polished surfaces. If the part needs polishing, that will have to happen after the part is printed, thus adding to the overall metal 3D printer cost.
- Heat Treatment or Sintering: Some metal 3D printing processes generate internal stresses within the part. This happens when the heat of a laser or electron beam creates uneven cooling. These stresses can be removed through stress-relieving heat treatment processes. Other printing technologies involve polymer binders that must be burnt out of the part in a sintering furnace. These are energy-intensive processes and add to the metal 3D printer cost.
Which Metal 3D Printer Do I Need?
It can be difficult to decide which metal printer is ideal because the total metal 3D printer cost of ownership is hard to calculate. In addition to this, the cost of the part can in some cases be more expensive when compared to metal injection molding or CNC machining. In most cases, it may be easier to outsource the manufacture of these parts — at least in the beginning stages — to get an idea of their production cost. Another method is to use Xometry’s instant quoting feature and metal 3D printing service to get your parts printed on-demand.
Team Xometry
This article was written by various Xometry contributors. Xometry is a leading resource on manufacturing with CNC machining, sheet metal fabrication, 3D printing, injection molding, urethane casting, and more.
Metal 3D Printer Cost: Is it expensive? Buyer's Guide
If you are considering investing in a metal 3D printer, you are likely curious about the cost. Are the machines expensive? Do they cost a lot to operate? This guide will answer all those questions and more! Keep reading to learn about the things you need to consider before buying a metal 3D printer and some of the best options on the market today.
How Much Does a Metal 3D Printer Cost?Metal 3D printers are used for a wide variety of manufacturing needs. They are becoming faster and easier to use. These machines are powerful too since they can now use more metals than ever.
3D printing with metal has many applications for engineers, whether you are in the automotive, health, aerospace, or other industry. You can use them to build detailed parts, prototypes, and pieces that can take your business to the next level.
So, how much does a metal 3D printer cost?
Unfortunately, there is no easy answer to this question. The manufacturers of metal 3D printers don’t broadcast their prices online, so you can’t just google what the cost is. Part of the reason they do this is that they will tailor their quotes to fit the specific needs of their clients.
That means you won’t be able to just order them online. You will likely need to reach out to the manufacturer, schedule some meetings, and sign a formal contract.
Even though the cost of this technology has decreased over time, it is still expensive compared to other 3D printing options. You can expect to spend anywhere from $80,000 to $1,000,000 on a metal 3D printer!
The cost will vary based on the type of metal printer you choose, as well as its size and expected performance. You will also need to add in the cost of the materials and additional tools required to complete the metal 3D printing process.
Similarly, 3D printing metal is not something anyone can do – you will need someone with serious skill and experience to operate them. We will get into this additional expense in the next section.
Things to Consider Before 3D Printing MetalAs we mentioned, there is a lot more to getting a metal 3D printer than the cost of the machine. That is only just a fraction of the cost, representing only about 40% of the total expenses associated with 3D printing metal.
You may be wondering, what else do you have to consider?
The total cost of ownership also includes material expenses, post-processing requirements, and operation and maintenance. Let’s get into these in a bit more detail:
Material Costs
Before you can 3D print metal, you must first buy the materials needed to make the machine work! The type of metal and materials you need will vary based on the specific machine you purchase, but this will be a recurring expense.
Most metal printers use a powder that is heated to create the metal object, and a kilogram of this can cost you anywhere from $300 to $600.
If you are working with an SLM or DMLS 3D printer though, you can expect your materials to cost $2,000 to $4,000 per build. Note that this assumes that you can fit up to 12 parts on one single build plate.
The material costs you will incur will depend on what you plan to use the 3D printer for, but make sure you incorporate this into your calculations ahead of time!
Printing the metal part or prototype is only the beginning of the 3D printing process. You will need to complete post-processing steps afterward, which include cleaning the object, coating its surface, and removing support structures.
How you manage this depends on the type of machine you purchase. If you opt for a metal binder machine, you must heat the objects in an oven for sintering. Power bed fusion involves building support structures to anchor the part to the build plate, so you must remove them once it’s complete.
Here are some standard cost estimates for post-processing techniques:
- Stress Relief: $500 to $600 per build
- Heat Treatment: $500 to $2,000 per build
- Support Removal: $100 to $200 per part
- Surface Treatment: $200 to $500 per part
- CNC Machining: $500 to $2,000 per part
Like our material cost estimates, these ranges assume you can fit between six and twelve parts on your build plate.
Operation & Maintenance
Finally, you must consider the cost of operating and maintaining the metal 3D printer. Simply put, these machines are not plug-and-play. They require extensive setup and skill to operate, so you will need to hire someone to manage the machine.
That means if you plan on running the printer full-time, you’ve got to hire a full-time operator. As you can see, the expense of operating a metal 3D printer can add up quickly!
Metal 3D Printing ServicesThere are various types of metal 3D printing services, and the cost will vary considerably depending on the technology you choose. If you need to connect with reliable and competitive metal 3D printing services, you can easily do so using Jiga’s marketplace.
The most common options are metal powder bed fusion, direct energy deposition, metal filament extrusion, and binder jetting. Let’s dive into how each of these processes works and what materials they use to build 3D metal objects!
Metal Powder Bed Fusion 3D Printing
Metal powder bed fusion is the most popular choice for metal 3D printing.
SLS stands for selective laser sintering. This process relies on a high-powered laser to sinter metal powder into a solid structure.
First, the machine will dispense a thin layer of metal powder on the build platform. The machine will heat the powder to just below the melting point, so the laser can easily trace the model into a solid part.
The particles fuse layer by layer, and eventually, you are left with your completed prototype! Any leftover powder supports the structure as it is built and can be reused for future projects. Once the structure is finished, it will cool down within the machine to prevent warping and optimize its mechanical properties.
Of course, post-processing is required. You must clean the excess powder off the part and separate the part. If necessary, you can use media tumbling or blasting to process the piece even further.
Other names for this process include direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) or selective laser melting (SLM). Regardless of what you choose to call it, this powder bed fusion technique uses lasers to selectively bond the metal particles – one layer at a time.
The average cost of an SLS or SLM printer is $550,000, but the price can climb up to $2,000,000 depending on the features you choose to include!
Directed Energy Deposition (DED)
Another type of metal 3D printing process is directed energy deposition or DED.
This method can be compared to filament extrusion since the metal powders are pushed through a special nozzle. You can also use metal in wire form, as that can also be easily pushed through the nozzle.
However, unlike SLS that sinters the material on the print bed, DED uses a laser to solidify the material as it is deposited. The robotic arm that lays the material down on the print bed also holds a laser that melts it simultaneously.
Not only does this speed up the 3D printing process, but it also reduces any material waste that you might experience with SLS machines.
The entire process also occurs in a sealed chamber because it must be filled with inert gas to prevent unwanted oxidation and to maximize control of the materials.
DED machines are perfect for repairing parts or building large 3D metal objects. Similarly, the high printing speed makes it ideal for manufacturing parts at production volumes. The drawback, though, is that you sacrifice surface quality and finish.
Most DED machines cost upwards of $500,000, so it is not necessarily a cheap option!
Metal Filament Extrusion
You can also choose a metal 3D printer that uses filament extrusion. The metal material, or filament, is heated up and processed through the nozzle.
Unlike the dangerous metal powder used in the previous options, this filament is made of metal particles mixed with a binding agent. That means it can be handled easily and safely but requires additional post-processing steps.
For example, it must go through de-binding and sintering to reach the final form.
These machines usually cost about $140,000, and this estimate includes the tools needed for post-processing. Like with all options, though, the cost can creep much higher if you select a larger, more sophisticated machine.
Material Jetting and Binder Jetting
The last type of metal 3D printers we want to mention use a material or binder jetting process.
Think of these machines like an inkjet printer – they spray the metal onto the build surface, and as soon as it hardens, another layer of metal “ink” is added onto it. Binder jetting works the same way, except that a liquid binder is also applied to the metal materials. It works layer by layer, so the process is completed over time.
Similarly, the prototype you construct will be very fragile until you complete the post-processing requirements. The sintering and infiltration steps will take it from its green state and turn it into a strengthened metal part.
Due to the unique technology used in this process, you can use more materials than just metal. It’s a great option if you are interested in working with sand or ceramics!
Expect to spend about $400,000 – or more – for a metal binder jetting system.
Cost of Metal 3D PrintersNow that you understand how 3D metal printing works and the different methods you can choose from, let’s review some of the best solutions on the market. This section will cover the specs for each machine as well as their average cost.
Markforged Metal X
If you are looking for an affordable metal 3D printing machine, consider the Metal X by Markforged. This option has a build volume of 300 x 200 x 180 mm and costs just under $100,000.
The build volume is rather large considering the price, and while $100,000 is by no means cheap, it will cost you less than the other options on this list!
Note that this cost only includes the 3D printing part of the machine. You will need to purchase a de-binding fluid wash statement and sintering furnace separately. This will likely bring your total cost of ownership closer to $165,000.
It uses atomic diffusion additive manufacturing to construct metal prototypes and aims to provide a more cost-effective solution for the average consumer. The Metal X operates like an FDM printer since it uses an extruder to make metal parts from powder mixed in a plastic matrix.
When you choose this model, you can work with various steels, titanium, copper, and Inconel filaments.
3D Systems DMP FLEX 100
The 3D Systems DMP Flex 100 is a powder bed fusion machine built for industrial use. This manufacturer is very popular for metal 3D printing and is based out of the US. For users needing to build small or complex metal parts, this is the perfect solution.
The DMP Flex 100 is fast and precise, so you can quickly build the same part repeatedly. When you purchase this system, you also get access to an all-inclusive software solution that gives you everything you need to be successful with metal additive manufacturing.
It has a print bed of 100 x 100 x 90 mm and costs about $250,000.
Desktop Metal Studio
The next metal 3D printer on our list is the Desktop Metal Studio. This is an office-friendly option and an ideal prototyping solution.
The printer itself costs about $60,000. You will need to purchase the de-binder and furnace separately, and you can expect to pay $15,000 and $85,000 for these, respectively. That puts you at a total average value of $160,000.
Even though it is a smaller model, it has a sizeable build volume of 300 x 200 x 200 mm. It uses bound metal deposition technology to extrude unique metal rods. The de-binder will dissolve the object after it is printed, so you are left with a porous piece that must be put into the furnace.
Once in the furnace, the prototype is heated and sintered to meet the desired density and strength.
Arcam Spectra H
Another great option is the Arcam Spectra H. GE additive owns this Swedish manufacturer, and they develop 3D printers specifically for the aerospace industry.
Although the price is not on their website, we estimate that it retails somewhere between $100,000 and $250,000. It relies on electron beam melting technology, or EBM, to create lightweight and precise metal pieces.
It offers one of the larges build chambers on the market, with a height of 430 mm and a diameter of 250 mm. After the machine prints your prototype, you must move it into a powder recovery system.
Here, a magnetic separator and compressed air clean the part. The cost of this additional machine is unknown but will likely require a significant investment.
Trumpf TruPrint 1000
The Trumpf TruPrint 1000 LMF is a selective laser melting (SLM) metal 3D printer. It costs over $250,000, and the price will vary depending on the options you select.
This tool is an industrial machine with a large build plate of 100 x 100 x 100 mm. Since it uses metal powder as feed material, you will need to factor those costs in as well.
Even though it has a considerable build volume, the machine itself is compact. You can use it for making small prototypes and parts, and you can control it remotely through a tablet application.
EOS M 100
The EOS M 100 is an entry-level model that goes for about $350,000. This number does not include post-processing add-ons, but this machine can produce high-quality and cost-effective prints.
The EOS M 100 is powered by DMLS or direct metal laser sintering. If you need to run small batches for medical accessories or other tools, this machine will be a great fit.
It has a smaller build chamber of 95 x 100 mm, which works so well for small production runs.
Is It Worth it to Buy a 3D Metal Printer?So, is it worth it to buy a 3D metal printer?
That depends on what your goals are. The best thing to do is research your options and survey your peers to see what is working for them.
Printing metal 3D parts can help you bring complex designs to life and supports on-demand production. In other words, it improves your flexibility and control on the production line! Similarly, metal 3D printing produces less waste than CNC milling processes, which increases its cost-effectiveness over time.
The obvious drawback of 3D metal printers is the high cost of entry. It may take you a significant amount of time to get a positive return on investment, so make sure to calculate your throughput to determining that value.
The printing process is not perfect either and almost always requires post-processing steps. Whether it is sintering or de-binding, you will always have to add some finishing touches to achieve the desired product.
Only you can determine if it is worth buying a metal 3D printer. Consider the pros and cons we posed as well as the unique situation your business is in!
Types of metals are aluminum, stainless steel, brass, copper, bronze, and titanium. There are different
The right manufacturing supplier needs to be reputable, stable, reliable, and genuinely capable of supplying
Precise metal 3D printing on order in Sprint 3D
Metal 3D printing - additive manufacturing of metal products, which is rightfully one of the most promising and rapidly developing areas in 3D printing as such. The technology itself originates from the conventional sintering of materials used in powder metallurgy. But now it has become more perfect, accurate and fast. And today SPRINT3D offers you metal printing on 3 D printer on really favorable terms. But first, a little information about the production process itself and its capabilities.
Selective Laser Fusion Technology
SLM or Selective Fusion Technology is a type of direct metal printing that achieves a density of 99.5%. The difference is especially noticeable when compared with models obtained by conventional casting. This indicator is achieved due to the introduction of the latest technologies in the hardware part:
- The use of special rollers for compacting powders and, as a result, the possibility of using powders with a particle size of 5 microns.
- Bulk density increase to help compact end products.
- Creates a rarefied atmosphere of inert gases, which ensures maximum purity of the material, no oxidation, and eliminates the risk of introducing third-party chemical compounds into the composition.
But most importantly, the modern 3 D Metal Printer makes it easy to customize the configuration for printing with a specific metal powder. Thus, even with inexpensive material, you can get a first-class result. But only if you use high-quality modern equipment. And here we are ready to surprise you too!
Metal 3D printing B SPRINT 3D
3D printing with own 3D printers
The largest working area is 280x280x350 mm
layer thickness up to 15 micron
3D with various types of metals
Delivery throughout Russia and CIS countries
installations for 3 D metal print, which we use
Production quality is a key requirement that we set ourselves. Therefore, in our work we use only professional equipment with wide possibilities for metal printing. Let's take a closer look at each of the production units.
Production unit SLM 280HL
SLM 280HL is a development of the German company SLM Solutions GmbH, which uses the technology of layer-by-layer laser melting of powder metal materials. The installation is equipped with a large working chamber and allows you to create 3D objects with dimensions of 280x280x350 mm. Among the main advantages of printing with this unit are:
- Small minimum thickness of the applied layer - 20 microns.
- Filling the working chamber with an inert gas, which allows you to work with various reactive metals.
- Print speed up to 35 cm/hour.
- Construction layer thickness – 30 and 50 µm.
- Power - 400 W.
A special highlight is the patented powder feed system, which delivers significantly faster print speeds than most production machines in the same price range. We use the following materials in production:
- Stainless steel (domestic 07X18H12M2 (Polema), 12X18H10T and imported 316L).
- Tool steel (imported 1.2709).
- Heat-resistant alloys 08KhN53BMTYu (similar to Inconel 718, produced by Polem) and EP 741 (produced by VILS).
- Cobalt Chrome (COCR)
The SLM 280HL 3D printer can be used to create all kinds of metal components, prototypes and end products. If necessary, we can provide small-scale production.
ProX 100 production unit
ProX 100 is a compact 3 D metal printing unit developed by the American company 3D Systems. It uses direct laser sintering technology, which ensures high speed and precision of production. Among the main characteristics it is worth highlighting:
- The size of the working chamber is 100x100x80 mm.
- Construction layer thickness – 20 and 30 µm.
- Power - 50 W.
ProX 100 allows you to create prototypes that cannot be developed by standard methods, provides short lead times, guarantees the absence of material porosity and high part density. In addition, we note the standardized quality of all products, regardless of their structure. At the moment, the model is actively used in dentistry when creating high-precision prostheses, but it has found wide application in other industries:
- Manufacture of engines and their individual parts.
- Development of medical equipment.
- Printing jewelry and even contemporary art.
In printing, we use the KX28M6 cobalt-chromium alloy (Polem's production), originally developed for additive technologies when creating endoprostheses.
Metal 3D printing - current application
Many experts argue that 3D printing as such has not yet fully revealed its potential. For example, Elon Musk plans to use technology in the colonization of Mars to build administrative and residential buildings, equipment and technology right on the spot. And this is quite real, because already now the technology of three-dimensional metal printing is actively used in various industries: The high precision of production and relatively affordable price have made 3D printing very relevant in this industry.

And this is only a small part of what can be created on modern equipment. Almost all metal products that you need can be created using metal 3D printing technology. And if this service is relevant for you, contact SPRINT3D. We will undertake work of any complexity and volume. And most importantly - we will provide first-class results!
The future is here!
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How much does a 3D printer cost?
3D printing is a one-stop solution for a wide range of applications, from high-resolution model production to rapid prototyping, rapid tooling for traditional manufacturing processes, production of aids and end-use models.
However, when you consider investing in a 3D printer, the viability of a solution usually comes down to a simple question: is it cost-effective for your business? How much does a 3D printer cost and how much time and money can it save your business?
3D printer prices range from $200 to $500,000 depending on the printing process, materials, and complexity of the solution.
In this guide, we'll break down 3D printing costs by technology, compare outsourcing versus in-house manufacturing, list factors to consider when calculating the cost of each model, and look at what else to look for when comparing different solutions. for 3D printing and other production methods.
This interactive ROI tool will help you find out how much time and money you can save by 3D printing with a Formlabs 3D printer.
Calculate your costs
Three of the most well-known plastic 3D printing technologies today are Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), Stereolithography (SLA) and Selective Laser Sintering (SLS).
Each technology has its advantages and disadvantages - take a look at the infographic:
Download this high resolution infographic here. Interested in learning more about FDM, SLA and SLS 3D printing technologies? Check out our detailed guide.
Prices for 3D printers have dropped significantly in recent years, and today all three technologies are available in compact, low-cost systems.
FDM generally produces models at a lower cost if you only print relatively simple prototypes in limited numbers. SLA technology offers higher resolution and quality, as well as a wide choice of 3D printing materials at a slightly higher price. But this difference is quickly offset when you print complex designs or larger batches due to the less labor-intensive post-processing process. Finally, SLS technology is the most cost effective for medium to high volume production of high quality functional models.
Comparing the total cost of different 3D printers by price tags alone will not give you a complete picture of how the cost of a 3D printer and a printed model will compare. The cost of 3D printing materials and labor significantly affects the cost of a model, depending on the application and your production needs.
Let's look at the different factors and costs for each process.
FDM, also known as Fused Filament Manufacturing (FFF), is a printing method where the parts of a model are made by melting and extruding a thermoplastic filament that the printer's nozzle applies layer by layer onto the model being made.
FDM is the most popular form of consumer grade 3D printing, fueled by the proliferation of hobbyist 3D printers. However, professional and industrial FDM printers are also popular among professionals.
The cheapest 3D printers are FDM printers. DIY kits for FDM 3D printers start at $200. However, most of these models are more like toys or DIY projects that require a significant amount of time to build, set up and calibrate. The quality of the print largely depends on the success of these operations. In addition, machines require repairs and regular maintenance to keep them working, so they are more suitable for people with a higher engineering education who have a lot of time and patience.
Hobbyist FDM 3D printers cost between $500 and $1,500, come pre-assembled or unassembled, require less setup, but have the same disadvantages as the cheapest 3D printers. More expensive models are capable of large print volumes and work with a wide variety of materials besides low temperature ones such as PLA.
Professional 3D FDM printers start at $2,500 and large format professional FDM printers are available from $4,000. The cost of the most modern industrial FDM printers can exceed 10,000 US dollars. Most of these printers come pre-assembled and calibrated in the box, or they can be automatically calibrated. Printers in this category offer better print quality, a wider range of media, higher print volumes, improved reliability, and ease of use and maintenance. In addition, professional 3D printer manufacturers offer customer support services for troubleshooting.
Material costs for FDM 3D printing range from $50 to $150/kg for most standard and engineering filaments, and $100 to $200/kg for auxiliary materials. There are also cheaper alternatives, but they are of lower quality.
In addition, FDM printing can be very labor intensive. Successful printing of complex models requires support structures that must be removed manually or dissolved in water. To obtain a high quality surface and remove layer lines, lengthy manual post-processing of models, such as sanding, is necessary.
SLA 3D printers use the process of photopolymerization, that is, the conversion of liquid polymers into hardened plastic using a laser. SLA is one of the most popular processes among professionals due to its high resolution, accuracy and material versatility.
Models printed on SLA printers have the highest precision, sharpest detail, and smoothest surface possible of any plastic 3D printing technology. But the main advantage of the SLA method is its versatility. SLA polymers have a wide range of optical, mechanical and thermal properties that match those of standard, engineering and industrial thermoplastics.
SLA 3D printers can handle a wide range of resin materials for a wide variety of applications.
SLA used to be used only in large and complex industrial 3D printers costing over $200,000, but the process is now much more affordable. With the Formlabs Form 3+ Printer, businesses can now use industrial quality SLA printing for as little as $3,750. With Form 3L, large format SLA printing starts at just $11,000.
Stereolithographic 3D printers will be shipped in a box assembled and calibrated. These are professional tools that are highly reliable and require virtually no maintenance. Technical support is also always available. It provides troubleshooting in a critical situation (but its probability is extremely small).
Most standard and engineered polymers for SLA technology cost between $149 and $200 per liter.
SLA printers are easy to use and many workflow steps such as rinsing and final curing can be automated to reduce labor costs. Printed models have a high quality surface immediately after printing and require only simple post-processing to remove supporting structures.
Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) 3D printers use a high power laser to sinter fine polymer powder particles. The unsprayed powder supports the model during printing and eliminates the need for special support structures. This makes SLS ideal for complex geometries, including internal features, grooves, thin walls, and negative taper.
Models produced using SLS printing have excellent mechanical characteristics - their strength can be compared with the strength of injection molded parts. As a result, SLS technology is the most popular plastic 3D printing process for industrial applications.
SLS printed nylon models are ideal for a range of functional applications, from consumer product design to healthcare applications.
Like SLA, SLS technology was previously only available in large format, complex 3D printing systems costing $200,000 or more. With the Formlabs Fuse 1 stereolithography printer, businesses can now solve industrial-scale tasks with SLS technology starting at $18,500. The complete kit, which includes the post-processing and powder recovery system, costs $31,845.
As with SLA printers, stereolithographic printers are shipped assembled and calibrated in the box. They are reliable and can operate 24/7. The package includes in-depth training and fast technical support.
SLS nylon print materials cost about US$100/kg. SLS does not require supporting structures and unused powder can be reused, reducing material costs.
SLS is the least labor-intensive plastic 3D printing process in the production environment, because the printed models are of high quality right away, and to remove excess powder, they simply need to be cleaned.
There are several processes for 3D printing not only plastics but also metals.
Metal FDM printers are similar in design to traditional FDM printers, but use extruded metal rods held together by a resin binder. The finished parts of the model are sintered in an oven to remove the binder.
SLM and DMLS printers are similar to SLS printers, but instead of polymer powders, they fuse metal powder particles layer by layer using a laser. 3D printers based on SLM and DMLS technologies can create strong, precise and complex metal products, making this process ideal for the aerospace, automotive and medical industries.
Prices for metal 3D printers have also begun to decline, ranging from $100,000 to $1 million today. However, these systems are still out of reach for most businesses.
SLA 3D printing is available as an alternative to casting workflows that allow metal models to be produced cheaper and faster than traditional methods and provide greater design freedom.
Technical report
Get design guides for 3D printing samples, see the step-by-step direct investment casting process, and study guides for indirect investment casting and sand casting.
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Different plastic and metal 3D printing processes have unique qualities that make them suitable for different applications. Below is a comparison of different printing technologies.
Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) | Stereolithography (SLA) | Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) | Metal FDM Printing | Selective Laser Melting (SLM) and Direct Metal Laser Sintering (390DM) | ||||||
Resolution | ★cle ★☆ | ★ opa ★ Look | ★ opa | ★cle | ★cle ★ MyQUTION | |||||
SUMPLE | ★ Look | ★ Look | ★ Looking ★ opa ☆ | ★ any ☆ | ★ opa | |||||
Simplicity of use | ★ opa | ★ Look | ★ Look | ★ Look | ★ ☆☆☆☆ | 111111111111111111111111to OL x 300 x 600 mm (Desktop and Workshop 3D printers) | Up to ~300 x 335 x 200 mm (Desktop and Workshop 3D printers) | Up to 165 x 165 x 300 mm (3D - workshop printers) | Up to 300 x 200 x 200 mm | Up to 400 x 400 x 400 mm |
Price range | DIY kits for 3D printers start at $200 and hobby printers cost $500-1500.![]() | Professional desktop printers start at $3,750, while high-volume large format desktop printers are available from $11,000. | Workshop industrial printers start at $18,500 and traditional industrial printers start at $100,000. | Metal FDM printers start at $100,000, but complete solutions including an oven are much more expensive. | DMLS/SLM solutions start at around $200,000. These printers require special infrastructure conditions, which can further increase costs. | |||||
Cost of materials | US$50-150/kg for most standard and engineering yarns and US$100-200/kg for auxiliary materials. | $50-150/L for most standard and engineering polymers. | $100/kg for nylon. SLS does not require supporting structures and unused powder can be reused, reducing material costs. | Depends on material and technology.![]() | Depends on material and technology. Significantly higher than plastic. | |||||
Labor | Manual removal of support structures (soluble support structures may be used in some cases). Long post-processing is required to obtain a high quality surface. | Washing and final polymerization (both can be automated). Simple post-processing to remove supporting structures. | Easy cleaning to remove excess powder. | Washing and sintering (both can be automated). It is possible to use mechanical processing and other types of surface treatment. | Stress relief, removal of support structures, heat treatment, and mechanical and other surface treatments. | |||||
Materials | Standard thermoplastics such as ABS, PLA and their various blends. | Various polymers (thermosetting plastics). Standard, engineering (similar to ABS and PP, similar to silicone, flexible, heat resistant, rigid), injection molding, dental and medical (biocompatible).![]() | Engineering thermoplastics - typically nylon and its composites (nylon 12 biocompatible + sterilizable). | Stainless steel, tool steel, inconel, copper, titanium. | Stainless steel, tool steel, titanium, cobalt-chromium, copper, aluminium, nickel alloys. | |||||
Applications | Basic experimental models, low cost rapid prototyping of simple parts. | Prototypes with a high level of detail requiring close tolerances and smooth surfaces: molds, tooling, templates, medical models and functional parts. | Complex geometries, functional prototypes, low volume production or limited trial production. | Strong and durable models, tools and production aids. | Strong and durable models with complex geometries; ideal for the aerospace, automotive and medical industries. |
When calculating the cost of one model, the cost of ownership of equipment, material costs and labor costs are usually taken into account. It is important to understand the factors that affect each of these cost components, as well as the questions to ask in order to evaluate alternative production methods and uncover hidden costs.
Equipment ownership costs are fixed costs: 3D printer price, service contracts, installation and maintenance. These amounts must be paid whether your printer is idle or produces dozens of models per week.
Add up all projected fixed costs over the life of the equipment, then divide by the number of models you plan to build. As a rule, the higher the performance and efficiency of your 3D printer, the lower the cost of ownership of equipment per model.
In recent years, desktop 3D printers have shown excellent results in reducing the cost of ownership of equipment. With a price 10 to 100 times lower than traditional industrial 3D printers and the ability to produce thousands of models over a lifetime, the cost of ownership can be negligible.
Are there installation, training or additional initial costs other than the cost of the machine itself?
Do I need to sign a (mandatory) service contract? What does it include?
What accessories and tools are needed to make the final models?
What kind of maintenance is required for the machine to function properly? What is the expected annual maintenance cost? Will it change with an increase in production volumes?
The 3D printing raw materials and consumables you need to create models at an affordable price. These costs largely depend on the number of models you produce.
When calculating the cost of materials, determine how much material is required to create one model, and multiply this figure by the cost of the material. Count the amount of waste and any other consumables. As production grows, the cost of ownership of equipment decreases, and the cost of 3D printing materials tends to become more balanced.
Be sure to check what materials you need to create specific models, as the cost of 3D printing consumables can vary greatly. Please note that some 3D printers only work with their proprietary materials and thus limit your ability to use third party materials.
What is the cost of each type of 3D printing material?
How much material is required to create one particular model, including waste?
What is the shelf life of the materials?
Do I need other consumables to create models?
Can the machine work with third-party materials?
While 3D printing can replace complex traditional manufacturing methods and provide significant time savings, depending on the 3D printing technology, it can still be quite labor intensive.
Professional desktop 3D printers are generally optimized for ease of use. DIY kits for 3D printers and hobby printers often require additional effort to adjust settings, while regular maintenance or material changes on traditional industrial machines can involve time-consuming tasks that require the assistance of a skilled operator.
Post-processing workflows vary depending on the 3D printing process, but in most cases include cleaning up models and removing support structures or excess material. However, there are solutions to automate some specific tasks. For example, Formlabs Form Wash and Form Cure simplify the wash and finish process for Formlabs SLA 3D printers, while Fuse Sift offers a turnkey post-processing and powder recovery system for the Fuse 1 SLS printer.
More complex processes such as SLA and SLS do not take long to achieve high quality models, while FDM models require lengthy manual post-processing to improve quality and remove layer lines.
What is the whole model production workflow? What specific steps are required to set up printing, change materials, and post-process models?
How long does it take to post-process one specific model?
Are there any tools or devices available to automate some of these tasks?
Outsource production orders to third-party service bureaus or labs when you use 3D printing only occasionally or to produce large models in non-standard materials. Typically, the bureau has several in-house 3D printing processes such as SLA, SLS, FDM, as well as metal 3D printers. They can also provide advice on a variety of materials and offer additional services such as design or improved finishes.
The main disadvantages of outsourcing are the high cost and duration of production. One of the main advantages of 3D printing is its speed compared to traditional production methods. But it is noticeably reduced if the delivery of the model produced by the involved organization takes several days or even weeks. And as demand and capacity grow, the costs of outsourcing are rising rapidly.
Desktop 3D printers are the perfect solution for fast model production. Depending on the number of parts needed and the volume of prints, the investment in a professional 3D printer can pay for itself in just a few months.
With desktop and workshop printers, you can pay for the capacity that matches your business needs and scale your production by adding more devices as demand grows, without the heavy investment of a large format 3D printer. Using multiple 3D printers also allows you to print models from different materials at the same time. But if there is a need for the production of large parts or the use of non-standard materials, service bureaus can come to the rescue.
Investment, material and labor costs are relatively easy to calculate. But what about indirect costs and hard-to-calculate factors that affect your business? Let's look at some of the main considerations when comparing a desktop 3D printer to outsourcing or other manufacturing methods.
Time saving: What if you could bring products to market a few months faster? Or reduce the delivery time of your products by a few days or weeks? 3D printing simplifies traditional prototyping and manufacturing workflows, helping you save time and stay ahead of the competition.
Best results: 3D printing allows you to create more iterations, overcome failures faster and produce better end products. Troubleshooting a design early on also helps avoid costly redesign and the use of additional tools.