Cannon 3d printer
Cannon best 3D printing files・Cults
Skip to contentTank And Artillery Cannons
CANnon Cup Holder
35mm Oerlikon Ammunition 1:1
Gaslands Cannon Weapon Set
Deimos Predator Assault Cannon Turret
Canon IXUS h320 / Powershot SX720_HS Hard Shell Case
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Imperial Balista field gun (SLA printer)
Big Scary Soul Burner Cannon (decimator)
Army Armor Keyring Mat Bel
Assault Cannon Upgrade for Heavy Rivet Guns
1/35 Scale Breda 20mm Ammo & Ammo Boxes
RIVET WARS - CUSTOM - Space Marine Thunder Cannon- Just a little guy and his cannon
€3. 34
Dwarf Organ gun
Chongtong 총통 - Korean Hand Cannon
Imperial Warrior Battle Cannon supported
Ogre Sailor Cannoneers
1/35 Scale Breda Mod 35 20mm AA Gun
Anti-aircraft artillery cannon
Mini marshmellow cannon
Naval 0.75" Swivel Gun, 3 parts kit
space dwarf missile launchers
Naval 0.75". Swivel Gun
interrogator's revolver
Maxim Gun PM 1910
Cannon Soda Can Launcher
Mono Wheel Sentry Turret Cannon - Presupported
Old War Cannon
€0. 70
Federation Kestrel 1/1000
Naval 24 pound cannon, 5 parts kit
Cannonballed Snowman
24 Pounder Navel Cannon
Naval 24 pound cannon
Proton Cannon
japanese type 94 74mm artillery
Rotor cannon, Iliastari pattern assault cannon, heavy flamer for new Heresy
Dwarven cannon and crew
Spanish Galleon
Bersa TPR 9 Training Cannon
Minioncannon League of legends
Slug Tank
Alternate Auto Cannon Turret for Craftos' Boom Battle Tank
6/8mm Scale ScorpionMech (Base Model)
€6. 06
15mm ScorpionMech (Base Model)
[Pre-Supported] Lord of Steel
RPI Engineering Processes Cannon 3D Printable
Cannon 3d Model -
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Free 3D File Cannon Shell・3D printer model for download・Cults
Jack and Sally Ornament
True area "Thyme tissue 2.

Black Knight Boar Stencil
Katana handle
Root ball
Dewalt DWP611 Router Circular (Laser Cut)
Electromaker Rotary Conversion
Milling bit holders and collets
Best 3D Printer Files in the Miscellaneous Category
Wacky Racers Mean Machine STL
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Phantom Boo
Bullet Bill launching platform
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7 €
Vancouver - British Columbia - 3D Map - Topographic
Polygon Half Mask
4. 05 €
My Hero Academia Logo
0.60 €
Funko Pop Vinyl display stands "End Caps".
Bestsellers in Miscellaneous category
Articulated Gyarados
1.99 €
Targaryen Crown - Viserys - Dragon House
13.28 €
Black Phone Movie Invader 2 Piece Mask 3 Style Frowning Smile No Mouth STL
10.12 €
Articulated Dragon Claws 2.0 UPDATE.
7.07 €
Articulated Raykuaza Flexible Dragon Pokémon
1 €
Wolf - Flexi Articulated Animal (printed in place, without supports)
2 €
Gremlin rail 640 mm FPV
1.01 €
Adderini - 3D printed repeating slingbow/crossbow pistol
6. 25 €
Eeveelution articulated mega pack
10 €
4th planet Fighting pre-Olympic god
12 €
Predator-inspired movable mask
6.20 €
Polestar 2 center console accessories
7.11 €
Gengar - Pokemon with flexible articulation (seal in place, without supports)
2 €
MiniAdder v2
12.50 €
Halloween haunted house lamp with 3d moon - NO PREPARATION AND PAINTING NEEDED
4.63 €
RS-X-Bow "Government - 1911" style
6.25 €
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Metal 3D printing
Metal 3D printing can be considered one of the most enticing and technologically challenging areas of additive manufacturing. Attempts to print with metals have been made since the early days of 3D printing technologies, but in most cases they ran into technological incompatibilities. In this section, we will look at technologies that have been tested for printing both composite materials containing metals and pure metals and alloys.
- 1 3D inkjet printing (3DP)
- 2 Lamination Printing (LOM)
- 3 Layered welding (FDM/FFF)
- 4 Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) and Direct Metal Sintering (DMLS)
- 5 Selective laser (SLM) and electron beam melting (EBM)
- 6 Direct laser additive construction (CLAD)
- 7 Free electron beam melting (EBFȝ)
3D inkjet printing (3DP)
How 3D inkjet printers (3DP) work
Inkjet 3D printing is not only one of the oldest additive manufacturing techniques, but also one of the most successful in terms of using metals as consumables . However, it is necessary to immediately clarify that this technology allows you to create only composite models due to the technological features of the process. In fact, this method allows you to create three-dimensional models from any materials that can be processed into powder. The binding of the powder is carried out using polymers. Thus, finished models cannot be called fully "metal".
At the same time, there is the possibility of converting composite models into all-metal ones due to heat treatment in order to melt or burn out the binder material and sinter metal particles. The models obtained in this way do not have high strength due to porosity. An increase in strength is possible due to the impregnation of the resulting all-metal model. For example, it is possible to impregnate a steel model with bronze to obtain a stronger structure.
Models obtained in this way, even with metal impregnation, are not used as mechanical components due to their relatively low strength, but are actively used in the jewelry and souvenir industry.
Lamination printing (LOM)
How 3D printers using lamination (LOM) technology work
Metallic foil can also be used as a consumable.
The resulting models are not all metal as their integrity is based on the adhesive used to bond the consumable sheets.
The advantage of this technology is the relative cheapness of production and the high visual similarity of the resulting models with all-metal products. Typically, this method is used for layout.
Model made of BronzeFill before and after polishing
The most popular 3D printing method also has not bypassed the attempts to use metals as consumables. Unfortunately, attempts to print with pure metals and alloys have so far not led to significant success. The use of refractory metals runs into quite predictable problems with the choice of materials for the construction of extruders, which, by definition, must withstand even higher temperatures.
Printing with fusible alloys (for example, tin) is possible, but does not give enough high-quality output for practical use.
Thus, in recent years, the attention of consumables developers has switched to composite materials, similar to inkjet printing. A typical example is BronzeFill, a composite material consisting of thermoplastic (details not disclosed, but apparently PLA plastic is used) and bronze powder. The resulting models have a high visual similarity with natural bronze and can even be polished to a high gloss. Unfortunately, the physical and chemical properties of finished products are limited by the parameters of the thermoplastic binder, which does not allow classifying such models as all-metal.
Nevertheless, such materials can be used not only in the creation of models, souvenirs and art objects, but also in industry. Thus, the experiments of enthusiasts have shown the possibility of creating conductors and shielding materials using thermoplastics with a metal filler. The development of this direction can make it possible to print electronic circuit boards.
Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) and Direct Metal Sintering (DMLS)
The most common method for creating all-metal 3D models involves the use of laser machines for sintering metal powder particles. This technology is referred to as Selective Laser Sintering or SLS. It should be noted that SLS is used not only for working with metals, but also with thermoplastics in powder form. In addition, metallic materials are often coated with more fusible materials to reduce the required power of laser emitters. In such cases, finished metal models require additional sintering in furnaces and impregnation to increase strength.
A variation of the SLS technology is Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS), which, as the name implies, is focused on working with pure metal powders. These plants are often equipped with sealed working chambers filled with an inert gas for working with metals subject to oxidation, such as titanium. In addition, DMLS printers necessarily apply consumable heating to a point just below the melting point, which saves on the power of laser systems and speeds up the printing process.
SLS, DLMS and SLM systems
The laser sintering process begins with the application of a thin layer of heated powder onto the work platform. The thickness of the applied layers corresponds to the thickness of one layer of the digital model. Then the particles are sintered between themselves and with the previous layer. Changing the trajectory of the laser beam is carried out using an electromechanical system of mirrors.
Once a layer is drawn, the excess material is not removed, but serves as a support for subsequent layers, which allows you to create complex shapes, including hanging elements, without the need to build additional support structures. This approach, coupled with high accuracy and resolution, makes it possible to obtain parts that require almost no machining, as well as solid parts of a level of geometric complexity that is unattainable by traditional production methods, including casting.
Laser sintering allows you to work with a wide range of metals, including steel, titanium, nickel alloys, precious materials, etc. The only drawback of the technology can be considered the porosity of the resulting models, which limits the mechanical properties and does not allow achieving strength at the level of cast counterparts.
Selective Laser (SLM) and Electron Beam Melting (EBM)
Despite the high quality of the patterns produced by laser sintering, their practical application is limited by the relatively low strength due to porosity. Such products can be used for rapid prototyping, prototyping, jewelry production and many other tasks, but are of little use for the production of parts that can withstand high loads. One solution to this problem has been the conversion of direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) technology to laser melting additive manufacturing (SLM) technology. In fact, the only fundamental difference between these methods is the degree of heat treatment of the metal powder: SLM technology is based on complete melting to obtain homogeneous models that are practically indistinguishable in physical and mechanical properties from cast counterparts.
An example of a titanium implant made using Electron Beam Melting (EBM)
A parallel method that has achieved excellent results is Electron Beam Melting (EBM). At the moment, there is only one manufacturer that creates EBM printers - the Swedish company Arcam.
EBM achieves precision and resolution comparable to laser melting, but with some advantages. Thus, the use of electron guns makes it possible to get rid of the delicate electromechanical mirror systems used in laser systems. In addition, the manipulation of electron beams using electromagnetic fields is possible at speeds that are incomparably higher compared to electromechanical systems, which, coupled with an increase in power, makes it possible to achieve increased productivity without significantly complicating the design. Otherwise, the design of SLM and EBM printers is similar to laser metal sintering machines.
Ability to work with a wide range of metals and alloys allows you to create small batches of specialized metal parts that are almost as good as samples obtained using traditional production methods. There is no need to create additional tools and infrastructure, such as molds and furnaces. Accordingly, significant savings are possible in prototyping or small-scale production.
Laser and electron beam melting machines have been successfully used to produce items such as orthopedic titanium prostheses, gas turbine blades and jet engine injectors, among others.
Direct Laser Additive Building (CLAD)
How CLAD plants work
Not so much a 3D printing technology as a "3D repair" technology. The technology is used exclusively at the industrial level due to the complexity and relatively narrow specialization.
CLAD is based on the deposition of metal powder on damaged parts, followed by immediate welding with a laser. The positioning of the "print head" is carried out along five axes: in addition to moving in three planes, the head has the ability to change the angle of inclination and rotate around the vertical axis, which allows you to work at any angle.
Such devices are often used to repair large items, including manufacturing defects.