3D printing lesson plan pdf

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Download a FREE 3D Printing Lesson Plan for the SKETCH Classroom

In this 3D Printing Lesson Plan, students will verify (A+B)³ as a mathematical expression based on physical measurement through the use of modeling and 3D printing.

Lesson Plan: Math Expressions (A+B)³
Creator: Venkateswaran
Subject: Math
Grade Level: 7th-9th
Level of Difficulty: Easy

This lesson plan is featured with the MakerBot SKETCH Classroom. With the SKETCH Classroom, students get more access to 3D printing and teachers are set up for success. This offering goes beyond the hardware and incorporates MakerBot's complete education ecosystem, providing educators and students with the tools and resources they need to succeed. Learn more about the MakerBot SKETCH Classroom here.


Analyze data from tests to determine similarities and differences among several design solutions to identify the best
characteristics of each that can be combined into a new solution to better meet the criteria for success.

Use a computer simulation to model the impact of proposed solutions to a complex real-world problem with numerous
criteria and constraints on interactions within and between systems relevant to the problem.

Apply properties of operations as strategies to add, subtract, factor, and expand linear expressions with rational coefficients.


TinkerCAD software was used to design the cubes. The dimensions are provided in the images for reference. The side A
was chosen to be 2cm and B was chosen to be 3cm. Rest of the calculations follow as per the equation:

(A+B)3 = A3+3A2B+3B2A+B3


Theoretical Explanation of the Math Expression with 3D Models
A3 and B3 Model Dimensions A2B and B2A Model Dimensions

Project Info:
Apply the knowledge of modeling primitive shapes using TinkerCAD
● Utilize physical measurement and modeling technique to other complex mathematical expressions and formulae
● Explain the concept of Pascal’s Triangle in an intuitive and novel approach
● Make use of technology to simplify the teaching approach for better and quicker understanding amongst students

Pascals Triangle:

1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1
1 5 10 10 5 1
1 6 15 20 15 6 1
. ..

For example:

(a+b)0 = 1
(a+b)1 = a1+b1 = a+b
(a+b)2 = a2+2ab+b2
(a+b)3 = a3+3a2b+3ab2+b3
(a+b)4 = a4+4a3b+6a2b2+4ab3+b4



● How will you apply this learning session in your classroom?
● What are the subject areas in Mathematics and Physical Measurement wherein this modus of operand will help the
students grasp the concept?
● How will this technique help the students to apply it to their real life problems and applications?


For a group of 30 Students, you may have to split them into a batch of 5 students each. So for each batch you would need one set of cubes without names engraved on them and one more set of cubes with name engraved in them. During the first 75% of the teaching pedagogy you would need only the cubes without the names engraved.

After the printing of a cube is initiated, you may collect the cubes (without names) back and then hand over the cubes with names and teach them the mathematical expression and ask them to assemble.

The A2B and B2A models need to printed in quantities of 3 each. The A3 and B3 models need one quantity each. Also the A2B and B2A models need to printed in quantities of 3 each. The A3 and B3 models need one quantity each.

**Remember in order to print them in different colors, you will have to load them separately.

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"3D printing in the life of our society"

Educator additional education: Ivanyushin Pavel Alexandrovich

Outline extracurricular activity on the topic:

"3D printing in the life of our society"

life of our society”

Purpose of lesson :

1) formation knowledge about 3D printing, its significance for society and man

2) development cognitive interests, creative thinking

3) definition benefits and harms of new technology and whether 3D printers should be available for general audience


Educational : promote the formation of knowledge about 3D printing, its significance for society and man;

Developmental: continue replenishment of the vocabulary and scientific vocabulary of students, to familiar words new meanings are added, new concepts are introduced. The culture of speech develops logical thinking through joint and independent work in the classroom.

Educational : teach argue your opinion, know and strive to comply with the rules of work in group, the ability to listen to a classmate and draw logically correct conclusions, following from the information received.

Planned results :


to systematize the idea of ​​3D printing and its functions;

understand the role of 3D printing.


educate the ability to listen to others, to express their point of view;

take part in the dialogue;

develop interest and respect for the subject;

broaden the horizons of students.

Metasubject :

draw conclusions;

develop attention, oral speech;

evaluate the correctness of the actions.

Teaching methods : problematic, active learning method.

Training forms works : frontal work; practical work; group work; individual work.

Duration lessons: 45 minutes.

Technical teaching aids : teacher's personal computer; projector; screen; tablets of students, handouts (cards).

Stroke classes:

1. Organizational part:

1. check readiness;

2. security necessary materials, tools, equipment.

- Guys, in what mood did you come to the lesson?

Show card.

Children Show a red card if you are in a good mood and a purple card if you are in a bad mood. mood.

In our The country has many different holidays. One of them is February 8 - the Day of Russian Science. (Slide)

Therefore today we have a "scientific" lesson.

Pick up Associations to the word science: (Slide)

Our life is not stands in place. People have more and more needs. Science opens the way to the future for us. It saves lives, makes it possible to know the world around and even the mysteries of the universe. Only thanks to the development of science, we now have a lot of high technology, medical discoveries, household and industrial devices that facilitate and improve our life.

Guess rebus. (Slide)

- What is Printer? How does he work?

- Many of you know about such an invention as 3D glasses.

- Lift arm, who watched movies or cartoons with 3D glasses?

- How are you Do you see the surrounding objects and heroes in such glasses?

- Right, we see a three-dimensional image.

- Did you hear Are you talking about 3D printers?

- Imagine yourself a situation that you urgently need to buy a chair or your chair is broken ruler.

- What are you will you do?

- But already the day is not far off when you can get a designer chair or a new a beautiful line even without leaving home and without a store delivery service.

Main, so that you have a 3D printer at home.

Any object you can print it yourself.

All this can seem like a fantasy.

But know this is already a reality and very soon everyone will have such printers, like a telephone, tablet or computer.

- Printer - This is a computer device designed to print information on paper.

- They are like real, voluminous. - answers children

- Let's go to a regular grocery store.

- Let's see goods on the Internet and place an order.

Formulation topics and objectives of the lesson

Guys, who has already guessed how What is the topic of our lesson?

- Compile and write down on a sheet of questions about what you would like to know about the topic of our lesson.

Finding answers to these questions and will be our lesson objectives.

At the end of the lesson, we will check were we able to get answers to these questions.

"3D printers in our lives”

1. What is a 3D printer and how does it work?

2. What material can the object be printed from?

3. Does 3D printing harm the environment?

4. Should 3D printers be available to everyone?

Opening new knowledge

View VIDEO "Interesting facts”

(Try to remember how more information is possible)

Conversation on viewed video:

- What do you like the most surprised?

- What interesting things did you learn?

- What is a 3D printer?

What material can print items?

- Where is 3D printing used?

- A 3D printer is a device that with which you can print three-dimensional (three-dimensional) objects.

- Of plastic, metal, biological substances, chocolate

- In medicine (prostheses, Internal organs, body parts for humans and animals)

- In industry (cars, parts for rockets, musical instruments, food for astronauts)

- In construction (residential buildings, offices, architectural structures)


- And now you watch the video on tablets, which shows the process of growing objects on 3D printers.

- Tell me what the story was about.

- you yourself made sure that any items from a toy can be printed on a 3D printer to weapons.

Items like useful and very dangerous.

- Tell me Guys, can 3D printers be accessible to anyone?

- Why not?

- How are you Do you think 3D printing is a useful invention?

- Can they be disadvantages and even harm from using 3D printers?

Reply to the following task will help you to answer these questions:

In envelopes stripes lie, you read statements, discuss in groups and

- 1 row selects statements that talk about the benefits of 3D printing, and

- 2nd row - about HARM OF 3D printing.

extra set the strips aside.


- Look, we got about the same number of statements "for" and "against".

What is the conclusion can be done? - children's answers

Need sell printers with special permission so that people can buy them, able to use them wisely.

Children go out to the board, read the statement and attach it to the board.

- Invention useful, but you need to use it correctly.


So, let's go back to the questions we wrote down at the beginning of the lesson.

- Did you receive answers to your questions?

- Who liked our "scientific" lesson?

- Who is interested in this topic?

- Would you like to learn more about 3D printing?

I wish you guys

New events,

New impressions,

Experience, discoveries,

Knowledge and skills.

Dear guys! New events for you, new impressions, experience, discoveries, knowledge and skills, friendship and fun, laughter and enthusiasm, unforgettable days in bright school walls.

Home - School №619

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Today, School No. 619 of the Kalininsky District of St. Petersburg is the leader in education, an interactive platform where adults and children from different regions of Russia and other countries come to exchange experiences. One of the most valuable and significant events of recent times is the conclusion of a cooperation agreement with Yerevan School No. A. From Pushkin, from which a warm and strong friendship between the two schools began. For us, this is a page of a new history.
One of the slogans of the school, born 25 years ago - "Children and adults, unite!" - today it has become a general direction of movement: children and adults discuss issues of improving the education system together, make scientific discoveries together, create and go on stage together - together they go to common success!
Global changes are coming in the field of education. Scientists say that in order to achieve real success, you need to develop in yourself those abilities that are inaccessible to artificial intelligence - creativity, imagination, initiative, leadership qualities.
School No. 619 focuses on the development of the child's personality. Here, from the first days of apprenticeship, a child tries his hand at various types of creative, scientific, sports and social activities. The school has created a space in which the student is given all the opportunities to reveal his individuality.
Own scientific-practical conference "Multifaceted Russia" and STA-laboratory, project "Applicant", leadership movement, Small Olympic Games, dance and vocal studios, legoconstruction and robotics, children's theater, KVN studio and school TV, variety of sports sections and own a literary and art magazine, education with health improvement, support for gifted students, creative trips during the holidays - this is it, a real celebration of intelligence, creativity, health, and imagination.
School 619 - you are like an orchestra, where each musician, instrument leads his part, and in general - art is born. After all, only when the school rises from craft to art, is it capable of giving a worthy education and upbringing.


Content films about the Arctic as part of the ArcticLab project


Pupils of School 619 took part in the international forum on the preservation of the World Heritage


We announce a charity fundraiser!


Visual dictation: inspired and drawing!


5 - 11 December - Responsible Health Week


Open Day

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  • Education using distance learning technologies
  • Blended learning
  • Mentoring system
  • Implementation of the project within the framework of grant support
  • ShSK "Olimp". Sports Chair
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  • Health Service
  • Concert Hall
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Participants of professional competitions 2021/2022

Vasilieva Anna, 10k

Kiseleva Maria, 5k

Nikita Birtsev, 8m

Ivan Rebizov, 5k

Ladygina Margarita, 5k

Zintskladze Darius, 5k

Arseny Borisikov, 5K


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