3D printing in construction ppt

PPT – 3D Printing Future And Benefits PowerPoint presentation | free to download

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Title: 3D Printing Future And Benefits

3D Printing Future And Benefits

  • Current and future applications of 3D Printing

Biomedical Engineering

  • In recent years, scientists and engineers have
    already been able to use 3D printing technology
    to create body parts and parts of organs. The
    first entire organ created through 3D Printing is
    expected to be done in the coming years. The
    process of creating the organ or body part is
    exactly the same as if you were to create a
    plastic or metal part, however, instead the raw
    material used are biological cells created in a
    lab. By creating the cells specifically for a
    particular patient, one can be certain that the
    patients body will not reject the organ.
  • Another application of 3D printing in the
    biomedical field is that of creating limbs and
    other body parts out of metal or other materials
    to replace lost or damaged limbs. Prosthetic
    limbs are required in many parts of the world due
    to injuries sustained during war or by disease.
    Currently prosthetic limbs are very expensive and
    generally are not customized for the patients
    needs. 3D printing is being used to design and
    produce custom prosthetic limbs to meet the
    patients exact requirements. By scanning the
    patients body and existing bone structure,
    designers and engineers are able to re-create the
    lost part of that limb.

Aerospace and Automobile Manufacturing

  • High technology companies such as aerospace and
    automobile manufacturers have been using 3D
    printing as a prototyping tool for some time now.
    However, in recently years, with further
    advancement in 3D printing technology, they have
    been able to create functional parts that can be
    used for testing. This process of design and 3D
    printing has allowed these companies to advance
    their designs faster than ever before due to the
    large decrease in the design cycle. From what
    used to take months between design and the
    physical prototype, now within hours the design
    team can have a prototype in their hands for
    checks and testing.
  • The future of 3D printing in these industries
    lies with creating working parts directly from a
    3D printer for use in the final product, not just
    for testing purposes. This process is already
    underway for future cars and aircraft. The way in
    which 3D printing works (creating a part layer by
    layer) allows the designer to create the part
    exactly the way is needs to be to accomplish the
    task at hand. Extremely complex geometry can be
    easily created using a 3D printer, allowing for
    parts to be lighter, yet stronger than their
    machined counterparts.

Construction and Architecture

  • Architects and city planners have been using 3D
    printers to create a model of the layout or shape
    of a building for many years.Now they are looking
    for ways of employing the 3D printing concept to
    create entire buildings. There are already
    prototype printer systems that use concrete and
    other more specialized materials to create a
    structure similar to a small house.
  • The goal is the replace many cranes and even
    construction workers with these printing systems.
    They would work by using the 3D design model
    created on CAD software, to create a layer by
    layer pattern on the building just as a normal 3D
    printer works today. Most of the innovation in
    this area will have to come from the creation of
    the appropriate materials.

Product Prototyping

  • The creation of a new product has been always one
    that involves many iterations of the same
    design.3D Printing revolutionized the industry by
    allows designers to create and the next day see
    and touch their design. No longer did it take
    several meetings for everyone to agree on one
    design to create, and then wait months for the
    actual part to arrive. Nowadays a version of each
    idea is created and the next day, all are
    reviewed together, thus giving the ability to
    compare and contrast each ones features.Plastic
    parts, for example, require molds and tooling to
    be created, these custom parts are expensive to
    create, therefore one must be certain the part
    designed meets the requirements. With 3D printing
    you can create a part that will look and feel
    exactly like the finished product. Some parts can
    also be tested just as the real injection molded
    part would.

3D Printing Benefits Value

  • 3D printing, whether at an industrial, local or
    personal level,brings a host of bene fits that
    traditional methods of manufacture (or
    prototyping) simply cannot.
  • Customisation
  • 3D printing processes allow for mass
    customization the ability to personalize
    products according to individual needs and
    requirements. Even within the same build chamber,
    the nature of 3D printing means that numerous
    products can be manufactured at the same
    time,according to the end-users requirements at
    no additional process cost.


  • Complexity
  • The advent of 3D printing has seen a
    proliferation of products (designed in digital
    environments), which involve levels of
    complexity that simply could not be produced
    physically in any other way. While this advantage
    has been taken up by designers and artists to
    impressive visual effect, it hasalsomade a
    significant impact on industrial applications,
    whereby applications are being developed to
    materialize complex components that are proving
    to be both lighter and stronger than their
    predecessors. Notable uses are emerging in the
    aerospace sector where these issues are of
    primary importance.


  • Tool-less
  • For industrial, manufacturing, one of the most
    cost-, time- and labor-intensive stages of the
    product development process is the production of
    the tools. For low to medium volume applications,
    industrial 3D printing or additive
    manufacturing can eliminate the need for tool
    production and, therefore, the costs, lead times
    and labour associated with it. This is an
    extremely attractive proposition, that an
    increasing number or manufacturers are taking
    advantage of. Furthermore, because of the
    complexity advantages stated above, products and
    components can be designed specifically to avoid
    assembly requirements with intricate geometry and
    complex features further eliminating the labour
    and costs associated with assembly processes.


  • Sustainable / Environmentally Friendly
  • 3D printing is also emerging as an energy-e
    efficient technology that can provide
    environmental efficiencies in terms of both the
    manufacturing process itself, utilizing up to 90
    of standard materials, and, therefore, creating
    less waste, but also throughout an
    additivelymanufactured products operating life,
    by way of lighter and stronger design that
    imposes a reduced carbon footprint compared with
    traditionally manufactured products.!Furthermore,
    3D printing is showing great promise in terms of
    fulfilling a local manufacturing model, whereby
    products are produced on demand in the place
    where they are needed eliminating huge
    inventories and unsustainable logistics for
    shipping high volumes of products around the


  • Thank You
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3D printing in construction - Designing Buildings

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Last edited 19 Aug 2022

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  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Construction industry
  • 3 Examples of projects
  • 4 Criticism
  • 5 WikiHouse
  • 6 Related articles on Designing Buildings
  • 7 External references

3D printing (sometimes referred to as Additive Manufacturing (AM)) is the computer-controlled sequential layering of materials to create three-dimensional shapes. It is particularly useful for prototyping and for the manufacture of geometrically complex components.

It was first developed in the 1980s, but at that time was a difficult and expensive operation and so had few applications. It is only since 2000 that it has become relatively straightforward and affordable and so has become viable for a wide range of uses including product design, component and tool manufacture, consumer electronics, plastics, metalworking, aerospace engineering, dental and medical applications, and footwear.

The sales of AM machines, or '3D printers' has grown rapidly and since 2005, the home use of 3D printers has become practical.

3D printing systems developed for the construction industry are referred to as 'construction 3D printers'.

A 3D digital model of the item is created, either by computer-aided design (CAD) or using a 3D scanner. The printer then reads the design and lays down successive layers of printing medium (this can be a liquid, powder, or sheet material) which are joined or fused to create the item. The process can be slow, but it enables almost any shape to be created.

Depending on the technique adopted, printing can produce multiple components simultaneously, can use multiple materials and can use multiple colours.

Accuracy can be increased by a high-resolution subtractive process that removes material from an oversized printed item. Some techniques include the use of dissolvable materials that support overhanging features during fabrication.

Materials such as metal can be expensive to print, and in this case it may be more cost-effective to print a mould, and then to use that to create the item.

In the construction industry, 3D printing can be used to create construction components or to 'print' entire buildings. Construction is well-suited to 3D printing as much of the information necessary to create an item will exist as a result of the design process, and the industry is already experienced in computer aided manufacturing. The recent emergence of building information modelling (BIM) in particular may facilitate greater use of 3D printing.

Construction 3D printing may allow, faster and more accurate construction of complex or bespoke items as well as lowering labour costs and producing less waste. It might also enable construction to be undertaken in harsh or dangerous environments not suitable for a human workforce such as in space.

In 2014, engineers at Arup used 3D printing to fabricate a steel node for a lightweight structure. Salomé Galjaard, team leader at Arup said, 'This has tremendous implications for reducing costs, cutting waste and enables a very sophisticated design…'

Professor Behrokh Khoshnevis at the University of California has developed a process of 'contour crafting' using concrete to produce small-scale models of the external and internal walls of houses and is testing a giant transportable 3D printer that could be used to build the walls of a house in 24 hours. The robotic system requires a flat ground slab with underground services in place. Rails are installed either side of the footprint to take a gantry crane that spans the building. A nozzle, driven by a computer-controlled crafter then delivers layers of concrete. The layers build up to form an inner and outer skin for each wall, leaving them to be filled later with insulation or concrete.

Shanghai firm WinSun Decoration Design Engineering has used large 3D printers to spray a mixture of quick drying cement and recycled raw materials (ref. BBC). This has enabled them to construct 10 small demonstration 'houses' in less than 24 hours. They have suggested that each house can be printed for less than $5,000. Their system fabricates blocks off-site by layering the cement mix in a diagonally reinforced pattern. The blocks are then assembled on site. Winsun believes it will be possible to use the technique to build larger houses or even skyscrapers in the future. In 2015, they announced they had printed and entire villa and a five-storey apartment building. (Ref. Global Construction Review 21 January 2015.)

A Dutch project is fabricating a full-sized printed house over a period of years in order to demonstrate the potential of the new technology (Ref. BBC 3 May 2014).

In July 2014, Chinese company, Qingdao Unique Products Develop Co unveiled the World's largest 3D printer at the World 3D Printing Technology Industry Conference and Exhibition in Qingdao. Its first job will be to print a 7 m-high Temple of Heaven. (Ref. Construction Manager 1 July 2014.)

In November 2014, Skanska and Loughborough University signed a deal to develop what they describe as the world's first commercial concrete printing robot. (Ref. Construction Enquirer, Skanska to print 3D concrete products.)

In Spain, the first pedestrian bridge printed in 3D in the world (3DBRIDGE) was inaugurated on 14 December 2016 in the urban park of Castilla-La Mancha in Alcobendas, Madrid. The 3DBUILD technology used was developed by ACCIONA, who was in charge of the structural design, material development and manufacturing of 3D printed elements. The bridge has a total length of 12m and a width of 1.75m and is printed in micro-reinforced concrete. Architectural design was done by the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC).

The 3D printer used to build the footbridge was manufactured by D-Shape. The 3D printed bridge reflects the complexities of nature’s forms and was developed through parametric design and computational design, which allows optimising the distribution of materials and maximising the structural performance, being able to dispose the material only where it is needed, with total freedom of forms. The 3D-printed footbridge of Alcobendas represented a milestone for the construction sector at international level, as large scale 3D printing technology has been applied in this project for the first time in the field of civil engineering in a public space.

See also: 3D printing construction market.

Clearly all of these projects have enormous potential. There are questions about how Construction 3D printing can be integrated with other building components, and how they will incorporate services and reinforcement, but in the long term, they should produce better, faster and perhaps lower-cost buildings.

However, systemised construction is not something we have taken to in the UK. There was a brief boom in panelised systems for high-rise apartment blocks following the Second World War, but many of the resulting buildings were monotonous and ugly, often with condensation problems. There is a resurgence of interest in the UK regarding panelisation and prefabrication, however market share remains low.

All of these innovations require complex equipment, and whilst it is possible to envisage using some simplified version to manufacture specialist components on a more industrial scale, it is questionable whether this will replace bricks and mortar.

An alternative approach to digital fabrication of buildings is being developed with the 2D 'WikiHouse' project. WikiHouse, is not an additive process, but an open-source set of construction information for building components which can be downloaded, manufactured and assembled using local, commonly-available materials and equipment. This is low-tech prefabrication which requires little training.

A WikiHouse plugin for Google SketchUp enables users to generate cutting files for components which can be manufactured from standard sheet materials such as plywood using a CNC (computer numerical control) machine. The components are then assembled, with joints formed using pegs and wedges. The resulting frames can be raised and assembled by hand and then cladding panels attached and services and windows installed. It is claimed that the 'chassis' for a single-storey house can be built in a day.

  • 3D concrete printer.
  • 3D-printed house
  • 3D concrete printing market.
  • 3D printed bridge.
  • 3D Printed Office Dubai.
  • 3D printing construction market.
  • 3D printing Michelangelo's David in concrete.
  • Advanced construction technology.
  • Advanced manufacturing.
  • At a glance - 3D printing.
  • BSRIA Briefing 2021.
  • Building information modelling.
  • Computer aided manufacturing.
  • ConTech.
  • Digital techniques for heritage restoration.
  • Innovation - the key to success.
  • Offsite manufacturing.
  • Printing 3D models of buildings.
  • WikiHouse.
  • EPSRC, Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Additive Manufacturing.
  • BBC, How Dutch team is 3D-printing a full-sized house 3 May 2014
  • Contour Crafting.
  • MSN, The 3D printer that can build a house in 24 hours, 20 November 2013
  • Discover Magazine, The Whole House Machine, 28 April 2005.
  • BBC, China: Firm 3D prints 10 full-sized houses in a day. 25 April 2014.
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3D printing and 3D printer presentation, report

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3D printing and 3D printer

Presentation authors: Salatina E. A., Salatin S. A.

9006 Material taken from: make -3d.ru

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3D printer

is a peripheral device that uses the layer-by-layer method of creating a physical object from a digital 3D model. In foreign literature, this type of device is also called fabber, and the 3D printing process is called Rapid Prototyping.

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What is a 3D printer?

The principle of operation of a 3d printer is based on the principle of gradual (layered) creation of a solid model, which, as it were, is “grown” from a certain material. The advantages of 3D printing over the usual, manual methods of building models are high speed, simplicity and relatively low cost.

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There are various technologies for 3D printing. The difference between them lies in the way the product layers are applied.
The most common are SLS (selective laser plexus), HPM (molten material overlay) and SLA (stereolithiography).

Stereolithography or SLA is the most widely used technology due to the high speed of building objects.

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SLA technology

The technology works like this: a laser beam is directed at a photopolymer, after which the material hardens.

The photopolymer is a translucent material that deforms when exposed to atmospheric moisture.

Once cured, it can be easily bonded, machined and painted. The working table (elevator) is in a container with a photopolymer. After the laser beam passes through the polymer and the layer hardens, the working surface of the table moves down.

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SLS technology

Laser beam sintering of powder reagents - aka SLS - is the only 3D printing technology that is used in the manufacture of molds for both metal and plastic casting.
Plastic models have excellent mechanical properties, which make them suitable for making full-featured products. SLS technology uses materials that are similar in properties to the brands of the final product: ceramics, powdered plastic, metal.
The 3D printer device looks like this: powder substances are applied to the surface of the elevator and sintered under the action of a laser beam into a solid layer that corresponds to the parameters of the model and determines its shape.

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DLP technology

DLP technology is new to the 3D printing market. Stereolithographic printers are positioned today as the main alternative to FDM equipment. This type of printer uses digital light processing technology. Many people wonder what the 3d printer of this sample prints with?

Instead of a plastic filament and a heating head, photopolymer resins and a DLP projector are used to create three-dimensional figures.

Despite the intricate name, the device is almost indistinguishable from other desktop printers. Its developers, represented by
QSQM Technology Corporation, have already launched the first samples of high-tech equipment into a series. It looks like this:

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HPM technology (FDM) HPM

Allows you to create not only models, but also final parts from standard, structural and high-performance thermoplastics. It is the only technology that uses production grade thermoplastics to provide unparalleled mechanical, thermal and chemical strength to parts.
HPM printing stands out for its cleanliness, ease of use and suitability for office use. Thermoplastic parts are resistant to high temperatures, mechanical stress, various chemicals, wet or dry environments.
Soluble auxiliary materials allow the creation of complex multi-level shapes, cavities and holes that would be problematic to obtain with conventional methods. HPM 3D printers create parts layer by layer by heating the material to a semi-liquid state and extruding it according to computer-generated paths.
When the 3D printer completes the creation of the part, it remains to separate the auxiliary material mechanically, or dissolve it with detergent, after which the product is ready for use.

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3D pens

Hand-printing pens are also popular these days. Moreover, it would be correct to call them not printing devices, but pens for drawing three-dimensional objects.

The pens are made in the same way as fusing printers. The plastic thread is fed into the pen, where it melts to the desired consistency and is immediately squeezed out through a miniature nozzle.

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Applications of 3D printing

3D printing has opened up great opportunities for experimentation in areas such as architecture, construction, medicine, education, fashion design, small-scale production, jewelry, and even in the food industry. In architecture, for example, 3D printing allows you to create three-dimensional models of buildings, or even entire microdistricts with all the infrastructure - squares, parks, roads and street lighting.

Thanks to the cheap gypsum composite used, the cost of finished models is low. And more than 390 thousand CMYK shades make it possible to embody any, even the most daring, imagination of an architect in color.

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3D printer: application in the field of construction

In construction, there is every reason to believe that in the near future the process of erecting buildings will be much faster and easier. Californian engineers have created a 3D printing system for large objects. It works on the principle of a construction crane, erecting walls from layers of concrete. Such a printer can build a two-story house in just 20 hours. After that, the workers will only have to carry out finishing work.

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Medical Applications

In medicine, thanks to 3D printing technologies, doctors have been able to recreate copies of the human skeleton, which allows them to more accurately practice techniques that increase the guarantees of successful operations.

3D printers are increasingly being used in the field of prosthetics in dentistry, as these technologies allow much faster production of prostheses than traditional manufacturing.
Not so long ago, German scientists developed a technology for obtaining human skin. In its manufacture, a gel obtained from donor cells is used. And in 2011, scientists managed to reproduce a living human kidney.

Presentation of the first domestic construction 3D printer


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9000 82

Collaboration 3D 9000

We are glad to present you with the company with the company, first0175 construction 3D printer.

On Thursday there was a presentation in our STL center training class.

Specifically, this construction 3D printer will participate as a training one.

But we are always ready to show you this 3D printer and its capabilities.

The STL-center provides training and professional certification for working on a construction 3D printer and not only, but more on that later in the following posts directly about the center itself.

Today our star himself

3D printer.

Model of small-format printers of the S series, which allows you to print concrete small forms with a size of about 12 cubic meters, i.e. various elements for gazebos, all kinds of landscape buildings, a small pond.

It is also suitable for printing stoves, fireplaces, barbecues, barbecues and other refractory products with coaline mixtures.

Our printers are reliable and designed for busy professional use, opening up new opportunities for small businesses in construction and related industries.

When completing the printer, the wishes of the customer are taken into account, incl. The printer can be wall-mounted, stand-mounted, or combined.

TV channels Russia 24 and Ren TV visited us.

In general, we talked about the prospects for the development of 3D technologies in Russia,

about the printer device system and the principles of its operation.

Already in Moscow!

Here you can see, touch and test it!

You can ask all your questions 8 495 664 53 45

In subsequent posts we will post examples of work and interesting working moments! Do not miss!

Briefly about us

The 3D - collaboration is an association of professionals from different industries who have successfully introduced this relatively new direction of 3D technology into their fields. We want to share our experience and develop as widely as possible this technology.

In our association we have a full cycle of knowledge from designing 3D printers, setting up, launching machine tools, 3D modeling, prototyping, 3D scanning and a professional 3D technology training program.

Collaboration offers a unique product - its knowledge in a young industry where the possibilities are endless.

STL-center - High technology training center.


Training — We are pleased to present you the first 3D technology training center in Russia.

In the center, training is divided into private and professional certification.

Groups will be recruited from September 2015.

More details in a separate post!

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