3D printer whistle
Whistle best 3D printing models・Cults
Vyro adapter 2 hose
Loud Whistle
Whistle with variable lanyard loop
Gift Box for "Call-Your-Beloved-Whistle"
Gift and Storage Box for Keychain Whistle Set
Train Whistle Toy
Loud and compact Whistle for your Keychain
Roller pen upgrade: secret storage with melody whistle
Exclusive Infinity Pencil Extension: Whistle by vavrena.
Call-Your-Beloved-Whistle (Valentine's day gift)
Whistle (very loud)
The magic whistle
Little Bird
Hi-performance whistle
Duo Tweety
Basketball whistle
5 Feature Emergency Whistle
Shrill Little Whistle / Zipper Pull
whistle whistle
Pen Bird Whistle
Triple Thrill Emergency Whistle
Death whistle
Customizable whistle
whistle toy
Simple one-tone flute
€1. 90
Owl Whistle - the whistle that sounds like a real owl!
Ankh V29 Whistle
Carnival whistle
Sonic animal repeller for car
3D Printed Pocket Siren Whistler
Steam whistle, signal horn single 1:45, gauge 0, O gauge
Wiener Whistle
Whistle head
Emergency & Sports Whistle
Chirping bird whistle
€1. 79
Tesla Cyberwhistle
Aztec Death Whistle
Maya / Aztec Death Whistle sliced
Cyberwhistle Tesla whistle
3d Printed Whistle - Etsy.de
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STL file whistle / bird chicken・Model for download and 3D printing・Cults
2 €
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5 €
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1 €
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€1. 30
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2,50 €
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€2.83 -33% 1. 89 €
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3.84 €
1,84 €
Stitch Love (easy printing without support)
1.50 €
Adorable articulated axolotl, imprinted body, snap head, cute flexi
3,29 €
Knight with flexi print
3,73 €
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On modeling objects for a 3D printer
Mitrofanova, T. V. About modeling objects for a 3D printer / T. V. Mitrofanova, T. N. Kopysheva, S. S. Sorokin . - Text: direct // Education: past, present and future: materials of the II Intern. scientific conf. (Krasnodar, February 2017). - Krasnodar: Novation, 2017. - S. 105-109. — URL: https://moluch.ru/conf/ped/archive/211/11729/ (date of access: 03/01/2023).
3D printing is one of the main educational trends of recent years. Schools and universities in Russia and around the world clearly understand that without the use of 3D printers today it is impossible to provide schoolchildren and students with truly comprehensive training. 3D printing significantly increases the interest in the learning process, as it allows students to feel like real innovators. Having created a model on a computer, the student will be able to hold it in his hands in a few hours - this is a great motivation to create something new. The paper shows an example of creating a 3D model of a whistle in the 123D Design program for subsequent printing on a 3D printer.
Keywords: 3D printing, 123D Design, model, student, 3D modeling
3D printing is a fast growing field and is growing every day as more people get access to 3D printers. 3D printing can be used to create prototypes, create spare parts, print prostheses and medical implants.
In schools, you can also find many benefits of using 3D printing, for example, the introduction of modern technologies in the education process, increasing the motivation for learning among schoolchildren. It is important that schools train students to work with modern manufacturing technologies.
Fundamentals 3D modeling with software such as 123D Design can be applied to elementary and secondary schools, providing a "what you see is what you get" approach to digital modeling. Modeled objects are built on the basis of drawings, drawings, detailed descriptions and other information. With the help of three-dimensional graphics, it is possible to develop a visual three-dimensional image of the desired object: to create both an exact copy of a particular object, and to develop a new object that does not yet exist.
When it comes to modeling 3D files for a printer, the most commonly accepted format is the STL file, which represents a grid of triangles. Once you have created a 3D object, it is sent to the 3D printer. Most 3D printers have software that allows you to convert STL into layers that will be printed by the printer and commands for the 3D printer.
Here is an example of a whistle modeling task for printing on a 3D printer. First you need to create the main form. In the 123D Design program, we draw a sketch (Fig. 1) using the commands of the “Sketch” group: Circle with a diameter of 25 mm and Rectangle with sides of 6 mm and 22 mm, apply the Trim operation to remove lines.
Rice. 1. Whistle Sketch
The resulting sketch using the Extrude operation is extruded by 10 mm. Then apply the Shell command with a shell thickness of 2mm to the top face of the resulting object. In order to create the open end of the whistle, the Shell operation is also applied with a shell thickness of 2 mm. We get half the whistle (Fig. 2).
Rice. 2. Half whistle
Next, you need to create a hole for the whistle. Using the Rectangle command, draw a rectangle with sides of 12 mm and 3 mm (Fig. 3). Apply the Extrude operation to it with an extrusion depth of -8.5 mm.
Rice. 3. Create a rectangle
For the inner edge of the resulting hole, using the context menu, call the Tweak command to create a slice (Fig. 4).
Rice. 4. Applying the Tweak Command
The next step is rounding the edges. Round the edges indicated in Figure 5 with the Fillet command by 3 mm.
Rice. 5. Edge rounding
Round the edges at the open end by 0.5 mm (Fig. 6)
Rice. 6. Rounding the edges of the open end
Let's add a sphere with a radius of 7 mm and a wall thickness of 0.1 mm (Fig. 7). Next move it 0.1mm down, so it will only connect to the rest of the object at a point that's fairly easy to pop with tweezers or other small tools.
Rice. 7. Create a sphere
We got half the whistle ready. Select the workpiece (except for the sphere) and apply the Mirror command from the "Pattern" group (Fig. 8). Got a ready whistle.
Rice. 8. Using the Mirror Command
In order to print it on a 3D printer, you need to save it in stl format (Export -> STL) with excellent print quality (Fine).
We load the file in STL format into the special software of the 3D printer. In our case, Repetier-Host, a software shell for preparing a 3D model for printing. Slicers - programs for "slicing" models, can be used in this program in different ways. Including Cura. To prepare the model for printing, we click "Slicing". Printing time for this model is approximately 28 minutes (Fig. 9).
Rice. 9. The model prepared for printing in the Repetier-Host program
After the printing is completed, we get a finished model, in which it is necessary to break the sphere with tweezers or other tools.
With a printed model, students can identify hidden defects, evaluate, and test functionality.
- Autodesk official website [Electronic resource] URL: http://www.123Dapp.com/design.
- Let's help beginners: Repetier-Host - first steps. Part 1 [Electronic resource] URL: http://3Dtoday.ru/blogs/3Dtool/help-a-lot-of-beginners-repetierhost-first-steps-part-1/
Basic terms (automatically generated) : STL, edge rounding, command, model, open end, seal, half whistle, command help, tweezer help, shell thickness.
model, student, 3D printing, 3D modeling, Design 123D, 123D DesignSimilar items
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