3D printer in action youtube
YouTube Channels to Learn about 3D Printing
3D printing continues to grow in popularity. Whether you're debating starting a 3D printing YouTube channel yourself and seeking inspiration, a beginner seeking tips and tricks, or a 3D printing enthusiast looking to remain up to date on the 3D printing space, YouTube is a veritable treasure trove of information. Something about the video format makes 3D printing feel more tangible. From 3D printing YouTube time-lapse videos to troublethooting and even conceptual 3D printing talk, here are the best 3D printing YouTube channels you need to follow!
Renowned maker Lewis Aburrow features superb projects on his DIY Machines YouTube channel. While Lewis dabbles in several technologies including Arduino, he's got a ton of awesome 3D printable project ideas. Notably, his automatic smart plant pot, 3D printing YouTube subscriber counter, and hot wire foam cutter are top choices. But the crown jewel of DIY Machines it a Star Wars BB8 remote controlled 3D printable robot. It's Arduino-powered and gives the Sphero BB8 remote control droid a run for its money. Join Aburrow's over 2K YouTube followers and enjoy his regular YouTube uploads.
The maker, and specifically 3D printing-focused Make Anything is a must-follow for any DIYer. Featuring an array of content, from 3D pen projects to 3D printer reviews, there's an overall solid coverage of the maker space. Notably, Devin Montes who runs Make Anything provides unbiased hardware reviews, and tutorials. Exuding a zest for 3D printing, Montes is a must-watch for anyone with even a passing interest in 3D printing.
Joel Telling runs the aptly named 3D Printing Nerd YouTube channel. It's easily one of the best 3D printing YouTube channels around. You'll find reviews of printers such as the Flashforge Adventurer 3 3D printer, an overview of the OpenRC F1 3D printable car, and tests of project files. Because 3D printing YouTube time lapse videos are neat to watch, Telling hosts several. If you're looking to nerd out over 3D printing, watch 3D printer reviews, and check out awesome projects, join 3D Printing Nerd's over 300K subscribers in following his maker journey.
Who better to teach than a professor? 3D Printing Processor ranks as arguably the most entertaining 3D print guy on YouTube. While many YouTubers produce tutorial and review-heavy content, 3D Printing Professor weights in on 3D printing from a conceptual standpoint. For instance, his uploads include "8 Things you'll see in future 3D printers," and "10 cold, hard truths about owning a 3D printer." Informative, witty, and thought-provoking, 3D Printing Professor makes learning a blast. He's basically the Bill Nye of 3D printing.
Simon Sörensen has a self-professed love of 3D printing, and it shows. His YouTube page RCLifeOn is chock full of top-notch 3D printed projects. There's a topographic Mount Everest projection, a 3D printed Charizard, and even a bit of 3D printed food with a Nutella pancake. 3D printed food is a major advancement in the 3D printing space, and Sörensen clearly stays abrest of the latest technology. His flat boasts a dedicated room for 3D printers. Yes, plural. Aside from 3D printing vids, Simon tinkers with RC vehicles, solar power, drones, and a bevy of other technologies.
Maker's Muse is hands-down one of the top maker YouTube channels you can subscribe to. It's great for watching 3D printing in action on YouTube. Plus, there's a lot of 3D printing for beginners YouTube video material here. Aside from hardware reviews and tutorials, you'll notice overviews of 3D design software. While 3D printers and printed object tend to dominate the discussion, software such as OctoPrint stays crucial for 3D printing. Muse away along with over 400K other subscribers.
Over at MatterHackers, plenty of 3D printing YouTube videos will keep you occupied and entertained. With the subtitle "everything 3D printing and more," the MatterHackers love 3D printing and it shows. With showcased projects, groundbreaking technology, and highlighted makers, it's a solid mix of 3D printing fare. In a couple clicks, you'll be reviewing hardware specs for the likes of the Creality CR10S and Kodak Portrait 3D printer, learning how to use scanners for 3D printing scaling and prototyping, plus learning about neat projects. They've got a smattering of stellar 3D printing for beginners YouTube uploads. Add to their over 80K subscribers list for loads of juicy 3D printing watching.
Maker Thomas Sanladerer creates some spectacular 3D printed projects. Sanladerer tests hardware including different beds, and created among the coolest 3D printing projects out there: a battery-powered 3D print anywhere machine complete with a Raspberry Pi and OctoPi onboard. By watching Thomas, you'll assuredly gain tons of maker motivation.
Unfortunately, 3D printing can seem daunting, particularly for beginners. Much of the maker space may present as challenging for newbies. Enter 3D Maker Noob. Project videos provide comprehensive information on everything from material used to how to whip up a creation. As such, 3DMN covers the what, why, and how. He doesn't skip a step, going over painting finished prints, adding electronics such s LEDs, and truly simplifies projects.
If you haven't discovered Print That Thing, you're missing out. Loaded with niche videos, you'll absolutely elevate your 3D printing with these tips and tricks to help you learn 3D design. 3D printed cat armor? Check, 3D printing rap? Yep, that too. A challenge in 3D printing is size, but Print That Thing has tackled large items. In fact, Jwall currently lives in a gutted trailer turned AR/VR studio, and owns a truck transformed into a 3D printing studio. Jwall's ongoing project is 3D printing a tiny house.
Best 3D Printing YouTube Channels
Although many 3D printing YouTube channels populate the interwebs, these provide varied content. Some such as DIY Machines and Make Anything are a bit more straightforward with tutorials and hardware reviews. The likes of Print That Thing and Thomas Sanladerer experiment with forward-thinking projects such as completely portable 3D printers and printing houses. Others, such as 3D Printing Professor, concentrate on insight into 3D printing concepts. You might also consider turning to Twitter for 3D printing experts to help you along your 3D printing journey.
What 3D printing YouTube channels are you following?
Moe Long is an editor, writer, and tech buff with a particular appreciation for Linux, Raspberry Pis, and retro gaming. Writing online since 2013, Moe has bylines at MakeUseOf, TechBeacon, DZone, SmartHomeBeginner, DEV.to, DVD Netflix, and Electropages. You can read his writings on film and pop culture at Cup of Moe, check out his tech reviews, guides, and tutorials at Tech Up Your Life, and hear his thoughts on movies on the Celluloid Fiends podcast. Aside from writing and editing, Moe has an online course, the Beginner's Guide to Affiliate Blogging From Scratch. When he's not hammering away at his keyboard, he enjoys running, reading, watching cinema, listening to vinyl, and playing with his dog Sebastian.
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Analysis of the series "Peripheral Devices" from the creators of "World of the Wild West"
TV series William Gibson. Can the series be called cyberpunk? And what is this cyberpunk of yours anyway? Attention, there are light spoilers for "Peripheral Devices" in the text.
Technically, William Gibson was not the discoverer of cyberpunk, but why is he then called the father of the genre? In his debut novel Neuromancer (1984) an American writer laid down his canon: the near and bleak future, the confrontation of the individual against the system, the power of corporations, the merging of man with technology, specific slang, the ubiquity of the virtual world that breaks into the real world. Released two years before Neuromancer, Ridley Scott's Blade Runner cemented the visual identity of cyberpunk in the cultural consciousness: 1980s neon Hong Kong on steroids of futurism; the place where the East crashed into the West in a flying car.
However, already in the early 1990s, the founders of the direction announced its happy demise. There were reasons for that. The classic cyberpunk of the 80s was not only a fantasy of the future, but also a metaphor for the present, in which Americans are faced with an economic crisis, computerization and an acceleration of the pace of life. No longer reflective of fears and hopes, the genre has been dismantled into spare parts for other purposes (like cyberpunk, in turn, borrowed elements of noir for itself) or narrowed down to a visual aesthetic that does not reflect the original political charge. In the most high-profile cyberpunk project of recent years - the game Cyberpunk 2077 - the ideology has evaporated, leaving behind only a set of cool scenery. nine0003
But classic cyberpunk has also run its course, because, in fact, it has already arrived. Corporate conglomerates, the web, breakthroughs in technology, virtual worlds, endless information flows - the trends outlined by science fiction writers have become reality. And the father of cyberpunk, William Gibson, felt it like no one else when, in his novel Peripherals (2014), he mixed the motifs and types of Neuromancer, but moved the action from the abstract "not far future" literally into tomorrow - the 2020s. It is still the future, but one that can already be felt at your fingertips. And in 2022, a series based on Peripherals was released on Amazon Prime Video streaming, produced by Lisa Joy and Jonathan Nolan, whose Westworld exploited cyberpunk finds. nine0003
As in the book, the main character Flynn Fisher (Chloe Grace Moretz) lives in the American backwoods with her veteran brother Burton (Jack Raynor) and her mother dying of illness (the action is moved to 2032). As a part-time job, the brother and sister test games in virtual reality, and one day they are offered to try out a new technically advanced VR simulator for a lot of money. In the virtual London of the future, Flynn has to take part in the kidnapping of a woman, survive an eye transplant and die at the hands of a mercenary. Only a nuance soon becomes clear: the helmet takes you not to virtual reality, but to 2099 years old, in the body of an android-peripheral.
Peripherals, like the original book, have moved away from classic cyberpunk. The first difference that catches the eye is the space in which the characters live. The emblem of traditional cyberpunk is a dirty and crowded city, imbued with the spirit of multiculturalism. The heroes of "Peripherals" live in the sleepy American outback and the deserted, emasculated London of the future. And they themselves do not look like traditional characters of the genre. The protagonist of classic cyberpunk is an outcast and outcast who is trying to bring down the system; the word "punk" A subculture characterized by disregard for society, traditional culture and politics. it's not just used here. However, the same Flynn is a completely different heroine. She has a family and friends, which means she is relatively well integrated into society. And she intends not to destroy the world, but to protect it, even if the “peace” for her, in fact, means relatives and friends. And its conflict with the system is not so unambiguous. In the world of the future in the series, power is divided between three factions: someone is openly at odds with Flynn, someone, on the contrary, is friends, and someone “everything is complicated”.
Perhaps in the next seasons she will clash with the world of the future, but in any case it will be later. nine0003
However, there are elements of cyberpunk in Peripherals. The principle of high tech, low life invented by science fiction writer Gardner Dozois is reflected in the life of Flynn and her friends. Virtual reality helmets and 3D printers here coexist with the poor and corruption habitual for small towns. One of the most striking characters of the series, veteran amputee Conner (Eli Gorey), leads a bitter life of a physically and psychologically disabled war-traumatized person, but at the same time drives around in a futuristic-looking motorized wheelchair. Quite a modern symbol of high tech, low life. nine0003
At the same time, the world of the future in the series bizarrely distorts the principle of Dozois. After the global catastrophe, London in 2099 is inhabited entirely by the descendants of Russian oligarchs and other upper links of the food chain, living in luxurious estates. However, they literally live on the ruins: augmented reality tools implanted in the heads of the townspeople draw clean buildings in place of the rubble and… other townspeople. “For the mood,” one of the characters explains, and then adds: the world does not seem so gloomy. Low life is hiding behind high tech with all its might. nine0003
Gibson has never been an easy-to-read author, and his Peripherals is no exception. The writer prefers to throw the reader into the whirlpool of a fantasy world without wasting extra letters on chewing on its details. The series is much more merciful to the viewer, giving time to sort out the key elements of the story. For example, explaining in detail the specifics of the technology of transferring consciousness in time. Or visually showing the haptic connection between Burton and his associates, the military technology for the efficient operation of a combat squad. And yet, showrunner Scott B. Smith failed to bring the numerous storylines, fantasy elements, and themes to an emotionally satisfying ending. Because of this, the last episode of the season feels disappointingly anti-climactic. nine0003
But still, "Peripherals" manage to hook the nerve of time. In the first season, the colonial approach of the people of the future to the past is noted in passing, but this is an interesting idea that will certainly be continued in future seasons. And the global catastrophe, called "Jackpot" in the book and TV series, is a reflection of a completely modern fear of natural crises: climate change and powerful pandemics.
Classic cyberpunk may be dead, but that's okay. His fear of dehumanizing technologies has lost its strength, giving way to new fears. Fiction, despite looking to the future, has always been about the present, and therefore it is not surprising that cyberpunk has become a fertilizer for the experiences of today. nine0003
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Sony WF1000XM4B.CE7
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HyperX Cloud Core
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Type: Wireless headphones
Purpose: Not specified
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Bluedio h3 ANC AUX Black
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JBL Reflect Flow Pro Blue
Type: Wireless headphones
Purpose: Universal
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8 80 € / month 84 95 €
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Type: Wireless headphones
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Luujuhtivusega juhtmevabad klapid Shokz Open Run, mus...
Type: Wireless headphones
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8 10 € / month 129 95 €
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Type: Wireless headphones
Purpose: For games
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Headphones Dell Premier Wireless ANC Headset WL7022
Type: Wireless headphones
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Type: Wireless headphones
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JBL Reflect Flow Pro TWS Black
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Purpose: For children
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7 70 € / month 73 49 €
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Type: Wired headphones
Purpose: For games
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Purpose: Not specified
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Purpose: For children
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8 10 € / month 129 00 €
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Type: Wireless headphones
Purpose: Universal
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How to choose headphones?
Most of our day is spent listening to music with headphones. The choice of headphones in stores is very wide, and finding the right headset can be difficult. In this article, we will list the main types of headphones and the most important features to consider when choosing a headset. Headphone types
How to choose headphones for sports and outdoor activities? Many will agree that playing sports or just actively moving to your favorite music is much more pleasant. The only question is which headphones are best suited for this purpose, which headphones to buy, which company's headphones are better? The variety of their choice is extremely large, so we have identified several Read more
Advantages of wireless headphones Wireless headphones are a popular solution that is eagerly tested by athletes, music lovers and even game enthusiasts. Everyone is more or less aware of how wireless headphones differ from the usual wired model, but have you ever thought about the advantages of headphones of this design? EU Read more
JBL speakers and headphones: why do you need them? Probably everyone has heard about JBL speakers and headphones. This American company began its activity more than 70 years ago and today is well known not only to music lovers, but also to professional musicians. The company is owned by Harman International Industries, a subsidiary of Harman Corp. Read more
Connecting wireless headphones Wireless headphones can offer exceptional comfort in a variety of situations - you'll probably find that avoiding constantly tangled and cumbersome wires sounds extremely appealing. However, once you start using these items, you may have questions. Read more
Today, perhaps, the most popular device for listening to music can be safely called headphones . Thanks to them, you do not interfere with others and isolate yourself from external sounds. Compared to acoustic systems, they win in terms of sound quality and have a pronounced stereo effect, no matter where you are. Of course, in addition to music lovers, headphones are used for a variety of purposes by both ordinary people and professionals. And besides listening to music, they have such functions as answering incoming calls, audio notes, using a voice recorder. In our e-shop, everyone can choose a specific model depending on their requirements. We offer Apple headphones, JBL headphones, Xiaomi, Samsung and others. nine0003
A wide range of headphones
According to the method of signal transmission, there are wired and wireless models of headphones, and according to the type of design - external or on-ear, as well as internal, in-ear or "pills". Depending on the purpose for which you intend to use the headphones, you can find options with various additional features, such as active noise cancellation, multi-channel audio, built-in volume control and others. Headphones differ in an extraordinary variety in design and color. nine0003
- Classic full-size wired headphones offer high sound quality thanks to accurate transmission and stable connection without signal interruption. Therefore, they are perfect for desktop computers to listen to music, watch movies, for professional use.
- Headphones with a comfortable design and memorable shape are also preferred by gamers for gaming laptops. Headset with built-in microphone ensures comfort even during the longest game. nine1546
- Wired headphones are connected to the audio signal source through several types of connectors: 3.5 mm or 2.5 mm minijack, 6.3 mm jack or USB connector.
- Easy to carry lightweight on-ear headphones with up to 2 meters of cord, making it easy to put the turntable in your bag.
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