3D printer for mandalorian armor
3D Printed Mandalorian Armor - Etsy.de
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The Mandalorian Armor 3d Printer File
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Hot Toys TMS 007 The Mandalorian
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
Happy New Year 2021 everyone! Today I want to share with you a review of one of the best figures of the past year - Hot Toys TMS007 The Mandalorian . I have been waiting for this figure since the very first episode of the series of the same name, because this image immediately sunk into my soul, a kind of cowboy in the universe of Star Wars . The image in Beskar from later episodes is also good, but it is this battered and battered look that pleases the most, it directly blows the atmosphere. I received it in December last year, it was a gift to myself for DR , I thought that I would have time to write this review even then, but unfortunately the lack of time prevented this, but from words to deeds!
This is the way.
Din Djarin was a male Mandalorian bounty hunter during the New Republic era , after Galactic Civil War . He wears traditional Mandalorian armor and roams the Outer Rim of , away from the Republic's authority. He is a solo shooter and a member of Guild 9.0183 Headhunters .
More info:
As a child, Din Djarin was caught in the crossfire of Separatist battle droids as Republic fell. While the droids were killing the inhabitants of Ak-Vetina ('s home planet Dina ), his mother and father hid him under a trapdoor, and shortly thereafter were themselves killed in an explosion. The hatch was then opened by super battle droid B2 , which attempted to open fire on the child. However, before he could do so, the battle droid was destroyed by the warrior- Mandalorian of Death Watch .
As more Death Watch warriors arrived and fought the remaining battle droids, the warrior flew off using his jetpack to rescue Djarin . Djarin was then adopted as foundling by the Mandalorians , who trained and cared for him in Fighting Corps . He eventually joined the Mandalorian tribe that was active on planet Nevarro . Once he got his helmet, he stopped taking it off in front of anyone else, because if he did, he would not be allowed to put it on again, which was a tradition practiced by the members of the tribe.
Adult Djarin worked as a bounty hunter during the years following the fall of Galactic Empire , during which time he became known simply as "The Mandalorian" or "Mando" to those who were not part of the tribe. Razor Blade , a military patrol starship that existed prior to Empire's era , served as his personal transport. During the rise of of the New Republic, Djarin traveled throughout the territories of the Outer Rim of the galaxy, collecting bounties as a member of the Bounty Hunter Guild . During this time he gained a reputation as a costly but formidable bounty hunter in an increasingly dangerous galaxy.
9 years after the Battle of Yavin ( 6 movie episode), Djarin has tracked one of his many targets, Mithrol , to a bar on the ice planet Muldo-Crace , where the series begins.
Armor for Mandalorians is a lifetime, so we will devote a few words to it.
Mandalorian armor0184) was the most recognizable symbol of the Mandalorian culture.
The Mandalorian armor had many functions and built-in weapons, such as a miniature ZX flamethrower, built-in blaster, shield, bayonet, jetpack. As well as a helmet, on mando'a referred to as bu'shey , which has no less functions: the ability to fully control all armor using voice commands, radar, the ability to see in the infrared spectrum and much more. There was a rocket in the jetpack.
If someone is interested in the canonical names of armor elements Mandalorians , then here:
The hero of this review wore armor from different parts, which he removed from defeated opponents as trophies. Below is a picture that describes some parts of this armor.
In this rare case, the figure came to me in a shipping box, it actually looks like this:
The box is already traditional for Hots to Star Wars . Made in the style of a shoe box. In front, they have recently begun to make a colorful cardboard overlay with the image of a figurine, catalog number and the name of the movie / series where this character came from.
More detailed photos of the box:
On both sides you can see a part of this very cardboard lining, in general it becomes clear why they decided to add it - without it, the box looks very empty on the sides.
All legal and warning information is displayed on the back.
Above and below is the logo of the Star Wars themselves.
Under the lid, you can find a gorgeous art with a figurine.
Next is the blister with the figurine and accessories.
Instructions attached below.
Blister without top cap.
Traditional blister exit photo:
It is best to read the instructions before using these figurines. This will help you avoid trouble in the future.
Unfortunately, this release does not have as many accessories as the recently released version in Beskar , especially in its deluxe edition. But in general, everything is not so bad, the most necessary things are there, the only thing that is sorely lacking is Grog (baby Yoda ). On the other hand, if you take the deluxe version in Beskar , then you can perfectly complement this release.
Includes: 2 interchangeable shoulder pads, amban sniper rifle, rifle effect, blaster pistol, tracking device and bomb.
The sight can be removed from the rifle, which can be used as a telescope, as it was in the series. The chamber of the rifle also opens.
I would like to note the second side of the pistol, which, by the way, is perfectly detailed.
Total of 6 replacement brushes.
One of the most powerful and, most importantly, exclusive accessories: the Stormtrooper helmet, which is used as a diorama addition to the stand. The detail is really impressive!
Used thousands of times sand-styled base Tatooine , with sole marks. By the way, it would be better if these very traces didn’t exist at all, because it doesn’t work out purely on them, and in other cases they look very strange. I also want to note a metal plate with the name of the series and the universe, usually Hots use plastic ones, but here it’s right in the old fashioned way.
The difference from the standard version of this stand is the presence of two holes for the pins (made of plastic), on which you can put the helmet of a dead empire stormtrooper. It looks very cool and adds charm and atmosphere.
Pin version.
Ready made.
I also attach a photo of the released deluxe version in Beskar , for comparison with this kit. There are two Grog , and jetpack , and a bunch of different effects, and a couple more cool things. In general, the kit is much richer, but as I wrote above, the release in Beskar will perfectly complement the figure from this review, because you can separate the kids and some of the accessories.
There is another interesting way to get Grog in a "cradle" for not very big money ( 20-30 $ , excluding shipping), from the company Hallmark , which releases it as a Christmas decoration. I am attaching a video with an example of how it will look like: tyk
In detail, of course, it is inferior to Hotam , but for the money that was originally asked for it, it was a worthy option, unfortunately now it is practically impossible to get it, but Maybe the excitement will subside with time.
It was practically impossible to spoil something this time, because this time the helmet is the sculptor. It is made entirely of plastic, although in detail it looks like it is made of metal. It is painted simply amazingly, with dirt and plaque. Actually, as I said above, it looks much more atmospheric than the shining helmet in the Beskar version.
It is true that this helmet has its own problems, as with any other similar to this one, for example, Boba Fett - black insert is made of glossy plastic, which is scratched at a glance. For example, mine was scratched right out of the box. I had to polish it with tooth powder and polish for cars, I managed to remove small scratches completely, but slightly larger ones remained, maybe later I’ll try to look for ways to solve this problem, but in general it’s an unpleasant moment, and it’s very difficult to crawl there, especially on the sides .
Figurine and its features.
Actually Mando in the minimum body kit. The figurine is made chic, especially in terms of the clothing materials used, and it also shows itself very well in mobility, most of the elements are made of simple fabric and plastic, only the belt, pistol holster and chest strap are made of the notorious leatherette.
As you can see under the cape, the figure is also detailed.
This is what the rifle mount looks like when it is threaded through the hole in the cape. Between themselves, the mount is linked with a magnet.
This is what a fully attached rifle looks like.
All armor elements are fastened with Velcro. As for me, this is a pretty good solution, because in my life I have not seen them somehow deteriorate over time, especially if they are not often pulled.
And now let's go through the elements of the armor.
This is what a shoulder pad looks like from Beskar .
This is what a shoulder pad from a coastal defense attack aircraft looks like.
Chest armor, like all other parts of it, is made of plastic. The detailing and painting is beyond praise, Hotam did a great job of capturing the effects of damage and abrasions. I have no words.
Unfortunately, as I wrote above, the belt and chest strap are made of leatherette, which will most likely fall apart over time, but I think that it can be replaced quite easily. Rifle cartridges can be pulled out, i.e. they are not just decoration.
There is also an armor plate on the back, you can also see the rifle mount here.
This is how the belt compartment looks like for bombs, one of which can be removed, the rest are glued on.
The holster is fully made of leatherette.
This is what she looks like with a gun inside.
Bracers are made of plastic and have phenomenal detail. By the way, on the right bracer, the use of the effect of fire and a cable is provided, which go to Beskar versions, so Hota apparently used the same blank for both figures and again the accessories will be interchangeable.
The armor plates on the legs are also made of plastic and fastened with Velcro. Again, I can't help but admire the painting, how great the right plate looks with a touch of sand and stunning damage detail!
Boots and all elements of their decor are made of plastic. Immediately, I note that the feet and the rest of the leg move separately from each other, which allows for much more dynamic postures, unfortunately, this is rare for Hotov case, they usually make boots or shoes in one "piece", which completely prevents the articulation of the feet and, accordingly, severely limits mobility.
Again, attention to detail on the left foot.
An overview within an overview.
In preparation for this review, I purchased the Lego set on this topic, which was released on New Year's Eve , so I could not resist and made a mini review on it.
This set has a catalog number: Lego 75299 .
The set is based on the first episode of the second season and includes: speeder, ballista, hut Tusken Raiders and 3 minifigures ( Mando, Grog, Tusken Raider ).
Photo of the box:
On the right is the figure Mando in 1:1 scale , and on the left is Mando on a speeder, the rest of the box is as boring as possible, so I see no point in showing it.
The set is quite small and consists of 276 pieces. In Russia costs 2599 evergreens, in USA 29.99$. Honestly, for such a price, the set is meager, but such is the price of the success of the series, it is so popular that any product is swept off the shelves almost immediately, by the way, this set is almost impossible to get, they were all taken apart, over time, most likely the situation will improve, but for now …
Total in set 3 bags with parts and instructions.
So, let's start assembling:
The first package is the assembly of Mando and Grog .
Speeder assembled! Even extra parts remained, which is basically typical for Lego .
The second package and the hut is complete!
And, of course, where without Tusken Raider !
Third package and ballista completed!
Epic finale! Mando got his Grog !
Who is interested in more detailed photos of the set and minifigures, please under the spoiler:
More detailed photos of the set:
Total for the Lego set: due to the amazing minifigures, the set is quite worth it, but if you look at it in general, then the price very overpriced. The figurines are very detailed, Mando even prints are made on the hands, which is very rare for minifigures for ~$30 . In general, a nice little addition to the universe.
Bonus photoset.
Next, traditional bonus photos are waiting for you, and I will probably start them with a continuation of Lego themes. Somewhere 4-5 years ago, a friend gave me Jango Fett from Lego , made according to the type of bionicles , which is still on my shelf, I could not resist ...
That's it, with Lego after this I finish torturing you, but at the end of the review another surprise awaits you!
Total: This is deservedly one of the best figures of the past year, and exactly the best figure in my collection in my collection in my collection . Just look at the photo above, in some photos it is easy to confuse the figurine with a living person, which already says a lot! I've been a big fan since I was little0183 Star Wars , which is even evidenced by my nickname, but this is the first figure in the universe and may be the last, because getting into this topic is a debt hole, and there is not so much space, and this character perfectly represents the universe and is completely self-sufficient.