3D printed fish feeder
Free STL file Automatic Fish Feeder Remixed・3D printable object to download・Cults
Basic Multi-Watch Stand
18650 battery sled lite
USB and Memory card Holder Upgraded
USB Holder (Hanzy) expansion tray
Moving Zombie Hand
Chevy Hitch Cover
My Customized Basic 18650 Tray/Holder 3x7
Bucket hose adapter connector
Best 3D printer files of the Home category
Stormtrooper Cookie Cutter
€9. 38
Mr & Mrs Egg
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Best sellers of the category Home
tealight holder ver.b
Crystal Corner Decor - Print-in-place
Wall shelf “Amanita Fungus”
Yet Another Quick Change Paper Towel Roll Holder
Valentine´s Teddy Bear Ornament printed in place without supports
€2. 30
Kawaii Dim Sums in a Cute Basket
Ramen Noodles Bowl Secret Tray
Fast-print modular storage drawer system
Cardholder-wallet (universal package)
Hot Air Balloon Lamp
Pop-Up Cat Key Holder
Super Cute Paw Pen Cup
Wall shelf “Oyster fungus”
Bordeaux, The Octopus
Print-in-place glasses case
€2. 40
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▷ fish feeder 3d models 【 STLFinder 】
Fish Feeder
Automatic fish feeder
Fish feeder
A simple fish feeder, so that the feed does not float around.
Fish feeder
Great fish feeder! ...Print Settings Printer Brand: Prusa Printer: Prusa Steel ...
Fish Feeder
It's an automatic fish feeder with one servo and Arduino Pro Micro. ... See also: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1383300
Fish Feeder
# This is a work in progress files might change Fish Feeder using a NodeNCM ESP8266 and a Stepper motor controlled via Google Assistant Components needed * NodeMCU ESP8266 Development Board * Stepper Motor and Driver (I used a 28BYJ-48 5V Stepper. ..
fish feeder
Remix of automatic fish feeder to : - adapt micro servo 9G SG90. - change the place of arduino nano. - increase volume of tank. - Add cover of tank. - Make boxe. ... no good work with flakes , only powder
Fish Feeder
Fish feeder for frozen fish foods. made for 55 gallon aquarium I use brine shrimp the feeder slowly releases the food as it melts. No supports needed but a lot of bridging. I included a bridge test it is the same as the top of the feeder to make...
Fish feeder
A 3 part fish feeder. This simple device will be able to feed you fish with the turn of a knob. For 1 portion of food, turn the knob till one of the arrows is pointed down. ...Works best with small pellets
Fish feeder
This is fish feeder for a little geared aliexpress motor. You also need some board or timer to control it. I made it while i had aquarium and it was totally working, though fishes was a little too fat when we came back after vacation. ... ...
Fish Feeder
Fish feeder for pond. Bigbox has to be glued with boxcap. An external arduino provides power. The motorbox accomodates the motor. ...See it in action here: https://youtu. be/4f2G2QNterc Update 14.8.17 Added bigcap.stl, the top cover of the big box.
Fish Feeder
This is an automated fish feeder for a Betta fish food pellets. Load fish food in the holding tube and setup your Arduino to dispense the food when you want. The supplied Arduino sketch is for use with a Galileo board and is used in conjunction with...
Fish Feeder
Fish feeder designed to support Carnegie Science Dept. of Embryology zebrafish department. The trigger has a pilot hole to be drilled to adjust food quantity. Elegant tool-less design. Print Settings Printer: Flashforge...
Fish feeder
Hi, Sick and tired of feeding the fish :) Here is the answer : The Ultimate Fish Feeder.
Get ready for 16 days of freedom :)
**How it works**
This project is using MQTT and Node-Red. Basically, nothing complex in here: The Ultimate Fish...
Fish feeder
This is an automated fish feeder using just a servo motor and an Arduino Pro Micro with external power supply. I'm using a power bank that would enable to feed the fish for 4-5 days without me being home. The rechargable batteries could be installed...
fish feeder
It is indeed an automatic fish feeder. The goal was simple, make a consistent and easy to print feeder. After a few generations I can finally say that I have a working model. All parts print without supports and complexity is kept to a minimum.
Fish Feeder
A machine for feeding fish fields.It is controlled by a PLC that in certain times activates actuators to spread some amount of desired food on fish pools.
Fish Feeder
**Update: I have added a fish food holder, to save time trying to find a brand of fish food that will fit the main body :) This has been designed around a 9g Micro Servo, similar to those found on hobby king or eBay etc... and a fish food container...
Betta Fish Feeder
Betta Fish Feeder
Fish Feeder Timer
Fish feeder with timer
Fish Feeder Support 2
Fish Feeder Support
fish feeder slow drip
slow water drip fish feeder
Fish feeder stand
Replacement for fish feeder stand
automatic fish feeder
this is an automatic fish feeder with a roller hole mechanism
Fish feeder / pet feeder
Fish feeder Design Michaela Wallachová Jakobsen Bo Thorning v2 modifications (more 3d printed, less plexiglass pipe required) Nicolas Padfield https://a360. co/3oJd8J8 Stepper motor NEMA 17 with a 5:1 planet gear...
Telegram Fish Feeder
Fish Feeder Using Telegram API Follow this link for detail https://kakeko.wordpress.com/2018/05/20/telegram-fish-feeder/ Electronics WEMOS Using Arduino libraries CT BOT and servo sweep Mictro Servo
Fish feeder ring
# Fish feeder ring with suction cup >Fits a suction cup with 6.55mm - 6.70mm inner diameters.
Pendulum fish feeder
Pendulum fish feeder, needs a 6mm rod and 110mm gray pipe connector for container. ...Not yet printed and tested.
Automatic fish feeder
This is an automatic fish feeder with magnetic holder I use neodiyum magnet to hold the feeder , and also i use digispark attiny 85 as a controller
Sliding Fish Feeder
This is a fish feeder to help my daughter understanding the basics of 3d Printing and Arduino programming for a 7th grade science fair.
Fish Feeder Screw
Fish Feeder requires a bearing 7mm wide 8mm bore and 22 outer diameter. Manual operated and a coke bottel is used as a food container. ...The feeder is screwed together with 3mm SS allen cap head screws.
Free 3D File Fish Feeder・3D Printable Model for Download・Cults
Shower head holder
Yet another : rainingauge / pluviomètre
nine0003 Wifi antenna holderFree
weather vane v2
Solar Powered Rain Gauge with LoRa (Mark III)
Wemos ESP8266 with sensor housing DS18B20
Best 3D Printer Files in the Miscellaneous Category nine0037
Phantom Boo
Guimars missile launchers 1/16 and 1/25 scale
€24. -10% 22.10 € 55
Printing on site Alien APC
2,50 €
nine0003 Geared Heart, Motorized Edition, Version 2Free
GoPro Ground Spike
16 €
Cute Ghost - Trick or Treat
3.75 €
Bestsellers in Miscellaneous category nine0037
€1.30 -thirty% 0.91 €
Gengar - pokemon with flexible articulation (seal in place, without supports)
2,50 €
Articulated Raykuase Flexible Dragon Pokémon
1 €
Polestar 2 cup holder
5. 56 €
Chainsaw Man - Denji
€17.51 -15% 14.88 €
Gengar pen holder
1,50 €
nine0003 hinged shenron3 €
Key holder for middle finger
1 €
4th planet Fighting pre-Olympic god
12 €
Starbucks Studded Tumbler Inspired Keychain with Removable Screw Top Pill Box Hex
2,53 €
airsoft 9 electronic speed loader0004
2.02 €
SlingHAMMER - repeating crossbow pistol for steel balls 6mm 8mm 10mm or 12mm
12. 50 €
Giarados - articulated sea serpent
1,50 €
Addams Thing
1.99 €
Articulated Gyarados
1.99 €
nine0003 Wednesday Addams - Merlina Addams - Funko Pop2.47 €
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* INVITE FRIENDS: * Invite your friends, discover the platform and great 3D files shared by the community! nine0006
Free 3D fish feeder file・3D printed design for download・Cults
Adjustable focus knob
0.57 €
Card Press
snail trap
Replacement housing TS100
50 mm vivarium vent 5 mm deep
jig group "Sligshot/Catapult"
Community Discord server to help with your projects or to help with projects
Vivarium fan without blades (taco fan)
Best 3D Printer Files in the Miscellaneous Category
2 pack - inspired by Angry Birds characters Chuck and Red - both character models included
3. 64 €
Mini fishing boat rc
9.47 €
Moving cannon that can shoot cannonballs
1.25 €
Lancia Delta HF Integrale Evo 1/10 touring car body
4.68 €
Olorotitan: Dinosaur Skull
23 €
Doll CHUCKY xl 60 cm knife version 41 pcs.
Eggplant Container
3.34 €
Bestsellers in Miscellaneous category
Grabis - caricature of the Czech prime minister
€5.41 -50% 2. 70 €
Articulated Raykuaza Flexible Dragon Pokémon
1 €
nine0003 STREET BUGGY COMPLETE 1/2414.74 €
PS5 Horizontal stand
2 €
Gengar - pokemon with flexible articulation (seal in place, without supports)
2,50 €
Giarados - articulated sea serpent
1,50 €
hinged shanron
3 €
SlingHAMMER - repeating crossbow pistol for steel balls 6mm 8mm 10mm or 12mm
12.50 €
Charizard - pokemon with flexible articulation (seal in place, without supports)
3 €
TRX4M shock mounts
1. 84 €
Adderini - 3D printed repeating slingbow/crossbow pistol
Articulated Onyx
1,50 €
Polestar 2 cup holder
5.56 €
Gengar pen holder
1,50 €
flexible volute
2 €
4th planet Martial pre-Olympic god
12 €
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