3D printed beholder
Beholder best STL files for 3D printing・Cults
Beholder DLX Version
Beholder mini.
Pumpkin Beholder
Brain Monster
Beholder 4e
Zombie Watcher
Beholder Jack'O
DnD Tyrannoeil
D&D Beholder
Corcu Belgotan, The Fomorian Tray
€8. 69
Fomorian Warrior with helmet 2
The Fomorian Warrior 2 (without helmet)
The Fomorian Warrior 1 (without helmet)
The Fomorian Warrior 1 (with helmet)
Formorian Thrall
Indech, the Fomorian Champion
Fomorian Reaper
Fomorian Observer
Balor, the One-Eyed God
Female Beholder
Monster Girls! Mini Pack
€9. 71
D&D Spectator
Tentacle Seeker
Beholder Gladiator
Monstrous Eye RPG Miniature
Chonky Evil Eye
Beholder DnD Monster
Eye Terror - PRESUPPORTED - 32 mm Minature
Spectator on a base (remix)
Eye Baby - Tabletop Miniature
€5. 79
Eye Fiend
Eye Flayer - Argulug
Xanathar the Beholder Cup
Far Watcher
Santanathar Beholder Tree Topper With Hat
Bandit - D&D set - D&D Minis - D&D Miniatures - D&D Bandit Coin - Token - Miniature - Dungeons and Dragons Evil PG
€0. 51
Beholder 3d Model - Etsy.de
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The world's first 3D printed steel bridge opened in Amsterdam July 15, 2021 - July 15, 2021
Society printer, appeared in Amsterdam.

The pedestrian crossing has a futuristic design, it is 12.2 meters long, 6.3 meters wide and weighs 6000 kg.
What's more, the bridge is equipped with intelligent sensors for data collection, which allows real-time monitoring of the condition, including simulations with various conditions and loads. With this data, the municipality can measure the flow of pedestrians across the bridge and the level of congestion in the area.
In the construction industry, 3D printing has become popular due to the ability to create free-form structures in a single part and reduce the consumption of materials.
As noted by N+1, there are already 3D-printed bridges in the world, but with other materials: in 2019, the longest printed plastic bridge opened in Shanghai, and the world's first bridge printed entirely from cement appeared earlier in Madrid.
Earlier it was also reported that the world's first 3D printed school opened in Malawi.
- The Tsarskoye Selo Bridge on the Obvodny Canal has been “chewed” by rust. OZhD says that only the decor is damaged
August 02, 2021 05:55 PM
- The world's first 3D printed school opens in Malawi To catch it, you need luck or patience
July 06, 2021, 18:12
- Metal, sand and ceramic 3D printers will be made in St. Petersburg
June 03, 2021, 17:14
- printing and new industrial materials at the Scientific and Technological Center of St. Petersburg State University "Nevskaya Delta"
June 03, 2021, 15:40
- Engineers have been since childhood. Why should a 3D printer be at each school
May 11, 2021, 10:23
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3D printing in cinema – how technology has changed the film industry!
For the creators of entertaining science fiction films, there has always been a problem of the real embodiment of the most daring author's ideas. Many fascinating plots did not become masterpieces of world cinema due to weak and unrealistic effects that caused laughter from the audience and criticism from professionals. It seemed that in our era of digital technologies, when any scenes and fantastic attributes can be reproduced using computer graphics, the problems of filling any fantasy film with colorful spectacular details will become a thing of the past. However, screen masters have become convinced that not everything can be created with a graphic image, and therefore directors are still looking for ways to realistically convey the incredible appearance of the intended characters and create amazing objects of the fictional world. The graphics help to reproduce the overall environment in an incomparable way, but the human eye cannot be deceived and close-ups are often impossible to make believable using the style of a computer game. And then 3D printing came to the aid of directors and cameramen, thanks to the possibilities of which make-up artists and effects specialists today create unimaginable screen images.
Where and how did the 3D printer work?
A quarter of a century ago, it was hard to imagine that technological and scientific progress would so significantly change the technologies for preparing props for the film industry. Even in such a cult film of 1997 as "Men in Black", which was replete with alien guests, the process of creating unprecedented characters consisted in hand-molding from clay, familiar to the "kitchen" of the cinema. Not a single worthwhile spectacular scenario could do without the work of experienced craftsmen. The manual production of unique layouts and details for effects was time consuming and costly. And at the same time, there were always risks that the created images would not be able to fully convey what was intended. But 3D printing has changed everything, without which it is now difficult to imagine the process of modern film production.
Fans of Stranger Things may not know that it was the 3D printer that was used to create objects for the scariest scenes. The task of the authors was to accurately reproduce the atmosphere of the 80s, and to achieve their goals, the creators used a kind of hybrid method, combining the possibilities of graphic editing and 3D printing. As a result, we can say that both technologies perfectly complement each other. From simple sketches of the monster, with which the authors turned to the special effects studio, the creators came to a realistic embodiment on the screen not only of the character himself, but also completely reproduced the whole bewitching inverted world. A striking example of technological interaction is the Demogorgon model, which was created by a 3D printer, but the mouth mucus appeared with the help of graphics, and the fire was brought up for real. As a result, the viewer is completely immersed in believable footage, and the series has been in the top of the best films since the first season.
New technologies could not ignore the mastodon of Hollywood fiction, the recognized master and creator of space worlds Ridley Scott. The 2020 series Raised by Wolves, produced by HBO Max, required the director to think outside the box when it comes to screening another sci-fi story in which androids are busy creating a new population of people on a desert planet. Almost all the components and elements of the new world were reproduced by 3D printing. It was only thanks to the technological acceleration of behind-the-scenes production of props and furnishings that the famous director's production team was able to keep up with the tight schedule of working in the challenging conditions of South Africa. Each episode took 2-3 weeks to prepare and shoot. During this time, sketches were prepared, layouts were designed, final details were agreed. Everything happened with the direct participation of the art director of the picture Yako Snaiman and Ridley Scott himself.
The most difficult thing was to create the main character of the film - android. This required a head scan of the actress. Next, a transparent polymer copy was printed through which the liquid could be seen. Metal parts were highlighted in chrome, and the containers were filled with water with a common food coloring that mimics yellow acid. Small details of the severed head, muscles, skull were created by the Zbrush program. Many elements were printed separately and assembled together. When installing the details on the actor's head, it was possible to achieve a real feeling that an artificially created person was in front of the audience. If not for the possibilities of 3D printing, no previous technical tricks and skill of design technicians would have allowed the series team to meet the allotted time and give the characters such a realistic look.
Most of all, the creators of the Marvel Universe know about the indispensability and practicality of 3D printers. Not a single studio film is complete today without the use of 3D printing technology. Only such fast and precise production is able to provide the film sets with the necessary props. Russell Bobbitt, who is in charge of this direction at Marvel Studios, says that everything that we see on the screen in the hands of the Avengers, on their costumes and in the setting, is created only through printer printing. Without it, such an unthinkable number of objects and details simply would not have been physically possible to recreate. Thor's hammer and Captain America's shield, Iron Man's reactors and hundreds of other elements of a fictional space future - all this became possible only thanks to the latest technology. Russell remembers first encountering 3D printing on the set of Star Trek in 2009.1999, where director and producer J.J. Abrams introduced him to new technology.