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17 real buildings printed on a 3D printer - The Future on vc.ru
3D printing technologies are developing extremely fast and are used in various areas of human life.
42 452 views
Recently, much attention has been paid to the printing of buildings, and printed houses are increasingly appearing in recent years in different countries of the world - in the USA, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, France, Russia, the United Arab Emirates and others. I have prepared a list of existing 3D printed buildings for 2020.
What is a 3D printer for construction.
Today's 3D construction printers differ in designs and wall construction methods. The most common printers are portal construction, two- and four-support construction, based on a manipulator arm or a circular design. The equipment allows you to create small architectural forms and elements of structures for their subsequent assembly on site, or allow you to print the entire building on the construction site. The height and dimensions of the printed building depend on the specifications of the printer being used.
How the printing process works.
The extruder extrudes a fast-hardening concrete mixture with various additives. Each subsequent layer is applied on top of the previous one, due to which a vertical structure is formed. The concrete layers below are thus compacted, thereby increasing their ability to withstand the next layers, and hence the entire weight of the structure. To strengthen the structure, it is reinforced, which can be both vertical and horizontal. The laying of the horizontal armored belt is carried out between the layers, the vertical reinforcement is installed after the composition has hardened, and then it is poured with concrete.
Advantages of 3D printing over other construction methods.
3D printer fabrication opens up great opportunities for construction and related industries. Practical application has revealed the following advantages of additive manufacturing:
- It removes the limits from the imagination of designers and architects who design buildings, as it provides opportunities that are not available with the construction methods we are used to.
- High speed of construction of buildings and structures.
- Complete process automation.
- Low power equipment.
- Significant savings compared to conventional construction methods by reducing labor and energy costs and accelerating construction time.
- The formation of waste building materials is completely eliminated.
- Minimization of human intervention in the construction process not only allows building in places inaccessible to people, but also eliminates the human factor in ordinary territories and reduces the likelihood of error.
1. June 2014. China. China's Shanghai WinSun Decoration Design Engineering Co has unveiled 3D printed houses at an industrial park in China's Jiangsu province. A total of ten houses were created, each of which cost a little more than three thousand pounds sterling. Over the next ten months, the technology improved and the company produced several different types of buildings for the exhibition, the tallest of which has five floors.
2. August 2014. USA. Andrey Rudenko's company Totalkustom printed the lock. The printing took a total of 2 months. The machine's printing speed was 50 cm in 8 hours. The main part of the castle, measuring 3m x 5m and 3.5m high, was printed as a single unit, and the towers were then printed separately.
3. July 2015. China. Chinese company Zhuoda assembled a two-story house in record time. The modular home, made up of six 3D printed modules, was assembled on site in less than 3 hours. Of course actually about 90% of the work was carried out in the company's workshops, and on the site they were only assembled into a single building.
4. September 2015. Philippines. Andrey Rudenko's Totalkustom company built apartments on the territory of a hotel in the Philippines, 10. 5 mx 12.5 m in size and 3 meters high. The building was built using local materials - sand and volcanic ash.
5. May 2016. UAE. Chinese company Shanghai WinSun Decoration Design Engineering Co printed prefabricated structures for the subsequent assembly of an office building in Dubai. The area of a one-story building is about 250 square meters. m.
6. March 2017. Russia. Apis Cor introduced the first 37 sq. m.. The printed house has an interesting shape, but as the participants themselves say: this is just to show the flexibility of printing technology, the shape of the buildings can also be the usual square. Compared to other construction 3D printers, this printer is very compact (4×1.6×1.5 m), weighs 2 tons, and can be easily transported to the construction site.
7. October 2017. Russia. In Yaroslavl, the company Spetsavia presented the first residential building in Europe and the CIS, built using construction 3D printing technology. Construction of the house began in 2015. The box of the building was printed by a portal printer piece by piece and then assembled on the foundation in one month in December 2015. In the summer of 2017, the roof was completed and the bulk of the interior finishing work was carried out.
8. March 2018. France. Yhnova presented a five-room one-story house with an area of 95 square meters. For its construction, the engineers used a large manipulator, at the end of which an extruder for polyurethane foam is fixed. While working, he applied the foam in accordance with the 3D model of the building loaded into it. After applying the foam, the builders periodically filled the erected part with concrete, and also inserted the frames of doors and windows.
9. March 2018. USA. American Company Icon built a prototype home in Texas to prove the technology's performance. The area of the building was 32 sq.m., printing was performed by a portal type 3D printer moving along rails installed on the site.
10. July 2018. Spain. Be More 3D printed a 24 m2 concrete building. For the construction, a two-support 3D printer was used, the width of which is 7 meters and the height is 5 meters.
11. September 2018. Denmark. 3D Printhuset printed a 50 square meter office in Nordhavn. The 3D printer used for printing is of the portal type and has a size of 8 x 8 x 6 meters. Print speed 2.5 meters / min. Each layer is 50-70 mm. The print material is concrete made largely from recycled tiles and sand.
12. October 2018. Italy. Company Crane Wasp using a three-bearing construction 3D printer erected a building in ten days. The house uses passive solar heating technology and natural ventilation. The composition for printing was created on the basis of waste from rice cultivation (it was 25% local soil (clay and sand), 40% straw, another 25% - from rice husks and 10% - from hydraulic lime).
November 13, 2018. Italy. Arup in collaboration with the architectural bureau CLS Architetti erected a building in 1 week with an area of 100 sq.m. The building was printed in segments with subsequent assembly at the construction site.
November 14, 2018. Saudi Arabia. The Dutch company CyBe Construction has completed the construction of a building with an area of 80 sq.m. It took about a week to 3D print the necessary elements, and a little more than a day to assemble. The walls are made up of 27 printed blocks, and the parapets needed another 21 blocks to make.
15. August 2019. USA. S-Squared 3D Printers (SQ3D) showed a prototype residential building that can be built from floor to roof in just twelve hours. The house has an area of 46 m2. During the printing process, a 3D printer of a two-support design was used.
16. October 2019. UAE. Apis Cor has announced the completion of the world's largest 3D printed building. Located in Dubai, the 650 sq. meters has a building height of 95 meters and entered the Guinness Book of Records as the largest building printed directly on the construction site.
17. December 2019. Mexico. American company Icon erected two residential buildings for the non-profit organization New Story, in southeastern Mexico. The imprinted buildings have a flat roof, curved walls and an area of 46.5 square meters
As can be seen from the impressive list of completed projects, progress in the field of construction 3D printing clearly does not stand still, new techniques are constantly being introduced, various materials are being created, including from recycled raw materials, and high-tech equipment is being developed. In a short period of time, the technology has attracted the interest of a large number of enterprises that are engaged in the development of equipment, special building mixtures, libraries of structural solutions for designing buildings for 3D printing, as well as the preparation of a legislative, regulatory and regulatory framework.
I am sure that in the future the entire construction process will be able to become fully automated, without human intervention, not only when printing foundations and walls, but also when printing ceilings and roofs, automatically install utilities, doors and windows. Also, perhaps in the future we will not be limited to printing houses of 2-3 floors, but will be able to move on to multi-storey construction. All this is no longer something impossible and has ceased to sound like fantastic dreams of a high-tech future. It is only necessary to give time for the natural evolution of 3D construction technology.
Construction 3D printing is waiting for a breakthrough / Sudo Null IT News
3D printing technology originated in the 80s of the 20th century, but construction 3D printing appeared much later. The first construction projects using this technology appeared only in 2014. We are talking, first of all, about the so-called small architectural forms (benches, flower beds, fences). They never even dreamed about building houses. But already in 2015, the Russian startup Apis Cor made a splash - it printed a whole house in the Moscow region. Since then, news about new 3D printed houses has periodically appeared. However, despite the fact that the technology proved to be very promising in terms of the speed of construction of housing and the reduction in the cost of construction, no mass implementation followed.
Construction is the world's number one market. And, if many technological innovations are being introduced in the field of high-rise construction, then little has changed in the field of low-rise construction over the past decades. The last 30 years have seen the availability of the Internet, mobile phones, mobile internet, robotics taken to a new level, etc., but when you get to a house construction site, you are unlikely to find many technological innovations. Automation is practically non-existent, and manual labor prevails. 2020 was a test of strength for the whole world, and also led to the highest level of inflation, which, first of all, hit the construction market, there was a dramatic change in prices for metals, cement, wood and much more.
This Internet meme shows what happened to the cost of building materials in just a year. And the process is still going on. At the same time, there is a serious rise in the cost of labor, and there is an acute shortage of it. All this leads to a sharp rise in the cost of building houses. No matter how strange it may sound, statistics show that the growth of automation does not occur when everything is fine, but precisely in crisis situations, during increased competition, reduced demand and the need to urgently look for new technologies to increase production efficiency. So it happened this time, and after some stagnation, construction 3D printing received a new impetus for development.
Preparing to write an article, I turned to the founder of Arkon - Boris Kozlov y. Arkon was established in 2020 and is engaged in the production of construction 3D printers, both a workshop type for creating prefabs (prefabricated houses) and a portal one capable of printing a two-story house. I asked Boris the key, in my opinion, question:
- Construction 3D printing appeared in 2014, but no mass introduction of this technology followed in 7-8 years. Why do you think this happened, and why is there a surge of new projects right now?
- It seems to me that the reason is the snowball effect. The technology had to mature, grow from a hypothesis to a pilot implementation, and finally to commercialization and scaling (what is happening now). In addition, it should be borne in mind that construction is one of the most conservative industries, where, unlike even aviation and the automotive industry, there is still an extremely low introduction of digital solutions and automation in the field of the production process itself - the construction itself. The issue of regulation and certification also plays an important role - this process is long and creates an additional lag.
In 2014 - 2016 the first samples of building 3D printers and prototypes of printed buildings appeared.
The concepts of various form factors of construction 3D printers and types of printing materials were tested.
In 2017-2018 in the world, the first notable investments were made in a number of construction 3D printing start-ups. Further, by 2020, these investments "rolled" in the form of reaching a certain level of technology maturity - the first commercial products (3D printers and houses) appeared.
Finally, in 2020-2022 it became clear that the hypotheses of the effectiveness of construction 3D printing were justified (cheaper, faster, more environmentally friendly), and large investments began in the industry. A striking example is the investment of GE (the French division of General Electric) in the Danish COBOD or the achievement of a capitalization of $ 2 billion by the American company ICON.
In 2022-2023 over 1,000 buildings will be printed worldwide already, scaling from single buildings/pilot projects to entire villages and major infrastructure/reinforced concrete implementations.
In addition, in a number of countries, by now, a regulatory framework has been created or is being actively created for the introduction of additive technologies in the construction industry.
Thus, I believe that the specified time period is a fairly natural cycle of technology development, which is likely to experience exponential growth in the next decade.
According to ResearchAndMarket report, the global construction 3D printing market is valued at $354.3 million in 2022 and is projected to reach $11068.1 million by 2027, growing by 99.04%.
Various market processes affect the prices and behavior of participants in the global 3D construction printing market. They create price signals that are the result of changes in the demand and supply curves for a product or service. They can be associated with both macroeconomic and microeconomic factors. Even human emotions can also drive decisions, influence the market, and create price signals.
Now let's take a quick look at what the construction 3D printer is. Without delving too deeply into the technology, we can say that construction 3D printers are very similar to classic FDM/FFF printers that print with plastic, but instead of plastic, the material here is a cement mixture, which is fed directly into the nozzle and forms an object by layer-by-layer overlay. Printers are also portal, on the basis of a flying boom, with a robotic arm.
Pictured left is a construction printer based on a boom. The figure on the right is a gantry construction 3D printer
In the figure above, a construction 3D printer in the form of a robot arm installed on a mobile platform.
Everything changed completely when, in the summer of 2021, the American company ICON, which was trying to introduce 3D printing into the construction of various auxiliary facilities, signed a contract with one of the largest American developers, Lennar, to build a village of 100 houses in Texas and immediately became a unicorn , having received 200 million dollars of investments from several investment funds.
At the same time, the Danish company COBOD, created by the world's largest construction formwork company PERRI, began selling its gantry 3D construction printers and participating in construction projects around the world. In the photo below, a modern two-story house built in Germany and a school building in Malawi, built in record time with a minimal budget.
Few things unite developed, developing and poor countries, everywhere their problems and tasks, but The lack of affordable housing is a global agenda . If in poor countries there is an acute problem with the increase in the number of homeless people due to a lack of housing, as such, then in developing countries it is necessary to dramatically accelerate the number of new housing being built to meet the needs of a growing population. In developed countries, the problem is primarily in the cost of housing, which has risen in price to such an extent that it has become practically inaccessible to young people. And with the simultaneous increase in life expectancy in these countries, this problem is only getting worse.
At the same time, the trend towards “green agenda ”, CO2 emission reduction, building with more environmentally friendly materials, etc. is developing. But, unfortunately, so far the construction industry is the absolute leader in CO2 emissions, as well as in the amount of garbage that each construction site leaves behind. This is not to say that construction 3D printing solves all these problems, but at least it is moving in the right direction. Let's look at this with a few illustrative examples.
3D printed walls. Today, when we talk about 3D printing of houses, we are talking about printing walls. Everything else (foundation, windows, doors, ceilings and roof) is done in the traditional way. 3D printed walls are built as fixed formwork, which significantly saves the amount of cement used , and this, in turn, reduces the cost of construction and reduces the environmental impact of cement production. In addition, with this method of construction, no additional waste is produced, the strength of the structure does not suffer. It can be reinforced, as shown in the photo on the left, and engineering communications can be immediately laid, as shown in the photo on the right, which also affects the final speed of the construction of the object. At the same time, the total weight of the structure is reduced, the remaining cavities can be filled with lightweight foam concrete, insulation, straw or any other available material. Such a lightweight design can use a lighter foundation. The construction method itself is more economical in terms of material, and therefore environmentally friendly.
Eco-concrete with the addition of polymers is being actively developed, the production of which reduces CO2 emissions from 30% to 100%. The Apis Cor company mentioned at the beginning of the article, which built a house in the suburbs in 2015, is now based in hot Florida, plans to start using this material in its projects.
Another startup from Russia, Mighty Buildings, headquartered in California, initially relied on a polymer with the addition of mineral chips. And while the company doesn't build entire homes, it only makes wall panels, it has won numerous design awards, as well as a $400 million valuation in several investment rounds.
As a result, with a rough calculation, we can say that the total savings on the construction of walls can reach 30%, and the total cost of the house can be reduced by 10%. This is true for houses designed for conventional construction. And if you initially design with 3D printing, you can improve this ratio by optimizing the laying of communications, the ability to immediately print interior walls, bookmark niches for bathrooms, fireplaces, built-in wardrobes and kitchens, as was done in the house built by COBOD in Germany.
"There are spots on the sun." Despite all the advantages of construction 3D printing, has several significant disadvantages . The main one is layering, which cannot be avoided at the current level of technology development.
The photo above shows the layering of the 3D printed walls.
This task can be worked in several directions:
Ribbed walls can be plastered, painted and played with as a design element. That's how ICON does it in the US, for example their latest project House Zero is done that way and has won a number of design awards.
Use special "shutters" on the print head that allow smooth layers, as COBOD and other manufacturers do. The photo below shows that this does not ensure the complete absence of layering.
Fully sand the surface to get the usual smooth wall for plastering, painting, wallpapering or other finishing. It is possible, but it will require huge labor costs, which can reduce the overall efficiency of using 3D printing.
Pictured above is a 3D printed wall sanded smooth.
The second problem is the required temperature. Ideally, printing should take place at temperatures between +5C° and +30C°. Humidity is also important. Using additives, you can push these boundaries, but not indefinitely. At strong sub-zero temperatures, printing will be possible in the field only if the construction site is covered with a dome and the required temperature is reached inside with the help of heat guns. In conditions of intense heat, it is preferable to print at night. Another solution could be to print the wall panels in the shop and assemble them on site. Of course, each of these decisions will have a negative impact on the economic efficiency of the project.
Building 3D printing can be useful not only for the construction of houses . With its help, you can solve many other problems, and there its disadvantages will not matter. For example, the American concern GE uses COBOD printers to build towers for wind turbines in the shop. Ribbed surface and temperature restrictions in this case do not play any role.