3D printer hong kong

3D Printers, Filaments and Printing Service

New Arrival


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HK$ 178.00


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HK$ 178.00


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HK$ 228.00


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HK$ 3,519.00

3D Printers


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HK$ 49,999.00


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HK$ 3,999.00


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HK$ 2,228.00


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HK$ 7,159. 00


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HK$ 2,999.00



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HK$ 317.00


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HK$ 398.00


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HK$ 428.00


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HK$ 428.00


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HK$ 908.00



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HK$ 349.00HK$ 799.00


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HK$ 399.00HK$ 699. 00


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HK$ 735.00HK$ 935.00


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HK$ 1,930.00


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HK$ 735.00


My sincerest gratitude to the Addify group for being a great technical support for thenins and outs of 3D printing. Time and time again, when would face issues like our 3D printer breakingndown, or our prints were not optimal, you would be there to provide us with a solid explanation of thenissue, and of course the solution. Over time, I have learnt the ins and outs of 3D printing thanks to yournpatience and professionalism in providing us a truly wonderful customer experience. It is very rare to see such detailed advice, it is almost like you were our consultant with regards to 3D printing technologies. I look forward towards more future collaborations, especially in this interesting field of Soft, Compliant,nand Flexible Underwater Robotics!

Timothy Ng / Project Director, Vayu Project: Fastest Robotic Fish Bionics and Control Lab Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Hong Kong.

I would like to forward my sincere gratitude to you and Addify for working with me and my team, the Digital Materials Group, and providing exceptional services and the most relevant product options. Time and time again, your incredible knowledge base, outstanding expertise, and practical advices have boosted our confidence in a 3DP market filled with not only diverse but also rapid releases of new options and products. Your patience in learning the nature and needs of our project has been truly invaluable in helping us identifying the best solution possible. I can’t be more grateful with the feeling of “man, that was so informative and helpful!” every time we finish a meeting! So, thank you for all you do! A pleasure to be your customer!

Sarina Sun / Assistant Professor, Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

I am writing recommendation testimonial letter for Addify. Addify has worked with me in the past. Their knowledge in 3D printing technology and materials have helped me in my research studies. I feel confident in recommending Addify services.

QingYun Huang / PhD Fellow, City University of Hong Kong

3D Printing Workshop has widen my view a lot more. It has great potential to develop but the market is still very narrow when few people knows about it… From 3D printing a toy model, deco, home appliance etc. are just basics, while it has already been using to print food and testing to print organs

Follow us on instagram

⭐️假期開放安排⭐️ Dec 22 &23 closed at 15:00 Dec 26,27. Off Jan 1 2023 Off Merry Christmas 🎄 and Happy New Year #addify3d #fillament #3dprintinghk #3D打印 #3d打印香港 #creality3d #artillerygenius #lego #3dprint #3dprinting #legoland #figure #3dprint #3dmodeling #crealityender3 #christmashk #giveawayhk

Ho Ho Ho 第二彈優惠又黎喇! Addify 會免費送出兩卷 ULtrafuse BASF pla basic filament 俾第二十五張購買金額過$500 嘅客人⭐️ 我哋將會喺一月以電郵形式同埋Facebook IG上公布得獎者名單 ⭐️🎄 Merry Christmas 🎄 and Happy New Year #addify3d #fillament #3dprintinghk #3D打印 #3d打印香港 #creality3d #artillerygenius #lego #3dprint #3dprinting #legoland #figure #3dprint #3dmodeling #crealityender3 #christmashk #giveaway

Addify wish you all a Merry Christmas & a Happy New year 🎄 #addify3d #fillament #3dprintinghk #3D打印 #3d打印香港 #creality3d #artillerygenius #lego #3dprint #3dprinting #legoland #figure #3dprint #3dmodeling #crealityender3 #christmashk #giveaway

Ho Ho Ho ! 為咗答謝各位對我哋聖誕優惠嘅支持, 我哋將會免費送出hello3D milk white color filament 俾第15位購買超過$500訂單嘅顧客🥳 我哋將會喺一月以電郵形式同埋Facebook IG上公布得獎者名單 ⭐️🎄 Merry Christmas 🎄 and Happy New Year #addify3d #fillament #3dprintinghk #3D打印 #3d打印香港 #creality3d #artillerygenius #lego #3dprint #3dprinting #legoland #figure #3dprint #3dmodeling #crealityender3 #christmashk #giveaway

3D printed Gingerbread man 🎄 It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas 🎅😉 #addify3d #3dprint #3dprinting #3dprintinghk #3d打印機 #3d打印香港 #creality #crealityender3 #crealitycr10 #artillerygenius #polywood #fillament #3d打印服務 #2022聖誕 #merrychristmas🎄 #christmasornaments

今次玩吓,漸變色嘅 顏色確係幾靚 ⭐️ #addify3d #fillament #漸變色 #legoguy #legoskeleton #3dprintinghk #3D打印 #3d打印香港 #creality3d #artillerygenius #lego #3dprint #3dprinting #legoland #figure

聖誕節優惠,又黎喇!今年我哋揀選咗特別嘅聖誕優惠🎄優惠低至25% 快啲嚟我哋嘅網站選購 www. Addify3d.com 或者WhatsApp聯絡我哋 📱 64811751 優惠期有限,欲購從速‼️ 優惠期: 12月5號至12月25號 ❄️ 此優惠不包括運費 到貨時間為大約10個工作天 #addify3d #christmassale #3Dprintinghk #3D打印機 #3Dprinter #crealityender3s1pro #fillamenthk #artillerysidewinderx2 #crealitysermoonv1pro #hello3D #pcplus #ultrafuseplabasic

100% Biodegradable 環保物料❤️ 韌性高,耐高溫 並且可以生物降解 🤩完全符合循環經濟嘅原則,可以多次重複使用!減少浪費 🌍 呢隻物料係出自Filamentum 嘅 NonOilen 好多謝@FaychuCafe 同我哋購買左呢隻物料然後3D打印咗杯、筷子、醬汁碟同埋碗仔🫡 如果你都對呢隻物料有興趣嘅話,可以上我哋嘅網站研究研究❤️ #保護地球人人有責 #3d printing #addify3d #環保

Teletubbi ❤️ laa-laa 今期大熱嘅天使得得B laa laa 唔使捱貴價,想要嘅話就自己print 要幾大有幾大,要幾細有幾細🫣 小編特別想介紹呢一隻金色有暗閃嘅Filament 係由 Fillamentum 出嘅 Gold Happened 🤩 print出嚟嘅嘢好靚好高質 ,print 出嚟嘅料都幾實 (起碼唔會掂一掂就爛🫢)有興趣嘅話可以上我哋嘅官網睇睇 Credit: thingiverse.com/thing:5395534 玩具嘅存在價值係要令小朋友開心🙂 ,並唔係玩具所值嘅價錢 🧸 #addify3D #3Dprinting #teletubbies #laalaa #3D打印 #filament

連續咁多日落咁大雨空氣嘅濕度好高 小編建議大家,如果屋企冇防潮箱就記得將filament 放喺膠箱入邊再放無限包吸濕包 filament 處喺濕度太高嘅空氣中, print 出嚟嘅嘢會起晒絲,唔靚㗎! 🫠🫠 #fillament #addify3D #記得好好保養fillament #3dprinting

3D Printers, Filaments and Printing Service

New Arrival


Quick View

HK$ 178. 00


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HK$ 178.00


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HK$ 228.00


Quick View

HK$ 3,519.00

3D Printers


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HK$ 49,999.00


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HK$ 3,999.00


Quick View

HK$ 2,228.00


Quick View

HK$ 7,159.00


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HK$ 2,999.00



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HK$ 317.00


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HK$ 398.00


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HK$ 428.00


Quick View

HK$ 428.00


Quick View

HK$ 908.00



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HK$ 349.00HK$ 799.00


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HK$ 399.00HK$ 699.00


Quick View

HK$ 735.00HK$ 935.00


Quick View

HK$ 1,930.00


Quick View

HK$ 735. 00


My sincerest gratitude to the Addify group for being a great technical support for thenins and outs of 3D printing. Time and time again, when would face issues like our 3D printer breakingndown, or our prints were not optimal, you would be there to provide us with a solid explanation of thenissue, and of course the solution. Over time, I have learnt the ins and outs of 3D printing thanks to yournpatience and professionalism in providing us a truly wonderful customer experience. It is very rare to see such detailed advice, it is almost like you were our consultant with regards to 3D printing technologies. I look forward towards more future collaborations, especially in this interesting field of Soft, Compliant,nand Flexible Underwater Robotics!

Timothy Ng / Project Director, Vayu Project: Fastest Robotic Fish Bionics and Control Lab Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Hong Kong.

I would like to forward my sincere gratitude to you and Addify for working with me and my team, the Digital Materials Group, and providing exceptional services and the most relevant product options. Time and time again, your incredible knowledge base, outstanding expertise, and practical advices have boosted our confidence in a 3DP market filled with not only diverse but also rapid releases of new options and products. Your patience in learning the nature and needs of our project has been truly invaluable in helping us identifying the best solution possible. I can’t be more grateful with the feeling of “man, that was so informative and helpful!” every time we finish a meeting! So, thank you for all you do! A pleasure to be your customer!

Sarina Sun / Assistant Professor, Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

I am writing recommendation testimonial letter for Addify. Addify has worked with me in the past. Their knowledge in 3D printing technology and materials have helped me in my research studies. I feel confident in recommending Addify services.

QingYun Huang / PhD Fellow, City University of Hong Kong

3D Printing Workshop has widen my view a lot more. It has great potential to develop but the market is still very narrow when few people knows about it… From 3D printing a toy model, deco, home appliance etc. are just basics, while it has already been using to print food and testing to print organs

Follow us on instagram

⭐️假期開放安排⭐️ Dec 22 &23 closed at 15:00 Dec 26,27. Off Jan 1 2023 Off Merry Christmas 🎄 and Happy New Year #addify3d #fillament #3dprintinghk #3D打印 #3d打印香港 #creality3d #artillerygenius #lego #3dprint #3dprinting #legoland #figure #3dprint #3dmodeling #crealityender3 #christmashk #giveawayhk

Ho Ho Ho 第二彈優惠又黎喇! Addify 會免費送出兩卷 ULtrafuse BASF pla basic filament 俾第二十五張購買金額過$500 嘅客人⭐️ 我哋將會喺一月以電郵形式同埋Facebook IG上公布得獎者名單 ⭐️🎄 Merry Christmas 🎄 and Happy New Year #addify3d #fillament #3dprintinghk #3D打印 #3d打印香港 #creality3d #artillerygenius #lego #3dprint #3dprinting #legoland #figure #3dprint #3dmodeling #crealityender3 #christmashk #giveaway

Addify wish you all a Merry Christmas & a Happy New year 🎄 #addify3d #fillament #3dprintinghk #3D打印 #3d打印香港 #creality3d #artillerygenius #lego #3dprint #3dprinting #legoland #figure #3dprint #3dmodeling #crealityender3 #christmashk #giveaway

Ho Ho Ho ! 為咗答謝各位對我哋聖誕優惠嘅支持, 我哋將會免費送出hello3D milk white color filament 俾第15位購買超過$500訂單嘅顧客🥳 我哋將會喺一月以電郵形式同埋Facebook IG上公布得獎者名單 ⭐️🎄 Merry Christmas 🎄 and Happy New Year #addify3d #fillament #3dprintinghk #3D打印 #3d打印香港 #creality3d #artillerygenius #lego #3dprint #3dprinting #legoland #figure #3dprint #3dmodeling #crealityender3 #christmashk #giveaway

3D printed Gingerbread man 🎄 It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas 🎅😉 #addify3d #3dprint #3dprinting #3dprintinghk #3d打印機 #3d打印香港 #creality #crealityender3 #crealitycr10 #artillerygenius #polywood #fillament #3d打印服務 #2022聖誕 #merrychristmas🎄 #christmasornaments

今次玩吓,漸變色嘅 顏色確係幾靚 ⭐️ #addify3d #fillament #漸變色 #legoguy #legoskeleton #3dprintinghk #3D打印 #3d打印香港 #creality3d #artillerygenius #lego #3dprint #3dprinting #legoland #figure

聖誕節優惠,又黎喇!今年我哋揀選咗特別嘅聖誕優惠🎄優惠低至25% 快啲嚟我哋嘅網站選購 www. Addify3d.com 或者WhatsApp聯絡我哋 📱 64811751 優惠期有限,欲購從速‼️ 優惠期: 12月5號至12月25號 ❄️ 此優惠不包括運費 到貨時間為大約10個工作天 #addify3d #christmassale #3Dprintinghk #3D打印機 #3Dprinter #crealityender3s1pro #fillamenthk #artillerysidewinderx2 #crealitysermoonv1pro #hello3D #pcplus #ultrafuseplabasic

100% Biodegradable 環保物料❤️ 韌性高,耐高溫 並且可以生物降解 🤩完全符合循環經濟嘅原則,可以多次重複使用!減少浪費 🌍 呢隻物料係出自Filamentum 嘅 NonOilen 好多謝@FaychuCafe 同我哋購買左呢隻物料然後3D打印咗杯、筷子、醬汁碟同埋碗仔🫡 如果你都對呢隻物料有興趣嘅話,可以上我哋嘅網站研究研究❤️ #保護地球人人有責 #3d printing #addify3d #環保

Teletubbi ❤️ laa-laa 今期大熱嘅天使得得B laa laa 唔使捱貴價,想要嘅話就自己print 要幾大有幾大,要幾細有幾細🫣 小編特別想介紹呢一隻金色有暗閃嘅Filament 係由 Fillamentum 出嘅 Gold Happened 🤩 print出嚟嘅嘢好靚好高質 ,print 出嚟嘅料都幾實 (起碼唔會掂一掂就爛🫢)有興趣嘅話可以上我哋嘅官網睇睇 Credit: thingiverse.com/thing:5395534 玩具嘅存在價值係要令小朋友開心🙂 ,並唔係玩具所值嘅價錢 🧸 #addify3D #3Dprinting #teletubbies #laalaa #3D打印 #filament

連續咁多日落咁大雨空氣嘅濕度好高 小編建議大家,如果屋企冇防潮箱就記得將filament 放喺膠箱入邊再放無限包吸濕包 filament 處喺濕度太高嘅空氣中, print 出嚟嘅嘢會起晒絲,唔靚㗎! 🫠🫠 #fillament #addify3D #記得好好保養fillament #3dprinting

Desktop 3D printers for the home

Anet Anycubic Creality3D CreatBot Dremel Elegoo Felix Flash Forge FLSUN Flying Bear Formlabs IBRIDGER imprinta MakerBot Peopoly Phrozen PICASO 3D QIDI Raise3D Tiertime Ultimaker Uniz Voxelab wanhao XYZPrinting ZENIT Zortrax


In stock


Phrozen Raise3D Creality wanhao Flash Forge

PICASO 3D Anycubic Formlabs Tiertime Flyingbear QIDI Uniz CreatBot Dremel DigiLab Felix Zortrax XYZprinting Ultimaker imprinta Elegoo MakerBot Anet FLSUN iBridger Peopoly snapmaker Voltera Voxelab ZENIT nine0003


Assembled printer Assembly kit


Architecture For large objects For beginners The medicine Education

Orthopedics Production prototyping Reverse engineering Advertising, exhibitions Sculpture Dentistry Hobby jewelry nine0003

Print technology


Thread diameter

1. 75 mm 2.85 mm 3.00 mm nine0003

Material type

ABS PLA PETG Photopolymers Flex

Nylon (Nylon) ASA Carbon HIPS PC PEEK PP TPU other Metal (Ultrafuse 316L, Ultrafuse 17-4PH) nine0003

Number of extruders (print heads)

Heating table

Yes No

Wi-Fi or other wireless network

Yes No

Country of origin

China Russia USA Taiwan Hong Kong nine0003

Netherlands Poland

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Product added to compare Go

Manufacturer Creality
Construction area size 220x220x250 mm
Number of extruders (print heads) 1
Country of origin China

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Product added to compare Go

Manufacturer Creality
Construction area size 220 x 220 x 250 mm
Number of extruders (print heads) 1

Free Shipping

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Product added to compare Go

Manufacturer Anycubic
On order/Transit Goods in transit
Construction area size 220x220x250 mm
Number of extruders (print heads) 1
Country of origin China

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Product added to compare Go

Manufacturer Creality
Construction area size 235x235x250 mm
Number of extruders (print heads) 1
Country of origin China

Free Shipping

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Product added to compare Go

nine0060 Goods on the way
Manufacturer Anycubic
On order/Transit
Construction area size 180 x 163 x 102 mm
Country of origin China

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Product added to compare Go

Manufacturer Creality
On order/Transit Goods on the way
Construction area size 220x220x270 mm
Number of extruders (print heads) 1
Country of origin China

Free Shipping

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Product added to compare Go

Manufacturer Creality
On order/Transit Goods in transit
Construction area size 250x250x400 mm
Number of extruders (print heads) 1
Country of origin China

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Product added to compare Go nine0003

Manufacturer Creality
On order/Transit Goods in transit
Construction area size 350x350x400 mm
Number of extruders (print heads) 1
Country of origin China

Free shipping

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Product added to compare Go

Manufacturer Phrozen
Construction area size 134x75x130 mm
Country of origin Taiwan

Free Shipping

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Product added to compare Go nine0003

Manufacturer Anycubic
Construction area size 102x57x165 mm
Country of origin China

Free Shipping

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Product added to compare Go

nine0060 Anycubic
On order/Transit Goods in transit
Construction area size 197 x 122 x 245 mm (5. 9 l)
Chamber volume 5.9 l
Country of origin China

Free Shipping

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Product added to compare Go nine0003

Manufacturer Anycubic
On order/Transit Goods in transit
Construction area size 450 x 400 x 400 mm (capacity 72 l)
Number of extruders (print heads) 1
Country of origin China

Free shipping

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Product added to compare Go

Manufacturer Anycubic
Construction area size 197 x 122 x 245 mm (print volume 5.9 l)
Country of origin China

Free Shipping

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Product added to compare Go nine0003

Manufacturer Phrozen
Construction area size 165x72x180 mm
Country of origin Taiwan

Free Shipping

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Product added to compare Go

Manufacturer Creality
On order/Transit Goods in transit
Construction area size 198 × 123 × 210 mm
Country of origin China

Free Shipping

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Product added to compare Go

nine0060 Flash Forge
Construction area size 200*200*250 mm
Number of extruders (print heads) 1
Country of origin China

3D printing is one of the most promising areas of technological development in the 21st century. Having gone a long way from bulky and heavy boxes to compact desktop devices, 3D printers have ceased to be something inaccessible to a wide range of users. The era of mass additive manufacturing has already arrived, and every home can now house a real desktop factory. nine0003

You can buy a 3D printer capable of printing small models and prototyping of medium complexity today at the price of an entry-level laptop. The price of PLA or ABS plastic, which acts as a consumable, also no longer seems exorbitant. In a word, if you have long dreamed of getting to know the world of 3D printing and joining the ranks of makers, the right moment has come!

To save you time and make it easier to select equipment, we have collected in one section all desktop 3D printers optimized for home and office use. These are the real "workhorses" with the perfect balance of functionality, quality and price. Even a beginner can understand the settings, mount and calibrate a 3D printer, and as he gains experience, he will be able to print more and more complex three-dimensional models. nine0003

Printing 3D objects in Photoshop

User's Guide Cancel


Last update Dec 13, 2021 08:23:10 PM GMT

  1. Photoshop
  2. User Guide
  3. Introduction to Photoshop
    1. Dream about it. Do it.
    2. What's New in Photoshop
    3. Editing the first photo
    4. Create documents
    5. Photoshop | FAQ
    6. Photoshop System Requirements
    7. Transferring presets, operations and settings
    8. Introduction to Photoshop
  4. Photoshop and other Adobe products and services
    1. Working with Illustrator artwork in Photoshop
    2. Working with Photoshop files in InDesign
    3. Substance 3D Materials for Photoshop
    4. Photoshop and Adobe Stock
    5. Working with the built-in Capture extension in Photoshop
    6. nine0579 Creative Cloud Libraries
    7. Creative Cloud Libraries in Photoshop
    8. Working in Photoshop using the Touch Bar
    9. Net and guides
    10. Creating transactions
    11. Cancellation and transaction history
  5. Photoshop on iPad
    1. Photoshop on iPad | General questions
    2. Introduction to the working environment
    3. System requirements | Photoshop on iPad
    4. Create, open and export documents
    5. Adding photos
    6. Working with layers
    7. Drawing and painting with brushes
    8. Selecting areas and adding masks
    9. Retouch compositions
    10. Working with adjustment layers
    11. Adjusting the key of a composition with the Curves layer
    12. Applying transform operations
    13. Cropping and rotating compositions
    14. Rotate, pan, zoom and restore the canvas
    15. nine0579 Working with text layers
    16. Working with Photoshop and Lightroom
    17. Getting missing fonts in Photoshop on iPad
    18. Japanese text in Photoshop on iPad
    19. Managing application settings
    20. Touch shortcuts and gestures
    21. Keyboard shortcuts
    22. Image resizing
    23. Live stream your creative process in Photoshop on iPad
    24. Correct imperfections with the Healing Brush
    25. Creating brushes in Capture and using them in Photoshop
    26. Working with Camera Raw files
    27. Creating and using Smart Objects
    28. Adjusting the exposure of images with the Dodge and Burn tools
  6. Photoshop Web Application Beta
    1. Frequently Asked Questions | Photoshop Web App Beta
    2. Working environment overview
    3. System requirements | Photoshop 9 Web App Beta0580
    4. Keyboard shortcuts | Photoshop Web App Beta
    5. Supported file formats | Photoshop Web Application Beta
    6. Opening and working with cloud documents
    7. Collaboration with stakeholders
    8. Limited editing options for cloud documents
  7. Cloud Documents
    1. Cloud Documents Photoshop | Frequently Asked Questions
    2. Photoshop cloud documents | Workflow Questions
    3. Work with and manage cloud documents in Photoshop
    4. Cloud storage update for Photoshop
    5. Unable to create or save cloud document
    6. Troubleshooting Photoshop cloud documents
    7. Collecting cloud document sync logs
    8. Cloud Document Sharing and Editing
    9. File sharing and commenting in the application
  8. Working environment
    1. Working environment basics
    2. Learn faster with the What's New panel in Photoshop
    3. Create documents
    4. Working in Photoshop using the Touch Bar
    5. Tool Gallery
    6. Performance settings
    7. Using tools
    8. Touch gestures
    9. Touch gesture capabilities and customizable workspaces
    10. Technology overview versions
    11. Metadata and comments
    12. Default key combinations
    13. Touch gesture capabilities and customizable workspaces
    14. Putting Photoshop images in other applications
    15. Installations
    16. Default key combinations
    17. Rulers
    18. Show or hide non-printing auxiliaries
    19. Specifying columns for an image
    20. Cancellation and transaction history
    21. Panels and menus
    22. File placement
    23. Positioning elements with reference
    24. Positioning with the ruler tool
    25. Presets
    26. Customizing keyboard shortcuts
    27. Net and guides
  9. Develop content for the web, screen, and applications
    1. Photoshop for design
    2. Artboards
    3. View on device
    4. Copy CSS from layers
    5. Dividing web pages into fragments
    6. HTML options for snippets
    7. Changing the arrangement of fragments
    8. Working with web graphics
    9. Create web photo galleries
  10. Understanding images and working with color
    1. Resizing images
    2. Working with raster and vector images
    3. Image size and resolution
    4. Importing images from cameras and scanners
    5. Creating, opening and importing images
    6. Image viewer
    7. "Invalid JPEG marker" error | Opening images
    8. View multiple images
    9. Customizing color palettes and color swatches
    10. HDR images
    11. Image color matching
    12. Converting between color modes
    13. Color modes
    14. Erase image fragments
    15. Blend Modes
    16. Choice of colors
    17. Making changes to indexed color tables
    18. Image information
    19. Distortion filters not available
    20. Color details
    21. Color and monochrome corrections with channels
    22. Selecting colors in the Color and Swatches panels
    23. Sample
    24. Color mode (or picture mode)
    25. Shade
    26. Adding a color mode change to an operation
    27. Adding swatches from HTML CSS and SVG files
    28. Bit depth and settings
  11. Layers
    1. Understanding Layers
    2. Reversible editing
    3. Create and manage layers and groups
    4. Select, group and link layers
    5. Putting images into frames
    6. Opacity and layering
    7. Layer masks
    8. Applying Smart Filters
    9. Layer compositions
    10. Move, arrange and lock layers
    11. Mask layers with vector masks
    12. Managing layers and groups
    13. Effects and Layer Styles
    14. Editing layer masks
    15. Extract resources
    16. Display layers with clipping masks
    17. Generation of graphic assets from layers
    18. Working with Smart Objects
    19. Blend Modes
    20. Combining several fragments into one image
    21. Combining images with Auto Layers
    22. Alignment and distribution of layers
    23. Copy CSS from layers
    24. Load selections based on layer boundaries or layer masks
    25. See-through to show the contents of other layers
    26. Layer
    27. Mixing
    28. Composite images
    29. Background
  12. Selections
    1. Select and Mask workspace
    2. Quick selection areas
    3. Getting Started with Selections
    4. Selecting with the Marquee Toolbox
    5. Selecting with the Lasso tools
    6. Selecting a color range in an image
    7. Pixel highlight setting
    8. Convert between paths and selection boundaries
    9. Channel Basics
    10. Moving, copying and deleting selected pixels
    11. Creating a temporary quick mask
    12. Saving selections and alpha channel masks
    13. Selecting focus areas in an image
    14. Duplication, splitting and merging of channels
    15. Channel calculation
    16. Extraction
    17. Bounding box
  13. Image Corrections
    1. Perspective Warp
    2. Reducing blur due to camera movement
    3. Healing Brush Tool Examples
    4. Export color lookup tables
    5. Image sharpness and blur correction
    6. Introduction to color grading
    7. Applying the Brightness/Contrast setting
    8. Shadow and Highlight Detail Correction
    9. "Levels" adjustment
    10. Hue and saturation correction
    11. Juiciness correction
    12. Adjusting the color saturation in image areas
    13. Quick tone correction
    14. Applying special color effects to images
    15. Image enhancement with color balance adjustment
    16. HDR images
    17. View histograms and pixel values ​​
    18. Image color matching
    19. Crop and straighten photos
    20. Converting a color image to black and white
    21. Adjustment and fill layers
    22. Curves adjustment
    23. Blend Modes
    24. Target Imaging for Press
    25. Adjusting color and tone with the Levels and Curves eyedroppers
    26. HDR exposure and toning compensation
    27. Filter
    28. Blur
    29. Lighten or darken areas of an image
    30. Selective Color Correction
    31. Replacing object colors
  14. Adobe Camera Raw
    1. Camera Raw
    2. system requirements
    3. What's New in Camera Raw
    4. Introduction to Camera Raw
    5. Creating panoramas
    6. Supported lenses
    7. Vignetting, graininess, and haze removal in Camera Raw
    8. Default key combinations
    9. Automatic perspective correction in Camera Raw
    10. Reversible editing in Camera Raw
    11. Camera Raw Radial Filter Tool
    12. Manage Camera Raw settings
    13. Processing, saving and opening images in Camera Raw
    14. Image enhancements with Camera Raw's improved Spot Remover
    15. Rotating, cropping and modifying images
    16. nine0579 Camera Raw color correction
    17. Feature Overview | Adobe Camera Raw | Issues for 2018
    18. Overview of new features
    19. Processing versions in Camera Raw
    20. Making local adjustments in Camera Raw
  15. Fixing and restoring images
    1. Removing objects from photos using Content-Aware Fill
    2. Content-aware patching and relocation
    3. Retouching and fixing photos
    4. Image Distortion and Noise Correction
    5. Basic troubleshooting steps to solve most problems
  16. Image transformation
    1. Object transformation
    2. Crop, rotate and canvas adjustment
    3. Crop and straighten photos
    4. Creating and editing panoramic images
    5. Deforming images, shapes and contours
    6. Perspective
    7. Using the Liquify filter
    8. Content-aware scale
    9. Transforming images, shapes and paths
    10. Deformation
    11. Transformation
    12. Panorama
  17. Drawing and painting
    1. Drawing symmetrical ornaments
    2. Options for drawing a rectangle and changing the stroke
    3. Drawing details
    4. Drawing and editing shapes
    5. Paint tools
    6. Creating and modifying brushes
    7. Blend Modes
    8. Add color to outlines
    9. Edit contours
    10. Painting with mix brush
    11. Brush Presets
    12. Gradients
    13. Gradient interpolation
    14. Fill and stroke selections, layers, and paths
    15. Draw with the pen tool group
    16. Pattern making
    17. Creating a pattern with the Pattern Builder filter
    18. Circuit control
    19. Managing pattern libraries and presets
    20. Drawing with pen tablet
    21. Creating textured brushes
    22. Adding dynamic elements to brushes
    23. Gradient
    24. Draw stylized strokes with the Art History Brush
    25. Drawing with pattern
    26. Synchronizing presets across multiple devices
  18. Text
    1. Adding and editing text
    2. Universal text editor
    3. Working with OpenType SVG fonts
    4. Character formatting
    5. Paragraph formatting
    6. Creating text effects
    7. Text editing
    8. Leading and letter spacing
    9. Font for Arabic and Hebrew
    10. Fonts
    11. Troubleshooting
    12. Fonts
    13. Asian text
    14. Creating text
    15. nine0579 Text Engine error when using Photoshop's Type tool | Windows 8
  19. Video and animation
    1. Video editing in Photoshop
    2. Editing video and animation layers
    3. Introduction to video and animation
    4. Video and animation preview
    5. Drawing frames in video layers
    6. Import video files and image sequences
    7. Creating frame animations
    8. Creative Cloud 3D Animation Preview
    9. Creating timeline animations
    10. Creating images for videos
  20. Filters and effects
    1. Using the Liquify filter
    2. Using Blur Gallery group effects
    3. Fundamentals of
    4. filters
    5. Filter effects reference
    6. Adding lighting effects
    7. Using the Adaptive Wide Angle filter
    8. Oil Paint Filter
    9. Effects and Layer Styles
    10. Applying specific filters
    11. Image area feathering
  21. Saving and exporting
    1. Saving files in Photoshop
    2. Export files to Photoshop
    3. Supported file formats
    4. Saving files in other graphic formats
    5. Move projects between Photoshop and Illustrator
    6. Saving and exporting video and animation
    7. Saving PDF files
    8. nine0579 Digimarc copyright protection
  22. Printing
    1. Printing 3D objects
    2. Printing with Photoshop
    3. Printing and color management
    4. Checklists and PDF presentations
    5. Print photos in the new image layout
    6. Spot color printing
    7. Duplexes
    8. Printing images on a printing press
    9. Photoshop Color Enhancement
    10. Printing troubleshooting | Photoshop
  23. Automation
    1. Create activities
    2. Creating data-driven images
    3. Scenarios
    4. File batch processing
    5. Operation playback and management
    6. Adding conditional operations
    7. About actions and the Actions panel
    8. Recording tools in operations
    9. Adding a color mode change to an operation
    10. Photoshop UI Development Kit for Plugins and Scripts
  24. Color Management
    1. Understanding Color Management
    2. Accurate color assurance
    3. Color settings
    4. Working with color profiles
    5. Color management of documents for viewing on the web
    6. Color management for document printing
    7. Color management of imported images
    8. Proofing
  25. Content authenticity
    1. Learn more about content credentials
    2. Identity and origin of NFT tokens
    3. Connecting accounts for creative attribution
  26. 3D objects and technical images
    1. 3D in Photoshop | Common questions about deprecated 3D features
    2. Creative Cloud 3D Animation Preview
    3. Printing 3D objects
    4. 3D drawing
    5. 3D Panel Enhancement | Photoshop
    6. 3D Concepts and Tools
    7. Rendering and saving 3D objects
    8. Creating 3D objects and animations
    9. Image stacks
    10. 3D graphics workflow
    11. Measurements
    12. DICOM
    13. files
    14. Photoshop and MATLAB
    15. Counting objects in an image
    16. Combining and transforming 3D objects
    17. Editing 3D textures
    18. HDR Exposure and Toning Compensation
    19. 3D panel settings

Photoshop allows you to print any compatible 3D model without worrying about the limitations of a 3D printer. When preparing to print, Photoshop automatically renders 3D models impenetrable. Photoshop also generates the necessary support structures—platforms and bases—to help you achieve successful 3D printing results.

Preparing 3D objects for printing

  1. Select the menu item Window > Workspace > 3D to switch to 3D mode. nine0580
  2. Open the 3D model in Photoshop. If necessary, resize the 3D model while opening the file.
  3. Select menu item 3D > 3D Print Settings.
3D Printing Preferences
  1. In the 3D Printing Preferences panel, choose whether to use a printer connected to your computer via USB (local printer) or online 3D printing services such as Shapeways.com or Sculpteo.

You can now print 3D models as 3MF (3D Manufacturing Format) files. When specifying 3D printing options, select 9 for option1418 Print to is set to Local and Printer is set to 3MF file. When you send a 3D object to print, Photoshop creates a 3MF file. On Windows computers, Photoshop also launches the Microsoft 3D Builder application to further process the 3MF file.

To update the list of supported printers or online profiles, select Get Latest Printers from the Send to Print To pop-up menu.

  1. Select a local printer or Shapeways.com print profile. nine0580

View estimated prices for printing 3D models using available Shapeways.com profiles by selecting Printer > Estimated Price.

  1. Select the print volume units from inches, centimeters, millimeters, or pixels. This unit will serve to measure the dimensions of the volume of the printer as well as the dimensions of the printing plate.

A. 3D model B. Printing plate C. Printer volume overlay nine0003

  1. Select the 3D Printing Detail Level—Low, Medium, or Fine. The time it takes to print a 3D object depends on the level of detail selected.
  2. If you don't want to see the bounds of the 3D model's print volume, clear the Show Printer Volume Overlay check box.
  1. Set the Scene Size settings to the appropriate size for the 3D printed object. When you change one value (X, Y, or Z), the other two values ​​are scaled proportionally. When resizing the Stage Volume, notice that the print plate under the 3D model resizes accordingly. nine0580

You can scroll through the Scene Volume settings by clicking the size label (X, Y, or Z) and dragging the cursor left or right. By holding down the Shift key, you can scroll through the values ​​faster.

  1. Select Scale by printer volume if you want to automatically resize the 3D model so that it takes up the entire available printer volume on the selected printer.
  2. If your 3D model includes normal maps, bump maps, or transparency maps, you can ignore these types of maps when printing the model. Notice how the 3D model changes in real time as you change the Surface Detail settings. nine0580
  3. Optionally, you can exclude 3D object support structures (platforms and bases) from printing. Use this option with caution as printing a 3D model without the necessary support structures may produce unsatisfactory results.
  4. If your printer supports multiple materials, select the material you want to use to print this 3D object.

(Experimental) Enable multitone printing for the MakerBot Replicator 2x 9 printer0131

You can enable an experimental feature that allows you to print continuous tones with your MakerBot Replicator 2x 3D printer.

Requirement: Enable experimental Photoshop features

Experimental features must be enabled in Photoshop before using multitone printing:

  1. Select Preferences > Experimental Features.
  2. Select the Enable multitone printing check box. nine0580
  3. Click OK.
  4. Restart Photoshop.

Experimental features not yet fully tested. They should be used with caution.

Choose a multi-tone surface material

  1. Select the MakerBot Replicator 2x printer in the 3D Printing Settings panel.
  2. In the Material field, select Multitone Surface. If you don't see this option, make sure the experimental Multitone 3D Printing feature is enabled. nine0580
  1. Set other parameters according to the generated 3D model.
  2. To view and print a 3D object, select 3D > 3D Print.

Preview and print 3D object

After setting the 3D printing options, follow these steps.

  1. Click the Start Print icon () or select the menu item 3D > 3D Print. Photoshop will combine the 3D elements of the scene and prepare it for the printing process. nine0131
  2. If you choose to print with a Shapeways.com profile, Photoshop will display a message that the actual print cost may differ from the estimated cost displayed. Click OK.
  3. In the preview window that opens, you can use the 3D camera tools to rotate, scale, or move the 3D object.

    Rotate the 3D camera.

    3D camera rotation.

    Move the 3D camera.

    3D camera slide. nine0003

    Return to the home position of the 3D camera.

3D print preview; pay attention to the support structures
  1. If necessary, select the Show restoration check box. Photoshop displays various restoration colors such as Initial Mesh, Thickened Walls, and Hole Closed.
Preview with "Show Repair" setting
  1. You can also turn on Ray Tracing Preview. Viewing ray tracing allows you to more accurately reproduce the printed material. nine0580
Ray Tracing Preview
  1. If you want to export the 3D printing settings to an STL file, click the Export button and save the file to the desired folder on your computer. This STL file can be sent to a network service server or moved to an SD card for printing with your own printer.
  2. View a summary of the 3D print object and click the Print button.

You can cancel the current 3D printing process using the menu item 3D > Cancel 3D Printing. nine0131

3D printing utilities

Photoshop provides interactive step-by-step utilities that you can use to set up, calibrate, and maintain your 3D printer. These utilities can only be used when the 3D printer is turned on and connected to a computer.

  1. Select the menu item 3D > 3D Printer Utilities.
  2. Select the utilities you want to run.

Print plate calibration nine0003

Helps in leveling the printing plate. This utility includes the following general steps:

  • Requires you to remove all residual print materials from the 3D printer.
  • Initializes the printhead.
  • Allows you to adjust the amount of gap between the platen and printhead at nine nozzle positions.

You can use this utility in wizard mode or manual mode.

Download Thread nine0003

Helps load filament into a Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) 3D printer. To facilitate filament loading, Photoshop starts the head heating process and the filament loading mechanism.

Remove thread

Helps remove the filament from the FDM 3D printer. To facilitate the removal of the filament, Photoshop starts the head heating process and the filament loading mechanism.

Replace thread nine0003

Helps to replace the old filament in the FDM 3D printer with a new one. To make changing filament easier, Photoshop starts the head heating process and the filament loading mechanism.

  1. Follow the instructions on the screen.

Pack objects on the base plane

Sometimes you may want to print multiple instances of an object on the same panel. Do the following.

  1. Select the required objects in the 3D panel.
  2. nine0579 Select 3D > Pack Objects on Ground Plane.
  3. Start printing objects.


Photoshop currently supports the following 3D printers:

  • MakerBot Replicator 2
  • MakerBot Replicator 2x
  • ZCorp Full Color
  • Mcor Iris
  • MakerBot Replicator Gen 5

Photoshop also supports several Shapeways.com and Sculpteo profiles. nine0003

The MakerBot Replicator 5th Generation Printer Profile does not yet support USB direct printing. You can export files to a USB drive and print them to a local printer.

Yes. Before printing, you can set a cross section to cut off part of the 3D model. Follow these general steps.

  1. Select the menu item Window > Workspace > 3D to switch to 3D mode.
  2. Open the 3D object you want to print. nine0580
  3. Select Scene from the 3D panel.
  4. In the Properties panel, select Cross Section.
  5. Specify the cross section options in the Properties panel.
  6. Select the menu item 3D > Apply Cross Section to Scene.
  7. Print a 3D scene.

The desired cross section must be dried before printing.

Clipping off a portion of a sphere before printing.

Yes. Follow these general steps. nine0003

  1. Select a material in the Scene panel.
  2. In the Properties panel, click the folder icon () next to Emboss/Transparency/Normals and load the texture. You can also specify a new texture to apply to the 3D model.
  3. When specifying a new texture, save the texture. The texture is applied to the 3D model as a bump map or transparency.
  4. Print a 3D model.
Applying a bump map to a 3D model before printing Applying a transparency map to a 3D model before printing. nine0002 If your 3D printer has two heads, you can print 3D models in two colors.

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