Best gear 3d printer

3D Printed Gears: What You Need to Know

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Think of the last time you have used a can opener. Or the first time you have ridden a bicycle. Have you ever wondered how these things work? It’s all thanks to those toothed spheres you see in them – gears.

Gears are known as one of the greatest inventions of humankind. Since then, people have used them to transmit power from one part of a machine to another to change speed, force, and direction. Today, you can find them in almost every modern appliance you can imagine.

Gears may look simple, but they perform strenuous work for machines to function correctly. Hence, they should be fatigue- and stress-free to avoid malfunctions that lead to disastrous events. Because of this, gear manufacturing is considered a highly specialized field.

In this article, you will know the application of 3D printing technology in making gears you can use for day-to-day appliances.

3D Printed Gears

Throughout the years, the processes in gear productions remain unchanged. But with the continuous growth in demand for gears, gear manufacturers are thinking of innovative ways to produce them faster.

3D Printing is an Additive Manufacturing (AM) technique that has revolutionized the world of manufacturing. However, manufacturing gears require special skills, making 3D printing seem sensible to produce them. 3D-printed gears are inherently weaker compared to their metal-cut, traditionally-made counterparts.

So why 3D print gears then? Despite being less durable, they are still very suitable for a wide range of applications. In addition, AM allows easier customization of gears and faster production.

Making 3D Printed Gears

1. Using the Right Design

When designing a single gear, you should consider two basic parameters: its pitch and the number of teeth. The pitch denotes the number of teeth of gear with a one-inch diameter. In a gear assembly, the teeth of the gears must fit perfectly with one another.

Prototyping a gear may be easy, but getting the right design can be challenging. Designing modern gears is a century-old discipline that involves a lot of physics. It is good that gear generator tools and software make the designing process much more manageable.

2. Using the Right Materials

Stiffness and durability are vital properties of gears, and these can be significantly affected by the materials you use. The chemical properties of the material are as important as their mechanical properties. Both of them may affect the printing process and the overall quality of the object.

Aside from metals, thermoplastic filaments are used to 3D print gears. Read the rest of the article to learn more about PLA, ABS, PETG, and Nylon. In the end, you will have a better understanding of these materials to help you determine which would work best for your gears.

3. Keep a Close Eye During Printing

3D printing is fully automated, but it is still imperative to keep a close eye during the printing process since hazards may still occur. For instance, there are reported cases of printers catching fire caused by faulty wiring or heated bed failures. Likewise, the print might detach from the surface in the middle of the process and cause filaments to spray out of control.

On the good side, you can still monitor your printing project from a distance through CCTV cameras and applications that can operate your 3D printer from afar.

What’s the Best Material for 3D Printed Gears?

The materials you use significantly affect the process and final output. Metals are the most common material used in making gears. However, in 3D printing, thermoplastics are the more popular option. Here are four of the most common thermoplastics used in 3D printing gears.

1. PLA

Polylactic Acid (PLA) is the go-to material for 3D printing enthusiasts because it is low-cost and durable. Made from natural renewable resources such as sugarcanes and cornstarch, it is biodegradable. PLA as filaments for 3D printing is also energy-friendly since they consume less electricity. You don’t need to use heating beds during the process, and the required nozzle temperature is only 180 to 230 degrees celsius.

On the other hand, PLAs have low heat resistance and are prone to oozing. Because of this, 3D-printed gears made from such materials should not be exposed to high temperatures to maintain their durability. In addition, since PLAs are biodegradable, the gears are prone to brittle and may eventually break.

2. ABS

Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) is another commonly used filament by 3D printers because it is low cost and still has good mechanical properties. It is also famous for its toughness and resistance to impact. In addition, they are easily machined and colored compared to other plastic filaments.

However, using ABS to make 3D printed gears increase your electricity consumption since your printer nozzle and heating beds need to be set at 230 to 250 degrees Celsius and up to 100 degrees Celsius, respectively.

ABS is also prone to shrinking and warping, which would result in poor precision and accuracy. This is due to thermal contraction when cool air suddenly hits the newly printed object. Warping can be avoided by creating an enclosed chamber that can help maintain the heat within the printing environment while the thing hardens.


Polyethylene terephthalate glycol, or PETCG, is commonly used because it is more heat-resistant, more flexible, and less brittle compared to PLA. In addition, it has a smooth, glossy finish which makes it aesthetically pleasing to the eyes.

On the other hand, PETG has strong adhesion to heating beds. However, this can be overcome by simply putting down a filament layer in the build plate before starting the printing process. In addition, PETG is almost warp-resistant, making it suitable for manufacturing gigantic gears. But, it is not ideal for smaller ones.

PETGs also tend to ooze and leave strings of plastic on your print. Hence, you will need to pay more attention to post-processing to remove the blemishes from the printing process.

4. Nylon

Nylons are durable, resilient anf fleixible. Hence, this synthetic polymer is preferred by many professional 3D printers. In addition, you can easily blend them with other plastics to form composites and improve their performance parameters.

In terms of aesthetics, Nylon looks and feels like silk. Thus, 3D printed products made from Nylon are smooth and slick to the touch. They also have a low friction coefficient, high inter-layer adhesion, and high melting temperature (at 230 to 250 degrees Celsius), making them the best choice for 3D printed gears.

On the other hand, nylon filaments are hygroscopic. They tend to absorb air moisture, leading to swelling during the printing process. Conduct 3D printing in a well-ventilated area to avoid this.

How To Print Stronger Gears

Generally speaking, traditionally made gears are more robust than 3D printed ones. There are many ways to make the 3D printed versions as durable as traditional ones. Here are a few of them:

1. Filament Temperature

Most filaments used to make 3D printed gears are thermoplastic. However, you must remember that each has its unique properties, including temperature requirements. When 3D printing, it is crucial to know the filaments’ temperature requirements to get the best outcome.

You may use heating beds to allow printed plastics to cool slower and add adhesion to the object. Doing so will avoid warping and let the layers stick well. Because of this, you should turn off cooling fans when 3D printing with thermoplastic filaments.

2. Infill Overlap

Unlike traditional manufacturing, AM gives us control over the infill of objects. 3D printers have this unique feature called “Infill Overlap,” wherein you can adjust the settings on how much infill you want your project to have.

Manufacturers often overlook infill overlap even though it plays a vital role in the strength of objects made. When 3D printing gears, overlapping the infill is necessary since it adds strength between the infill and perimeter.

Generally speaking, the higher the percentage of infill overlap, the sturdier your gear – or any other 3D- printed object – becomes. A 100% infill will produce the most robust piece but would cost a lot since it would require more raw materials. An infill overlap of 15% to 50% is vital to produce a sturdy enough object without using too much raw material in the process.

3. Reduce Cooling

Some manufacturers use cooling to improve the surface quality of 3D-printed objects. However, this process can cause poor strengths if done ineffectively. Subjecting 3D-printed objects to sudden temperature change would lead to an increase in amorphous structures that could affect the integrity of your gears.

In addition, rapid cooling will harden the printed object faster. This may cause the layers of the things to separate easily since the materials have lesser time to bond together.

Each plastic filament can withstand different levels of temperatures. So far, PLA is the only one that works best with strong cooling fans. Hence, if you are using other plastic material, you might want to reduce the cooling fan rate to allow the parts to bond strongly during the printing process.

4. Layer Height

In 3D printing, you call the resolution or detail of the object Layer Height. A lower layer height equates to a more complex 3D printed object.

A lower layer height is also preferred since the layers will have better adhesion, which increases strength and durability. In addition, there will be fewer open spaces that may form weak spots in your object. A 0.1mm to 0.15mm layer yields the most robust result in a study conducted.

Lubricating 3D Printed Gears

3D-printed gears look basic and straightforward. However, they can be one of the heaviest loaded components of a machine. Although specifically designed to be simple, it is essential to ensure that they are properly lubricated to reduce wear and function efficiently.

Lubrication of 3D-printed gears should be done regularly since plastic materials are more prone to wear if not appropriately maintained. However, lubricating is not just picking up the nearest grease available and smearing it on your gears. Different plastics have different reactions to other lubricants.

For instance, Nylon and ABS are derived from petrochemicals and are ok with practically any oil-based lube. On the other hand, PLA is derived from natural products and would react best to less viscous vegetable oils.

Wrap Up

You can say that 3D printing gears are possible with all these facts. Here’s to wrap up the things discussed in this article:

1. Gears may look simple, but they are vital components of how and why most things around us work. Since they are the most “heavily loaded” parts of machines, making solid and durable gears is crucial. You can produce 3D-printed gears that have similar strength to the traditionally-made ones by considering the several factors that could affect the strength and overall quality of the product.

2. Temperature plays a vital role in the printing and cooling process. Remember that getting the right temperature is always crucial since it can be the difference between a failed or successful print.

3. Choosing the suitable material is vital since there are several thermoplastic filaments for 3D printing. PLA-printed gears are low-cost and durable. But since they are not heat resistant and prone to brittle, they are best used for short-term projects and prototyping.

ABS filaments may have good impact and wear resistance but are prone to warping. Since gears should be precise and accurate to function correctly, ABS becomes the least recommended material for 3D printing gears.

Nylon is most recommended for 3D printing gears because of its mechanical and chemical properties. Not only are they durable and flexible, but they can also withstand different levels of temperature compared to other thermoplastic filaments.

4. Lubricating gears are essential, especially for 3D printed ones, because it reduces friction and minimizes wear. Remember to choose a lube that is suitable for the material of the gear.

5. The right design is always essential since it affects the effectiveness of the gear. Designing and creating gears is considered a highly specialized field. Thanks to modern technology, you can produce gears using gear-making software and 3D printers.

Warning; 3D printers should never be left unattended. They can pose a firesafety hazard.

Best Filament for Gears – How to 3D Print Them – 3D Printerly

There are plenty of people out there that 3D print gears, but it can be an issue deciding which filament to use for them. This article will guide you on what the best filaments for gears are, as well as how to 3D print them.

If this is what you’re looking for then keep on reading through to learn some useful information about 3D printed gears.

Are 3D Printed Gears Strong Enough?

Yes, 3D printed gears are strong enough for many common mechanisms and for various uses. Materials like Nylon or Polycarbonate are preferable for printing gears, as they are stronger and more durable. 3D printed gears can be preferred over metal ones due to their lighter weight, for robotics projects or replacements.

Furthermore, designing and printing your own parts can save you a lot of time, since ordering replacements for some mechanisms can take a while.

On the other hand, 3D printed gears are most likely too weak for heavy-duty machinery, regardless of the type of filament you are using, unless you are printing them at a professional center that uses very strong materials.

Here is an example video of a user who successfully replaced a damaged plastic gear for a radio-controlled car with a 3D printed nylon filament one.

Depending on what you intend to use the gears for, different materials will yield better results, and I will go through suitable materials for 3D printing gears in the following sections.

Can PLA Be Used for Gears?

Yes, PLA can be used for gears and it has been working successfully for many users that 3D print them. One example of 3D printed gears successfully made out of PLA is from a Geared Heart 3D print that contains moving gears. It has over 300 Makes, many of them made from PLA. For simple gear models, PLA works well.

In this case, users made the gears from filaments such as CC3D Silk PLA, GST3D PLA or Overture PLA, which can be found on Amazon. Some PLA types, colors or composites perform better than others, and I will come back to these in the following section.

PLA is not the strongest or most resilient material when it comes to durability and torque (rotational force), and it deforms at temperatures of over 45-500C, but it does perform surprisingly well for its affordable price, and it is a very easy to acquire material.

Have a look at this video that tests the strength and durability of lubricated PLA gears.

Best Filament for 3D Printing Gears

Polycarbonate and Nylon appear to be the best filaments for 3D printing gears at home, due to their durability and strength. Polycarbonate has superior mechanical properties. However, Nylon is much more accessible and versatile, which is why it is often regarded as the best filament, since more people use it.

Below is a more detailed description of these filaments, as well as the very popular PLA.

1. Polycarbonate

Polycarbonate is not a common filament, mainly because it is a bit more expensive and you need a printer whose nozzle temperature can reach 300°C. However, it can still be categorized as a standard filament, as many people use it for their projects at home.

The Polymaker PolyMax PC is a high quality brand of filament that you can get from Amazon. It’s easier to print than a lot other Polycarbonate filaments out there according to many reviewers.

One user described it as being easy to work with, even on an Ender 3. It’s a composite PC so you do give up some strength and heat resistance for a better ability to print it. The balance of this was done really well by Polymaker, and you don’t even need a special bed or enclosure to get great prints.

There are numerous types of Polycarbonate filament, which vary depending on the manufacturer, each performing slightly differently and having different requirements.

This filament is very strong and withstands temperatures of up to 150°C without deforming. If you need to print a gear that you know will get hot in the mechanism, then this might be your best choice of material.

On the other hand, it is more difficult to print, and it requires high heat from both the nozzle and the bed.

2. Nylon

Nylon is perhaps the most popular choice for 3D printing gears at home, and it is one of the best choices out of the mainstream and affordable filaments on the market.

This material is strong and flexible, and has high heat resistance, meaning it can perform without deforming at temperatures of up to 120°C

It is also durable, with one user mentioning that a replacement gear 3D printed in Nylon lasted over 2 years. It is more expensive than PLA, however, and it is a little more difficult to print, but there are many tutorials and instructions online that can help you print durable gears.

A subcategory of nylon filament is carbon fiber reinforced nylon. This is supposedly stronger and stiffer than normal nylon filament, however user’s opinions are mixed in this case.

I’d recommend going with something like the SainSmart Carbon Fiber Filled Nylon Filament from Amazon. Many users love its strength and durability.

Some popular brands that offer nylon and carbon fiber nylon filaments are MatterHackers, ColorFabb and Ultimaker.

Another great Nylon filament that you can get for 3D printing phone cases is the Polymaker Nylon Filament from Amazon. It’s hailed by users for its toughness, easiness to print and aesthetics.

One drawback of Nylon is that it has high moisture absorption, so you must make sure you store it properly and keep it as dry as possible.

Some people recommend printing straight from a humidity-controlled storage box, such as the SUNLU Filament Dryer from Amazon.

3. PLA

PLA is arguably the most popular 3D printing filament in general, and this makes it widely accessible both in terms of price and finish diversity.

In terms of gears, it performs well, although it is not as strong or resistant as nylon. It softens when exposed to temperatures higher than 45-50oC, which is not ideal, but it is quite durable nonetheless.

As previously mentioned, you can go with some great PLA filament such as:

  • CC3D Silk PLA
  • Overture PLA

Similar to Nylon filament, there are different variations and composites of PLA, some stronger than others. The video below looks at different materials and composites and how they react to torque (or rotational force), and it compares their strength, starting with different types of PLA.

The video below looks at the durability of PLA after 2 years of daily use (with this Fusion 360 File used as an example).

Many people use PLA for less complex projects (such as the Geared Heart mentioned above), and for this kind of projects this filament is a great choice.

Sometimes, people would print temporary replacement gears out of PLA for more complex machinery, with a successful outcome.


PEEK is a very high-level filament that can be used for 3D printing gears, but it does require a specialist 3D printer and a more professional setup.

One of the main properties of PEEK is just how strong it is, currently being the strongest filament on the market you can buy and 3D print at home, though getting the printing conditions right can be difficult.

Since PEEK is used in the aerospace, medical and automotive industries, 3D printing gears out of this material would give you exceptional results. However, this is a very expensive, costing around $350 for 500g. It’s also difficult to print at home, which is why it might not be an ideal choice.

Have a look at this video that gives an introduction into PEEK.

You can check similar ones for sale at Vision Miner.

How Do You Make 3D Printed Gears Stronger?

To make your 3D printed gears stronger, you can calibrate your printer, print the gears face-down to avoid having supports, adjust the printing temperature to make sure the filament bonds well, adjust the infill settings, and make less teeth, so each tooth can be printed thicker and stronger.

Calibrate Your Printer

As with any print, calibrating the printer properly should help you make your 3D printed gears stronger, as well as more dimensionally accurate.

Firstly, be careful about bed levelling and the nozzle distance from the bed, so you can get a strong first layer and good layer adhesion for your gear.

Secondly, calibrate the E-Steps and Flow Rate so you can have the right amount of filament flowing through the extruder and avoid blobs or gaps in your 3D printed gears, which can compromise its integrity. Here is a video explaining how to do this calibration.

Print the Gear Face Down

Always print your gears face-down, so that the teeth of the gears are touching the built plate. It produces a gear with stronger teeth since the layer adhesion is more secure. It also reduces the need for supports, which when removed can damage the integrity of the gear.

Here is a video explaining printing orientation more in-depth.

If you have a gear with a mounting, always print the gear at the bottom, with the mounting on top, as shown in the video below.

Calibrate the Printing Temperature

You want to find the best temperature for your filament to melt properly and stick to itself. You can do this by printing a Temperature Calibration Tower from Thingiverse.

There is a newer technique to setting up a temperature calibration tower through Cura. Check out the video below to see how you can do this for your own 3D printer.

Raising your temperature without a calibration test can be done to melt the filament more and make layers bond better. Usually, increasing the temperature in 5-10°C works well if you are experiencing such issues.

This can be paired with decreasing or removing cooling altogether, for better layer adhesion. If this does not work to make your gears stronger, however, you should do a calibration test.

Adjust Infill Settings

Generally, you need an infill value of at least 50% to achieve a good level of strength for the gear but the value can differ depending on the infill pattern.

Some users recommend 100% infill for smaller gears, while others suggest that anything over 50% works, and a high infill percentage will not make a difference. It has been suggested that the Triangle infill pattern is good to use as it provides strong internal support.

One infill setting that will make your gear stronger is Infill Overlap Percentage, which measures the overlap between the infill and the walls of the model. The higher the percentage, the better the connection between the walls and the infill.

The Infill Overlap setting is set at 30% by default, so you should gradually increase it until you see no more gaps between the infill and the perimeter of your gear.

3D Print Gears with Fewer Teeth

A smaller number of teeth on a gear means larger and stronger teeth, which, in turn, means a stronger overall gear. Smaller teeth are more prone to breaking, and they are more difficult to accurately print.

The thickness of the teeth of your gear should be 3-5 times the circular pitch and increasing the width of your gear proportionally increases its strength.

If your project allows it, always choose the minimum number of teeth required. Here is a more detailed guide on how to approach the design of gears for maximum strength.

There’s a really cool website called Evolvent Design where you can create your own gear design and download the STL to 3D print.

How Do You Lubricate PLA Gears?

To lubricate gears, you should use grease or oil to cover the gears so that they rotate and slide easier. Popular lubricants for 3D printed gears include lithium, silicone or PTFE based ones. They come in applicator bottles and sprays depending on your preference.

For PLA, for example, it’s best to choose a lighter lubricant, although the above-mentioned greases have been widely used as well, with satisfying results.

Different types of lubricants there have different ways to apply them. Lithium grease is applied directly on the gears, while PTFE usually comes in a spray form. Apply the lubricant of choice and spin the gears to make sure the rotation is smooth.

Some lubricants with good reviews include Super Lube 51004 Synthetic Oil with PTFE, STAR BRITE White Lithium Grease, or even cosmetic Vaseline. Super Lube is probably the more popular option for 3D prints though, having over 2,000 ratings, 85% being 5 star or above at time of writing.

Many 3D printer users use Super Lube for a range of parts such as hinge, linear rails, rods and more. This would be a great product to also use for 3D printed gears.

You should clean and lubricate the gears periodically to ensure smooth mechanism operation (have a look at this guide for more information on the cleaning process of printed gears).

Can You 3D Print a Worm Gear?

Yes, you can 3D print worm gears. People have been using various materials for worm gears, with Nylon being the most popular choice, as it is stronger and more durable, followed by PLA and ABS, which perform much better when lubricated. Users recommend printing them at a 450, to avoid excessive stringing and supports.

One user also used PETG to print a worm gear for their car wipers, which has successfully worked for over 2.5 years.

Here is a video that tests the durability and strength of both dry and lubricated worm gears made from PLA, PETG and ABS, at high speeds.

Although very much possible, designing and printing worm gears correctly may be a little difficult, as you need precision and durability.

Furthermore, lubricating the gears might also pose some difficulties, as the lubricant tends to be removed in the rotational process, leaving the gear unprotected. This is why Nylon is usually the first choice for worm gears, as it does not need additional lubrication.

Can You Resin 3D Print Gears?

Yes, it’s possible to resin 3D print gears successfully and get some use out of them. I’d recommend for you to purchase special engineering resin that can withstand a lot more force and torque as compared to normal resin. You can also mix in some flexible resin to make it less brittle. Avoid curing parts too long.

The video below by Michael Rechtin is a really cool experimental testing out a 3D Printed Planetary Gear Box using both resin and FDM 3D printing. He used Tough PLA & ABS-Like Resin for this test.

One user did mention that their experience of 3D printed gears was that resin gears can actually be stronger than FDM gears. They had two applications where the teeth of the FDM 3D printed gears sheared off, but ran good with tough resin 3D prints.

The gears lasted around 20 hours before snapping or deforming. They ended up switching to pulleys and belts for better results in their particular project, which has been running successfully for over 3,000 hours.

Best 3D Printers of 2022 | Rating of TOP models of 3D printers for printing

Contents [Show]

The modern market of additive equipment offers many options for 3D printing equipment designed to solve various problems. Devices are in demand in engineering and design, architecture, medicine, industry, education, entertainment, engineering and many other fields. nine0003

Let's talk about what you should pay attention to when choosing a 3D printer, and also consider the rating of the best equipment models for amateurs and professionals in 2022.

How to choose the right 3D printer

There are a number of basic parameters that you need to pay attention to when choosing a printer for bulk printing. Let's briefly consider each of them.

Printer type

According to the ISO / ASTM 52900: 2021 standard, approved by the International Organization for Standardization, 3D printers are divided into several categories depending on the characteristics of the printing process (for convenience, we will duplicate the trade names for each category): nine0003

  1. DED (SLS, MJF) - deposition and melting of material using a directed electron or laser beam.
  2. BJT (CJP, NPJT) - selective jet application of a binder composition to the powder for its sintering.
  3. MJT (MJP) - layer-by-layer inkjet application of photopolymer resin.
  4. MEX (FDM, FFF, PJP) - layer-by-layer application of the consumable through a heated nozzle (extrusion).
  5. VPP (SLA, DLP, LCD, CDLP) - photopolymerization, selective curing of a liquid photopolymer in a bath under the influence of a light source. nine0018
  6. SHL (LOM, Composite Lamination) - gluing (lamination) of sheets of material.
  7. PBF (SLM, DMLS, EBM) - fusion of certain areas of the powder layer under the influence of thermal energy.


This parameter largely depends on the printing technology and is standardly described in the vertical and horizontal planes (Z and XY, respectively).

The Z resolution is the height/thickness of the layer. The thinner the layer, the more accurate and detailed the model will be. XY resolution is the smallest possible movement of the print head, which cannot be less than the diameter of the nozzle or laser beam. nine0003

The highest resolution is provided by photopolymer 3D printers.

Compatible materials

The choice of consumable depends on the 3D printing technology used. FDM printers use special thermoplastics in the form of filaments (PLA, HIPS, ABS, PET, PETG, Wood, Flex, etc.), while photopolymer printers use various light-sensitive liquid resins. Sintering technology devices are designed to use engineering thermoplastics or metals in powder form. nine0003

Many professional printers work with special purpose materials - composites (glass-filled materials, carbon fiber, etc.), metals, wood, concrete, ceramics, dental photopolymers, wax, etc.

Print platform (desktop, build platform)

This is the plate on which objects are printed. A high-quality platform ensures reliable adhesion of models to the surface (adhesion) during printing and at the same time makes it easy to separate them at the end of the process. nine0003

Typically, the print bed is made of glass, but other materials can also be used. To improve the contact of the material with the platform, special sprays and adhesives increase adhesion (Adhesion). Professional models of 3D printers usually have features that increase the resistance of printing to failures:

  • flexible, removable or magnetic platform;
  • automatic print area alignment system;
  • heated platform for handling high temperature materials. nine0018


3D printing can be associated with some risks even when all safety regulations are followed. For example, high-temperature printing increases the risk of burns, and some powder materials or photopolymer resins are harmful to the skin.

To reduce the risk of exposure to toxic substances, some printers recommend the use of protective chambers, air filtration and ventilation systems, protective gloves, and goggles. There are also models of 3D printers designed to be serviced exclusively by trained personnel. nine0003

Noise level and motor drivers

Drivers and stepper motors directly affect the noise level during equipment operation. More advanced and expensive drivers, coupled with high-quality stepper motors, contribute to a significant reduction in the noise level during the printing process.

Self assembly

Most manufacturers offer additive devices that are ready to go. But some models of 3D printers are presented as self-assembly kits (DIY kits). When buying, you need to consider that assembling such a device can cause certain difficulties, especially for the first time. nine0003

Product size

The choice of the area of ​​the working area of ​​the equipment depends on the dimensions of the parts that are planned to be printed on a 3D printer. For a home, it is enough to purchase a device with parameters up to 200x250x200 (WxHxD). This is enough to solve most problems. For more serious tasks, we recommend considering models with a working area of ​​at least 306x306x610 (WxHxD), such a print volume will allow you to print large objects without subsequent gluing with the same print quality and resolution. nine0003


Let's take a closer look at the main technologies used in the field of 3D printing:

  1. FDM is a method of layer-by-layer deposition of plastic filament threads. Ideal for creating functional prototypes and parts from high-strength industrial plastics.
  2. DLP - layer-by-layer curing of photopolymer resins using LED projectors. Allows you to produce ultra-precise, highly detailed objects with a high-quality surface. nine0018
  3. SLA - curing layers of liquid photopolymer using a laser beam. Suitable for printing very precise products with complex geometry and fine details.

Multicolour printing

There are modifications of printers that support the function of printing in two or more colors. Most of these FDM devices are equipped with two presses filled with threads of different colors. A separate file is used to print each color, and sections of different colors are combined with each other like a three-dimensional puzzle. There are also color powder printing technologies, such as CJP or MJM, but the range of their application is limited to simple layout or prototyping. nine0003

Print surface

The surface quality of finished models depends on both the technology used and the print resolution. If necessary, the products are easily amenable to post-processing.

Housing type

Volumetric printers are available in an open or closed case. Open type devices are cheaper, but may have print quality issues and shrinkage of ABS products due to temperature changes. Enclosed printers have a more rigid, stable design and deliver high quality builds because their print surface is protected from dust and other unwanted particles. In addition, they have a low noise level and are safer to operate. nine0003


The majority of modern 3D printers have built-in memory, a port for USB flash drives or are equipped with SD memory cards, which allows you to continue the 3D printing process without a permanent connection to a PC. Some devices may also support wireless technology (Wi-Fi or P2P) or connect via Ethernet. Recently, more and more manufacturers include in their devices the possibility of forming 3D printing farms from a cluster of devices connected by one local network. nine0003


Additive technology comes with special software or is compatible with open-source programs that can be downloaded, for example, from the manufacturer's website. As a rule, the software runs on Windows, Linux or MacOS. The software package may include modules for optimizing 3D models, building automatic supports (supports), controlling the movement of the printing block and desktop, and advanced preparation of layers for printing. nine0003

3D printer models

Consider the different models of amateur and professional 3D printers recognized as the best in 2022.

Assembly kits

Self-assembly kits (DIY) are the most budgetary and popular variant of FDM/FFF/PJP 3D printers in Russia. The use of such kits allows you to independently assemble, configure, reconfigure and upgrade printing devices to suit your needs.

The most popular DIY kits in 2022: nine0003

Creality Ender 3

Thoughtfully designed home 3D printer with open chamber, large build area (WxHxD: 220x250x220mm) and high print quality at speeds up to 180mm/s. Works great with PLA, ABS, PETG, TPU, Wood and other plastics. Equipped with a single extruder, a heated worktable, a compact display that shows the main parameters, and an active cooling system. Suitable for printing small functional items, prototypes or decorative figurines. Connects via USB or microSD. nine0003

Flying Bear Ghost 5

Equipment for semi-professional use, equipped with an open chamber with dimensions of 255x210x210 mm. Due to the uniform supply of the filament, it allows you to produce high-resolution parts at a speed of up to 150 mm / s and an accuracy of up to 0.01 mm. The model is equipped with one extruder, a heated table, options for adjusting speed and temperature, an active cooling system and a convenient TFT color display. Compatible with HIPS, ABS, Wood, PLA, etc. Reliable, quiet operation. Connects via Usb, SD, Wi-Fi. nine0003

Creality Ender 5 Plus

A printer with a large working area (350x350x400 mm), one extruder and a filament sensor that prevents printing errors due to tangles or broken threads. It has a magnetic platform with heating up to 100 degrees in 10 minutes, a rigid, reinforced cubic frame and a reliable power supply with overheat protection. Provides fast, high-precision, stable printing with an adjustable layer thickness of 0.1-0.4mm.

Creality Ender 6

Equipment with a closed plastic case, one extruder with a heating temperature of up to 260 degrees, a color touch screen and a build area of ​​250x250x400 mm. Ideal for small batch production and prototyping. The printer is equipped with a heated bed, connects via SD and is compatible with most of the available filaments. The layer height is 0.1-0.4 mm.

Budget 3D printers

This category includes inexpensive, ready-to-use FDM/FFF 3D printers designed for beginners - ordinary users, students in robotics circles, schools, etc. The devices are endowed with additional options that allow you to achieve excellent results with simple, understandable operation. nine0003

The best budget models of 2022:

Anycubic Mega S

Functional equipment with a working space of 210x210x205 mm and the possibility of resuming the work process after a power outage. The device has a color touchscreen, a heated platform with Ultrabase coating, connects via data cable or SD and prints at speeds up to 100 mm/sec. Layer height - 0.05-0.3 mm.

FlashForge Adventurer 4

A good option for children or teenagers who are fond of 3D modeling. The printer has a working area of ​​200x200x250 mm, a heated platform, a color touch screen and is connected via USB, Ethernet or Wi-Fi. Construction speed - up to 150 mm / sec. Layer thickness - 0.1-0.4 mm. The model is also equipped with a built-in webcam, a filament end sensor, an auto-calibration function and the possibility of remote control through the application.

Voxelab Aries STEM

A printer with a full range of modern functions, designed to create objects of standard sizes (200x200x200 mm). Prints at speeds up to 80 mm/sec. and a layer thickness of 0.1-0.4 mm. Connection - Usb, SD, Wi-Fi. nine0003

QIDI i-Mate S

A device with a working space of 260x200x200 mm, connected via Usb, LAN or Wi-Fi. Layer thickness - 0.05-0.2 mm, construction speed - up to 80 mm/sec. Great for prototyping simple objects.

Budget Large Format 3D Printers

Devices designed to create a large number of small products in one go or to print large objects. These printers are equipped with a capacious platform and have increased reliability and stability. nine0003

The most popular low-cost large-format FDM 3D printers in 2022:

Wanhao D12/500

A model with an improved component base and mechanics, updated electronics, a redesigned feed mechanism, a heated platform and two extruders. Construction area - 500x500x500 mm. Layer thickness - 0.1-0.4 mm, build speed - up to 150 mm/sec. Connection - Wi-Fi, MicroSD.

Creality Ender 5 Plus

Apparatus with dimensions of the working area 350x350x400 mm. It has a robust construction with a reinforced structural profile frame and a heated platform. Provides the most accurate, stable printing and smooth, stable movement along the axes. Connected via SD. The layer height is 0.1-0.4 mm.

Creality CR-10S Pro V2

A 3D printer that delivers high performance and exceptional print stability. Ideal for creating print trusses that produce large runs of the same type of parts. Construction volume - 300x300x400 mm. Print speed - up to 180 mm / sec. (recommended speed is up to 60 mm/s). Layer height - 0.1-0.4 mm. Connection - SD. nine0003

Professional 3D printers

Professional-grade printers are designed to produce complex objects using high-temperature engineering plastics and other consumables. Such equipment has a closed chamber to maintain a certain temperature and ensure stable printing.

Best Professional FDM 3D Printers of 2022:

FlashForge Creator Pro 2

Technique with two independent extruders for simultaneous printing of two identical products. The second extruder can be used to create soluble supports for the production of complex models with a quality surface. Construction area - 200x148x150 mm. Layer height - 0.1-0.4 mm, build speed - up to 100 mm/sec. Connection - Usb, SD.

Picaso Designer Classic

A printer designed to solve a wide range of tasks. It has built-in profiles for different types of plastic, which makes it easy to start printing. Chamber size - 200x200x210 mm. Work speed - up to 100 cm3 / h, layer thickness - from 0.01 mm. Connection - Usb, Ethernet. nine0003

Anycubic 4Max Pro 2.0

Advantages of the model: dual drive extruder for working with soft, flexible plastics, filament end sensor, silent drivers, color display. The device provides the most accurate, stable printing at speeds up to 150 mm/sec. Camera dimensions - 270x210x190 mm. Layer thickness - 0.05-0.3 mm. Types of connection - Usb, SD.

QIDI Tech X-Plus

A printer with a capacious working chamber (270x200x200 mm), one extruder with a heating temperature of up to 300 degrees and a build speed of up to 150 mm/sec. Equipped with a heated platform, connects via Wi-Fi, Usb or LAN, the layer height is 0.05-0.2mm. nine0003

Professional single extruder 3D printers

Additive equipment of this kind is designed to solve various problems, from relatively simple to complex.

The most popular models of professional FDM/FFF 3D printers with one print head:

Picaso Designer X S2 (Series 2)

The main difference of this modification is the heating of the extruder up to 430 degrees, which allows working with a wide range of plastics, including engineering ones (ABS, PETG, PLA, PEEK, Nylon, Flex, etc.). Dimensions of the working chamber - 201x201x210 mm. Connection - Usb, Ethernet. Speed ​​- up to 150 mm / s. Layer thickness - from 10-250 microns. The printer is equipped with a heated bed. nine0003


A 3D printer with a large printable area (300x250x300 mm) and a wide range of useful features. It has a robust design with a strong double Z-rail, a heated platform with a double-sided coating for working with different types of plastic and a 5-inch touch screen. The extruder heats up to 300 degrees. Compatible filaments - PLA, ABS, PETG, PC, Carbon, Nylon, Flex, etc. Connection type - USB storage, LAN, Wi-Fi. Working speed – up to 150 mm/sec. Layer height - 0.05-0.2 mm. nine0003

Picaso Designer XL S2

The model is designed for printing with engineering and refractory materials, as the print head heats up to 430 degrees. Robust aluminum body with steel frame guarantees reliability and no vibration during operation. Chamber size - 360x360x610 mm. Speed ​​- up to 130 cm3 / h. Layer thickness - 10-250 microns. Connection type - USB-drive, Ethernet.

TierTime UP300

It is equipped with three separate extruders for working with different materials (low-temperature, high-temperature, standard), as well as various interchangeable platforms (smooth, perforated, glass). Supports print queue for different users. Dimensions of the working area - 205x255x225 mm, layer height - 0.05-0.4 mm. Connection - Usb, LAN, Wi-Fi.

Bizon 3

An updated version of the Bizon 2 model. Layer thickness - 0.02 - 0.65 mm. Print area size: 300x300x400mm. Print speed: up to 160 mm/s. Layer height: from 0.02 to 0.65 mm. Connection type: USB, SD card. nine0003

Mid-range large format 3D printers

This category includes models for universities, specialized colleges and offices of medium-sized companies.

The best mid-range large format FDM 3D printers in 2022:

Raise3D Pro3 Plus

Equipment with a transparent body and two extruders equipped with a lifting mechanism, well-thought-out kinematics, interchangeable nozzles of different diameters and a convenient 7-inch color touch screen. Other options: Low Filament Sensor, Print Resume System, RaiseCloud Firmware, Webcam, IdeaMaker Slicer, RaiseCloud Cloud Service. Printed volume: 300x300x605 mm (for one extruder), 255x300x605 mm (for two extruders). Connection - Wi-Fi, Usb, LAN. Speed ​​– up to 150 mm/sec. Layer thickness - from 0.01 mm. nine0003

FlashForge Creator 4

High-performance, accurate 3D printer with a system of two independent extruders and an advanced thermal management system inside the chamber (to protect against cracking and deformation of engineering plastics). Robust steel body prevents vibration. Print area - 400x350x500 mm. Speed ​​– up to 200 mm/sec. Layer height - from 0.01 mm. Connection - Usb, Wi-Fi, LAN.

Picaso Designer XL Pro S2

Large-format model with a working area of ​​360x360x610 mm, a heated platform and two extruders with a heating temperature of up to 430 degrees. The device has a simple automatic calibration, a built-in material spool drying mode and a plastic feed control system. Layer thickness - 0.01 mm, speed - up to 130 cm3/h. Connection type - Usb, Ethernet.

CreatBot D600 Pro

The printer with the largest print area is 600x600x600 mm. Equipped with two extruders with heating up to 260 and 420 degrees respectively (for working with standard or engineering plastics). Other features: heated chamber, platform and compartments, speed - up to 120 mm/s, layer thickness - from 0.05 mm. Connection type - Usb. nine0003

Professional Dual Extruder 3D Printers

Professional FDM printers with two extruders are designed to solve the most complex tasks. This technique is equipped with a fully functional slicer and a reliable nozzle lift mechanism or independent extruders.

The most popular professional grade dual extruder 3D printers:

Raise3D Pro2 Plus

The flagship model of the manufacturer, endowed with a full range of useful features. The equipment, enclosed in a transparent case, is connected via Usb, Wi-Fi or LAN and is distinguished by quiet operation. Equipped with an extruder lifting mechanism, a 7-inch color touch screen, a filament end sensor, and a print resume system. Includes RaiseCloud software, webcam, replacement nozzles. Print volume - 305x305x605 mm (for 1 extruder), 280x305x605 mm (for 2 extruders). Speed ​​– up to 150 mm/sec. Layer height - from 0.01 mm. Connection - Usb, Wi-Fi, LAN. nine0003

Picaso Designer X Pro S2

A compact device with dimensions of the construction area of ​​201x201x210 mm, providing excellent print quality. It has a high temperature mode with heating up to 430 degrees for printing with complex filaments. Speed ​​- up to 130 cm3 / h, layer thickness - from 0.01 mm. Connection - Usb, Ethernet.

Raise3D E2

High-performance 3D printer with two independent print heads (IDEX system), heated platform and print speed up to 150 mm/sec. A built-in step-by-step video instruction for site calibration is provided. Layer thickness - 0.02-0.25 mm. Connection - Usb port, Wi-Fi, LAN. Print volume - 330x240x240 mm (1 printhead), 295x240x240 mm (2 extruders).

FlashForge Creator 3 Pro

Model with a large chamber (300x250x200 mm), HEPA filter, built-in webcam, color screen and the ability to install hardened nozzles with a material melting point of up to 320 degrees. The heating speed of the working platform is up to 120 degrees in 3 minutes. Print speed - up to 150 mm / sec. Layer thickness - 0.05-0.4 mm. Connection type - Usb, Ethernet, Wi-Fi.

CreatBot F430 PEEK

3D printer ideal for PEEK and other filaments. Equipped with a closed chamber with temperature support and two printheads with heating up to 260 and 420 degrees, respectively. Construction area - 400x300x300 mm. Layer height - from 0.02 mm. Speed ​​– up to 180 mm/sec. Connection - Usb.

Ultimaker S5

An easy-to-use device that prints with threads of non-standard diameter - 2.85 mm. The size of the working area is 330x240x300 mm. Layer thickness - from 0.02 mm. Speed ​​- 24 mm3 / sec. Connection type - Usb, Ethernet, Wi-Fi. nine0003

Photopolymer desktop 3D printers

Modern models of 3D printing devices using photopolymers are equipped with monochrome displays with a resolution of up to 8K, which provide high speed and quality of building objects of any geometry.

Best photopolymer 3D printers of 2022:

Phrozen Sonic Mini 8K

A compact budget LCD printer with over 2000 hours of uninterrupted operation. Equipped with 8K 7.1” Mono LCD display. Print volume - 165x72x180 mm. Layer height - 0.01-0.3 mm. Resolution along the XY axis - 22 microns. nine0003

Phrozen Sonic 4K 2022

Equipment for permanent loads, ideal for dental laboratories and dental clinics. It has a heated chamber 134x75x200 mm with an odor filter and a Mono 4K 6.1” LCD display. Layer thickness - 0.01-0.3 mm.

Formlabs Form 3+

LFS printer with an intuitive interface and many special settings. The light source is a 250 mW laser. The size of the working area is 145x145x185 mm. Layer thickness - 0.025-0.3 mm. nine0003

Anycubic Mono X 6K

3D printer with a working chamber 197x122x245 mm and a high-quality Mono 6K 9.25” LCD screen. Layer height - 0.01-0.15 mm.

XYZ Part Pro 150

Equipped with a 5 inch LCD touch screen. Illumination source: 405 nm UV laser. Print area size: 150x150x200 mm. Layer thickness: 25 to 200 microns (0.025 - 0.2 mm).

Best Large Format Desktop Resin 3D Printers

Phrozen Sonic Mega 8K

The best 3D printer in its segment, capable of solving tasks that usually only an entire farm can handle. Suitable for both mass production of small detailed products, and for printing huge objects and dioramas. It is equipped with a 15-inch Mono 8K LCD display and has a working area of ​​330x185x400 mm. Resolution - less than 50 microns, layer height - 0.01-0.3 mm.

Formlabs Form 3L


LFS-technique with a construction area of ​​335x200x300 mm, creating high-precision details using a 2x250 mW laser with a spot diameter of 85 microns. It is possible to install two cartridges at the same time for uninterrupted printing of large models. Layer thickness - from 0.025 mm.


All 3D printers reviewed have been rigorously tested in practice and tested by experienced engineers. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, therefore, when choosing a model, it is necessary to focus, first of all, on the expected result, equipment functionality and budget. nine0003

If you find it difficult to make a choice, please contact 3DTool. Our experts will help you choose the right 3D equipment and consumables for you.

Which 3D printer to choose for home and hobby use

A few years ago, 3D printers were bulky industrial machines, but now 3D printing is becoming more accessible for home use. When buying their first printer, many are disappointed. This may be due to the unsatisfactory quality of the resulting models or the complex setup and maintenance of the 3D printer. nine0003

In the reviews that are found on the Internet, printers are often shown after a lot of upgrades or a long selection of settings for printing. This is not at all the result that a beginner who first got acquainted with 3D printing will get.

In order not to be disappointed, before buying, you need to understand which model is suitable for your tasks. First of all, it is worth deciding what the printer will be used for. What is the main property that finished products should have? What is more important, the physical properties of the model or the ideal surface and detail? Not only the model depends on this, but also the technology by which the 3D printer will work. nine0003

Which technology to choose? FDM or LCD?

If you need to make a small detailed figurine with a perfectly smooth surface, you should pay attention to models that work on LCD technology (LCD works on a principle similar to DLP - Digital Light Processing or “digital light processing”).

LCD prints using a photopolymer resin that cures under UV light. This makes it possible to produce without deformation, even small and thin products that cannot be manufactured using FDM technology. nine0003

Resin model

Now on sale there are many photopolymer resins with different properties. A few years ago the choice was not great. Basically, finished products were not strong enough for use in functional models. Now engineering resins have begun to appear on sale. Products from them are not inferior in strength to models made using FDM technology from ABS or even nylon. nine0392

If it is necessary to produce large products with different properties, or the tasks will be very diverse, then the choice is with FDM technology. But it is important to understand that finished products will not have a perfectly smooth surface. Of course, you can polish the model, but this is additional time and labor costs.

FDM technology builds a model using molten plastic filament, which is fed from the print head. The print head (extruder) “grows” the model layer by layer on the printing table. nine0003

FDM Models

FDM technology became widespread much earlier than DLP. Thanks to this, a wide variety of 3D printers and consumables for them has appeared. You can find many decorative plastics that mimic various materials, or engineering plastics for making functional models or mock-ups.

Choosing an LCD printer

Photopolymer printers work on one of 3 technologies - DLP, LCD or SLA. nine0003

As home printers, devices based on LCD technology are usually used due to their availability and low price.

Printer design

SLA technology appeared the very first among photopolymer printers. With the help of a point-focused beam, the desired areas of the resin are gradually illuminated. This is repeated layer by layer.

How SLA 9 works0388

Since the surface of the model is perfectly smooth, SLA has become used in the jewelry and dental industries.



DLP technology appeared later than SLA, but it is very similar to it. The main difference is that the light source is not a focused beam, but a projector. This made it possible to illuminate the entire layer at once, which significantly accelerated the production of models. The quality of the surface was slightly inferior to SLA, but modern DLP printers, in terms of the quality of models, are almost as good as SLA technology. nine0003

How DLP works


  • Faster production of models due to the illumination of the entire layer

  • Consumables are slightly cheaper than SLA

  • High surface quality (although may be inferior to SLA)


LCD technology is the youngest of all. The DLP principle is taken as a basis, but an LCD display is used as a matrix or illumination pattern. LEDs are used as a source of UV light in LCD technology. Thanks to inexpensive components, we managed to get a simple, but high-quality and affordable photopolymer printer.

How the LCD printer works


  • small cost

  • Cheap parts


  • Low accuracy compared to SLA and DLP (for jewelers and dentists, the quality of LSD prints may not be enough, although more and more accurate models appear with the development of technology) nine0003

  • Possible stray light

  • The quality of models may decrease at the edges of the printable area (this can be corrected programmatically)

Resins that are used as a consumable for photopolymer printing can smell strongly and unpleasantly during operation. Try to use the printer in a well-ventilated area, or choose a printer with a sealed cabinet and filter. nine0003

When choosing an LCD printer, pay special attention to the rigidity and positioning accuracy of the platform along the Z axis. If there are poor quality guides along the Z axis or even a slight play, then the surface quality of the finished model may turn out to be sloppy or the model will turn out to be unevenly striped.

Rating of the best LCD 3D printers for home

Anycubic Photon Mono

This is an LCD printer with a matrix that allows you to increase the speed and accuracy of printing. Anycubic Photon Mono will be a good helper for hobbyists and modellers. nine0003

Anycubic Photon Mono SE

Anycubic Photon Mono SE has an unusual parallel light source. This minimizes distortion at the edges of the printable area. You can effectively use the entire working area of ​​the machine and produce many small models at a time.

Phrozen Sonic Mini 4K

Model with high resolution LCD display and large print area. The monochrome display transmits UV rays better and allows you to print much faster than similar devices with a conventional display. The manufacturer claims a screen life of more than 2000 hours. Phrozen Sonic mini 4k is suitable for almost any task. nine0003

Wanhao GR1

Wanhao GR1 has high precision and large print area (140x78x200mm). The manufacturer tried to reduce distortion at the edges of the display, this allows you to make the most of the entire work area. High precision and large print area make Wanhao GR1 not only for hobby use, but also for production.

Anycubic Photon Zero

Small and very budgetary LCD device. Its resolution and small working area (total 97x54x150 mm) is enough for printing small miniatures, figurines or small engineering models. Anycubic Photon Zero is a good choice for beginners who want to get into photopolymer printing without spending a lot of money.

Choosing an FDM printer

If you plan to produce large and diverse functional models or experiment, a 3D printer that prints using FDM technology is an excellent choice.

First, decide on the size of the printable area and the properties that the finished model should have. After all, some materials require a closed chamber or good airflow to work. nine0389

Some printer models can be “upgraded” in the future. For example, if necessary, purchase spare parts for a closed case, put a nozzle of a different diameter, or change the thermal barrier to an all-metal one. But not all manufacturers provide for the possibility of such upgrades.

Printer design

Despite the same principle of operation, there are several different mechanics, which have their pros and cons. nine0003

Kinematics “Prusa” (Prusa)

Perhaps the most popular kinematics among home FDM devices. Mainly due to its simplicity and low cost. The main feature is the table that moves along the Y axis, while the extruder moves along the rest of the axes. Because of this, such kinematics was nicknamed “dragstol”.

Prusa kinematics

nine0426 Pros:


  • Slow print speeds. A massive table with a model is forced to constantly move along the Y axis, because of this, print quality will be worse at high speeds.

  • Some models have design flaws (for example, insufficient frame rigidity), they can be fixed, but for this you have to be a little inventor. Or find a ready-made solution on the Internet. nine0003

This category also includes 3D printers with console kinematics. The same prusa, only halved. Because of this, the frame is less rigid, but the printer itself is more compact.

Kinematics Ultimaker

The extruder moves along the X-Y axes, and the table only along the Z axis. All motors are trying to be fixed on the body to lighten the weight of the moving mechanisms, thanks to which it is possible to achieve high print quality at high speeds. nine0003

Ultimaker kinematic diagram



H-BOT or Core-XY

These are 2 similar but more complex kinematics - the table moves only along the Z axis, and the extruder along the X-Y. But to move the extruder, 1 or 2 long belts and 2 stepper motors work in concert.

Example Core-XY kinematics


  • High print quality

  • High print speeds without loss of quality.

  • Can be easily closed completely


nine0426 MakerBot Kinematics

Similar to Ultimaker kinematics, but one of the motors is located on the Y or X axis carriage.




Deltas do not have the usual XYZ axes. There are 3 columns in the deltas, along which the carriages move, and the position of the extruder in space is calculated using a complex formula. The table is usually statically fixed to the body. nine0003

Delta printer example



Nuances of choosing an FDM 3D printer

In addition to kinematics, when choosing a printer, it is important to take into account some design features.

One or two extruders?

Two extruders can be used for dual color printing, but most commonly the second extruder is used for solvent support printing. If you need to print complex parts with internal cavities, then you should choose a dual extruder printer. nine0003

Closed or open printer?

Printing of functional models and parts uses plastic, which usually requires a closed chamber. If you plan to print functional prototypes or various models, you should look at printers with a closed chamber.

Bowden or direct?

There are 2 types of material supply to the print head of the printer - bowden and direct. nine0003

In a bowden, the feed mechanism motor is located on the printer body. This allows you to reduce the weight of the extruder and print at higher speeds without losing quality. But because of the long tube, printing with very soft plastics can be problematic.

Bowden feeding diagram

In direct feeding, the motor and feed mechanism are located on the extruder. This increases the weight of the print head, but allows you to print with any kind of plastics. nine0003

Direct feeding scheme

Heated table or not?

The heating of the table improves the adhesion of the first layer of the model. And engineering plastics cannot be printed without a heated table.

Many manufacturers add useful additional features. They do not affect the quality of the print, but save time and nerves. The most useful additional functions are the filament presence sensor and remembering the print location after a power outage. nine0003

Filament sensor.

It will automatically pause printing if the plastic runs out. When there is a little plastic left on the spool, this feature will allow you not to stand over the guard printer until the old spool runs out in order to have time to push in a new bar “on the go”.

Power failure protection.

Remembering where to print when the power goes out can save you a lot of nerves when printing large models. You won't have to worry that after a power outage, you will have to run the model again for many hours or cut and reprint a piece of the model. It is especially disappointing to throw away a complex underprinted model with supports due to a one-minute outage. nine0003

There are also many extras. features that make using the printer more comfortable. For example, automatic calibration, touch screen, Wi-Fi and others.

Rating of the best FDM 3D printers for home

Anycubic Mega Zero 2.0

Inexpensive model with Pryusha kinematics. Good for getting started with 3D printing without a big investment. Despite the low cost, Anycubic Mega Zero 2.0 has a heated table and a resume function after a power outage. Thanks to direct feed, printing with soft materials should not be difficult. nine0003

Creality3D Ender 3 Pro

A very popular device due to its low price. But despite this, the Ender 3 Pro has a heated table and a decent print area. Can be sold assembled or as a DIY kit.

Flash Forge Finder

Small home appliance intended for children or educational institutions. The Finder doesn't have a heated table, but it does have a calibration assistant, a Wi-Fi module, and other extras that make getting to know it a lot easier. All moving and heated elements are hidden as much as possible in the case so that the child cannot get burned. nine0003

Wanhao Duplicator 6 Plus

Wanhao Duplicator 6 Plus was based on Ultimaker kinematics, but instead of bowden feed, they made direct. Because of this, it will not be possible to print super fast, without quality loss, but there will be no problems with printing with soft types of plastics. There are 2 trim levels - with a closed case and without.

Flashforge Dreamer

The Dreamer is a closed body dual extruder printer with MakerBot kinematics. Thanks to this, he can cope with printing models of any complexity. Using a second extruder for soluble support, models with complex geometries can be produced. A good choice for engineers and those who like to experiment with different materials. nine0003

Flying Bear Ghost 5

Most commonly sold as a kit (assembly kit). Assembly usually does not cause any great difficulties, even for people far from electronics or mechanics. Flying Bear is equipped with a filament sensor, a function to resume printing after a power outage and Wi-Fi connectivity.

The Flying Bear makes a great first printer for the novice user who is ready to build their own printer. nine0003


In order for the printer not to become a useless toy, you should clearly understand what it is for.

For a fan of miniatures or detailed figurines, a photopolymer printer is a good choice. A small work area is more than offset by the detail that cannot be obtained using other technologies.

For an engineer or a fan of experiments, an FDM machine with a closed chamber and two extruders is well suited. This will allow you not to limit yourself in the choice of plastics and comfortably experiment with any materials. nine0003

For a beginner who has not yet decided whether he needs 3D printing, you can opt for inexpensive machines with slick kinematics. Due to their great popularity, you can find a lot of upgrades and reviews on them.

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